Christmas comic?

or even in this thread, its been up for two weeks, and its not like this forums just bustling with energy. something like the confirmation or denial of a comic would be nice. although i’d be very disappointed without a comic another this year.


He didn’t volunteer the information - someone asked and he answered. Has anyone asked about a Christmas comic?

I’m very worried that the “Happy Holidays 2018” video the Overwatch page posted was their replacement for a Christmas comic.

I would ask but Michael usually doesn’t respond back to my messages except for a select few.


yeah, typically you’d need to get someone pretty popular in order to actually get him to respond, hence why i pointed out that this thread is here, and its not like its all that hard to see this particular thread, theres not threads clamoring for attention here.


I’ll give it until tomorrow or Tuesday. But then again, Blizzard wouldn’t be in their offices during the holidays?


Nah, there’s no Christmas comic this year. I’d like to be proven wrong, but that ship has sailed.

I really hope Blizzard has something huge in store lore-wise for next year or this year’s lore drought (1 comic???) will be taken much more severely than it currently is. I can forgive them, sort of, but only if they can compensate us next year properly.



Michael Chu: I would love to explore more of Hanzo’s story, both before the fight with Genji, and after Dragons, to see what his reaction to confronting his brother again is.

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