
Obligatory “they only nerfed her across 4 patches, not 10.”


I’m not saying they aren’t going to want it in the main game. People will still want it but it’s not going to happen and everyone needs to realize that. But I am saying people will avoid QP and Ranked and just play custom to have fun. Which is the ultimate goal of the game for them. If said person needs to wait 10 minutes for a custom lobby to fill up then they will wait 10 mins for it just to have some enjoyment in the game again. I can assure you. After being on the PTR and playing in workshop custom lobbies. There was atleast 30 lobbies called “Mass Rez” or “Creating Mass Rez” or “QP Mass Rez” people will be able to play with old Rez or try it out for the first time. I being in one of those lobbies. Was able to find a game in under a minute (and that’s on the PTR where there is barely anyone I might add). I’m going to repeat myself again for you. people will be playing with old Rez whether that be for nostalgia purposes or because they miss that iteration of Mercy

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Exactly, to still be upset about it at this point is simply irrational and kind of absurd


Im curious to know why folks would go into such games to play a character other than Mercy…or is it just these same revert/rework folks taking turns on FakeMercy while the others play whatever


Because quite frankly the game still has a lot of potential and it shines through every once in a while. For example, McCrees cinematic was incredible. I also think Baptistes character was quite interesting. His kit I think is also very interesting. Blizzars is 100 percent capable of putting out good content but it feels like their priorities are in the wrong places right now (OWL). Holding out hope they go back to their roots soon.

Thanks for the take…

We agree on that. And it looks like you’re saying some people will enjoy playing workshop with the version of Mercy that they want. However, it will not satisfy everyone. True?

How is it “sluggish”? It’s a matter of numerical balance and you should NEVER EVER use “feels” for balancing pure NUMBERS.

Zarya feels “sluggish” at 0 energy, they should make her never lose 100 energy so she “feels better”. Or how about Reinhardt? He sure feels sluggish while holding shield, we should change it so he GAINS movement speed while holding shield rather than losing it.

Besides, once you actually understand what Mercy does, and face the hard fact that supports are NOT supposed to outheal infinite amounts of damage, you’ll realize that it’s really not as “sluggish” as some people make it out to be.

Fancy words to exacerbate your point. Having resurrect clocks her in the moment decision making requirements up to 11, and the benefits of valks strongly outweigh “breaking the rhythm of beam juggling”. What even is that? Are you really incapable of managing her staff unless you can play with a metronome?

Mobility and range, both of which, funnily enough, are enhanced by valk. Oh, and you (mistakenly, I’m sure) forgot to mention how the exact kind of comp you are referring runs an extremely light backline with minimal presence and support peeling. Guess what valk does? You guessed it. 12 whole seconds of self peel. Very jarring.


This is all about how I feel when playing her. 50hps? As I stated because if all the bust heal and damage makes her feel ineffective in situations. It’s why I don’t play her all that much and stick with Bap as my main healer.

Rez slows her speed and range of mobility. It’s jarring to me because of how drastic that change is.

And again to me her ult just breaks the flow of her play for me.

These are my issues with how she handles. It’s why I do not play her that much except to just go BM in custom games. It’s why I’m working on Bap when I want to play a main healer.

Any reason why you had to be so hostile in your response?


What do u mean by that? If they aren’t satisfied tough s***. Devs don’t want to change Mercy. Atleast they have a way to enjoy her old iteration again then being left with nothing. And to be quite honest. Workshop is going to make it even worse for them and people who are complaining about these forum post because now everyone is going to have visual proof as to why they think there iteration will be better forMercy. So just wait if you believe now is bad. Lmfao

That’s ok, though. Mercy is a triage healer, and she isn’t expected to constantly top off every health bar. If that isn’t your style, Mercy isn’t your hero.

It slows her down while casting, true. But Reinhardt’s charge does the same thing in reverse. A slow and deliberate hero suddenly becomes very fast with limited control. If you find that jarring, again, it is not a hero for you.

Why, though? It enhances everything she does.

