Cheating is justified in this game tbh

unbalanced mm means win rate is less than 10%. Completely justifies cheating to make games more fair imo.


Cheating is never justified. Itā€™s always a sign youā€™re insecure.


Ban this idiot.

20 bans.


Everyone cheating but me!


uninstall the game :smile_cat:


Iā€™ve seen some utterly ridiculous posts, but my god, this is just the most pathetic one Iā€™ve seen in a good while.

Youā€™re obviously a cheater. If not youā€™re the type that would hard pocket a cheating piece of trash on your team because ā€œNeEd My Sr BrUHā€ and have zero integrity or respect for the game or itā€™s players.

Pathetic. Utterly pathetic.


If only I can like this twiceā€¦

Why dont you just get good instead of dumping money into a program to play for you :rofl::rofl::rofl: donā€™t be such a loser bro


Well, good luck on getting your data stolen.

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Deserves it for being an idiot. Only way their kind learn.

Your right it shouldnt be. But then there are people like you who play so :+1:

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Can you tell me where I can get some pls

Whilst I would never ever condone cheating like really if your a cheater your scum end of.

His underlying point is totally valid ive seen some pretty badly unbalanced games in my time but this one just wow! look at junk rat for god sakeā€¦

Blizzards glory days are long behind them now I loved this company so much im glad Microsoft bought them I kinda hope they dismantle it aswell.

Bring back forum dislikes


If you want to cheat or condone cheating, play Sims 4.

I think the most important is to have self-respect, cheaters are lacking on that.

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To be honest I was going to mention that, but the OP wouldnā€™t understand the meaning of those words so didnā€™t bother

How do you even get 10% winrate? Youā€™d have to be playing battle mercy blindfolded on a different account while you afk every match.

OP just leave OW and move on, find some fun single player game, winning isnā€™t all tha matters, just have fun, I donā€™t even pay attention to OWL unless thereā€™s a reward for ME, as in if I keep a video playing in the background I would get a skin or credits.

10% what, mmr will balance around 45- 55%.
if your winrate is really 10% i donā€™t think even cheating can help you much

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