Cheese is faaar too strong

We were just dominating a team and they went pirate ship and steamrolled us. I genuinely have no idea what to do about it as a hitscan. I miss when I played Sombra and Hanzo.

his selfheal makes him cheese. You seriously canā€™T outdmg him as tank and supports can get pretty often oneshot by him.-

Nerf Cheddar.

Buff Pepperjack.

Mozzarella is fine.

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Yup, he claims that something is very strong in the rank in which he is playing. Is there a problem with that?

And since he certainly is considered considered an ā€œaverageā€ player since his rank is Platinum, then you should only imagine how bad the situation is in even lower ranksā€¦


Good luck escaping the bullet storm of a Bastion in the speed of a literal moth.

Yeah, 'cause itā€™s SO easy to do such thing when you are solo queuing in a lower/mid rank and I out get in a game with 5 insta - lock DPS and of whom not even one has a mic.

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Tanks can certainly kill him- however at the end of the day hes supposed to be a tank buster. Itā€™s not unreasonable to expect him to have the advantage.

If the reaper is ā€œoftenā€ getting within 1 foot of his opponents head, thereā€™s other issues.

But I digress- his life steel makes him ā€œcheeseā€?

Can I trouble you to define what cheese means to you?

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You forgot to end your post with a fedora tip. You absolute neckbeard.

I donā€™t think Mei and Reaper are much a problem in pirate ship.
But cheese can be strong depending on who youā€™re playing against. I just stopped playing competitive after getting it so often and left QP games after to avoid going against the same people again. Most of the time, when someone loses they switch to cheese, or atleast thatā€™s what they do in bronze.

Just look up new ways to counter it and ask your team to switch to those heroes.

Imagine trying to roast someone over their nickname what they choosed
for themselvs. You seriously have some balls boi.

Youre the one beeing toxic here (after people are disagreeing with you) & complaining about a comp which isnt too strong btw. Maybe youre just bad cause you might not know how to counter it.

This meta doesnt need any changes except you getting better/smarter how to play against it.

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Itā€™s making you lose because you are a bad player lol just get better at the game and you can deal with it lol. Thatā€™s part of the learning process in overwatch

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Lmao this isnā€™t real

Nerf training bot xo

most of them rather loose then switch.

no its not, otherwise this heroes would ahve really low winrates, funnily they dont have that.

But i think its safe to say, close thatā€¦ you will always protect your cheese, i wont change my opinion about them.

aka The CheeseBurglar


They have a high winrate because people like you would rather spend their time hitting their head against a brick wall then learn to adapt :stuck_out_tongue:

Maybe these people know when they are being countered and switch off. But if they come up against someone like you they donā€™t have to and win. That would explain a high winrate even though there are easily countered

Or maybe they are a niche hero and have tons of experience fighting standard comps. While all the other people in the game have a lot less experience fighting their niche character. That would also give them an advantage without the character being broken

A high winrate =/= broken character

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no it exactly means only this, High winrate=broken hero.

Which is why this crap is about to be meta, of course.

Clearly, weā€™ve learned nothing about ā€œcounteringā€ in a game with over 50 unique abilities. Iā€™ll give you a hint; itā€™s literally impossible to come up with RockPaperScissors balancing in this kind of setting.

Breaking news! Overwatch player discovers strategies are effective

Pirate ship is can be countered by a few different strategies, most of which donā€™t require much coordination. The main thing is your team canā€™t trickle in and run straight at the Bastion. If they are doing that, might as well call it a game.

  1. Donā€™t let the pirate ship get set up in the first place. Focus fire the Bastion the moment he appears and kill him before he sets up.

  2. Force him out of turret mode. The pirate ship stalls out if heā€™s forced to recon. Hack, sleep dart, and hook work well here.

  3. Ult them off the cart, and donā€™t let them set back up. Dragons, riptire, blizzard, molten core, etc.

  4. Dva rush. Use DM to eat Bastion and friends bullets as your team bull rushes in and focuses down the Bastion. This one does take a little coordination now that DM is so short.

Yeah I donā€™t recall why they made it so she couldnā€™t do it before, but it needs to be changed back so she can.