Beam range? Longer.

GA range? Longer. Speed? Faster.

The only thing it actually changes is how often you have to swap beam target (which from an efficiency perspective is an objective improvement)

I’m afraid I just don’t understand what kind of “flow” you’re looking for. A set 1-1-2 rotation that you never have to deviate from?

No, there isn’t. I apologize.


Basically I’m just saying even tho workshop is a thing now there will still always be some people who want mercy changed in the main game to their liking.

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I guess it’s because Valk just feels so safe and just puts me out of what I really I like about her play. Jumping from teammate to teammate and prioritizing who I need to go to.

Heck looking past my annoyance of the user the idea of Big Chains Little Chains would help relieve some of that by letting me prioritize once again.

And it’s cool. Mercy topics are pretty eeeeh with who posts.

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Sorry you’re unable to read.

Bursting your strawman: I said BLIZZARD lost 3 million players, not OW (in 1Q, not this one, sorry). It’s on their latest results report:

See “Audience Reach”, Blizzard has 32 million monthly active users (MAUs):

h ttps://

While in the previous quarter (see "fourth quarter and 2018 segment results), they had 35 million MAUs:

h ttps://

In fact, year over year the loss is of around 6 million players for Blizzard (probably concentrated over WoW, OW and Hearthstone).

Doesn’t change the fact that telling your players to “put up or find another game” NEVER works well.

Mercy players once made up 15% of OW population, since she appeals to the MOBA/RPG people, and were one of the reasons why OW distinguished itself from your run of the mill shooters.

Now, if you actively encourage them to get out of the game…

sorry, that’s not going to end well for you.


Mercy players taking up 15% of the population…where are you even getting these numbers? Just making stuff up to fit your narrative? And sorry but I’m not interested in blizzard losing 3 mil players across all of their games. Players come and go over time. That’s not exclusive to blizzard games. Even when players leave, it’s never permanent. They can always come back. Maybe they were taking a break to play other games or deal with real life. Good luck with your overwatch getting “shut down” thing tho

I still think Blizzard should try playing with swapping Valk and rez. Ult is back on to Mass Res and Valk is a E ability.



Would be nice to see said commentary et al, uhm, on another specific thread

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But you can’t tell anyone to stop writing forum posts they are entitled to an opinion just like you are. I’m sick and tired of all the “Brig ruined the game” posts. But do I write a post to people to stop complaining? No I don’t. So chill Karen.


I dont. I also didnt play DF when he sucked either. Difference is, i have, like 15 other Damage Heroes to pick, if i dont like him. Support is already slim pickings, as it is. So, throwing out Mercy as an option, just because Blizzard wont make her decent, really isnt viable. Especially, if your team wants/needs Rez or Damage Boost. Therefore, a lot of us non-Mercy Mains still end up playing her “for the good of the team”, and it bites.

As i said, not a great option. There arent many Supports, to begin with, and if you need/want Rez or Damage Boost, you have no other choice than to go with Current Mercy

If i wanted to play a different game, i would. Im here to play OW. But that doesnt mean i have to like everything Blizzard throws at us, including Current Mercy.

They deserve praise and/or criticism when they do something you agree or disagree with, depending on how those action makes you think and feel. Same as any other company or person. Blizzard isnt some Golden Child that can do no wrong and people need to realize that.

– Sincerely, Someone who isnt a Blizzard fanboy, or a Mercy Main/OTP, and doesnt like Mass Rez, but still thinks Mercy deserves better treatment than she is getting now


I didn’t explicitly say “stop posting about mercy” I made a suggestion that if you don’t like it don’t play it, pretty simple and no one even has to do it. It’s just a suggestion. I also stated that it’s unlikely mercy will be changed considering her current pickrates

IMO she’s fine and does not need to be changed. She’s not entitled to any special treatment and neither are the people who play her. Blizzard does not have to change mercy because some ppl on the internet said so, their reason being “she’s unfun” A pretty poor argument to have her changed at that. She’s in the game, she’s balanced enough said.

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