
That doesn’t mean they answered more than once though, or did anything shady to move the survey results around.

I mean, if I ran a survey around McCree, I’d expect McCree players would likely answer more than non McCree players, because the non McCree’s may not care so much.

Yes, and from Blizzards point of view, it comes down to numbers.

I don’t think we will EVER see mass rez come back, but I highly doubt this is the last time we will see a Mercy rework.

I’d be happy with a new MMO style support myself, but, they don’t know how to make them anymore it seems.

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Are you actually trying to move the goal posts right now? The majority were already mercy mains.

Them doing shady things to influence what other support player’s felt doesn’t matter when it still clearly showed they were the majority. Out of what, 5 other support’s at the time to main, Mercy mains made up over 40%. Had they not stacked it. If we broke down those roles without any bias, every catagory would have been 14%

and really, the original point was the forums were a great sample size… that survey alone shows you very clearly it is anything but.

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Let us talk about goal posts - because I haven’t moved anything.

You posted.

And the survey didn’t show that at all. Where in the survey did it show that the mercy mains where just on the forum to complain?

It didn’t, and so I called you out on it.

When you said…

and then ALSO didn’t back that up. I’ve shown that IF they were going to mess with the survey results, then the survey would have looked VERY different.

When I pointed out that, you moved the posts again. Complaining that it was answered mostly my mercy mains.

THEN you complain I am moving the goal posts on you…

Right… I’m moving the posts, by pointing out whenever you post, you include wild accusations you can’t back up.

So, you NOW want to argue that because a survey on the forums had a small sample size - that the forums themselves are small?

Fantastic stuff.


I literally have explained this to you three times now. You can choose to accept it, or don’t I don’t care. But the facts are right their in the link for you to see whether you acknowledge it or not.

You’re right, that should have been 100% to prove to you that mercy mains fixed it, because clearly everyone is in support of mass res…
Even if you’re the majority in these forums, there are still plenty of people who hold differing views.

and no, the forums population being small is my argument for the forums population being small, especially when you compare it to something like the overwatch subreddit. The forum population being bias, well that survey is a great example. Echo chambers exist, sadly.

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No you haven’t. You haven’t done that at all.

HOW does the survey show that the mercy mains are just on the forum to complain?

I’m looking for the question “Are you only on the forums to complain?” and the answers, but, I’m not seeing it.

Spell it out or go home. Because I keep calling you out, and you don’t have an answer.

Ok, so, you think, because people choose to answer a survey, they are fixing the results?

Are you going to complain next that the people who DIDN’T answer the survey fixed the result?

No, you said…

The survey doesn’t show that, and more importantly it CAN’T show that.

The forums has a lot of users, and you will need more than the survey to show it doesn’t.

Wait? what? how did the survey show that? because it didn’t conform to the world in your head?


alright bro. Good talk.

For the record, I’m glad somebody else acknowledged this happened. It tends to get swept under the rug.

Hate to break it to ya but a few mercy mains leaving is not gonna be nearly enough to “shut down” the game. Not even close. Also where’s your source for OW losing 3 mil players? If i don’t see a link with proof then it didn’t happen

It’s been almost a year now since the nerf, almost 2 years since the rework. Probably time to move on, let it go.

Uh so there’s this thing called consumer rights.

Without going into a spiel, when a customer pays for something they’re entitled to give an opinion on the product. Unless you support review censorship which is… really strange?

Not to mention Blizzard has repeatedly asked for feedback on the new Mercy and has never told people to stop giving feedback. Even if she’s not going to be changed, people are absolutely entitled to give their opinions on something. The only person here being entitled is you trying to bully people into not speaking when the developers of the game have explicitly asked for otherwise.


90% sure I asked you to not reply to me. And no, I don’t really care if you’re gonna spam me with “it’s public forums” cause it’s just harassment. Go away

People will join though. I don’t know why you are in denial that people won’t join those custom game lobbies? Lol because on the PTR there are people WAITING to join a Mass Rez lobby.

When one posts on a public forum, one implicitly invites response from the public

Forum rules permit any forum member to reply to any post, as the replier deems fit

There are of course rules to follow, including not harassong other posters, but i dont consider my reply here or the one you replied to to be such. I simply replied to the statement that was made, in both cases


100% sure that’s now how the forums work, bub.


Been a while, MB, good to see you here


Personaly, once in a while its fun playing cat and mice with the enemy dps and mercy excels in that :slight_smile:

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If youve invested dozens of hours into a hero youre allowed to be upset when they change them so extremely and then nerf them 10+ times in a row.

Just quit the game, thats what i did. Blizzard doesn’t care. Games dying. Im over it.

Because I’ve played custom games before and in my experience the waiting time to get a full lobby was bad (Mainly junkenstein custom) Once it’s in the live game and the novelty wears off it’ll just be custom games 2.0. It’s not like you can get a full pre mercy rework experience in workshop. No ranked, longer wait times. There will still be ppl who want multi Rez back in the main game, I’m not sure why you’re in denial about this

Apparently you’re not over it. :rofl:




That was nearly two years ago, though…reasonable folks move on to other characters or other games

Aside: just curious, and its perfectly within the rules for one to do so…why continue commenting on a forum for a game one no longer plays? Id be interested in your take…


I mean yeah Im salty about Mercy, she was my favorite character and I invested a lot of time into her.

But its not worth playing the game clinging onto the hope of Blizzard changing her again. They’re not very good at listening to the community and really only care about OWL. It’s sad, but it’s the truth. Im “over it” as in Im done playing Overwatch. Ill drop by the Forums every now and then but neither the game or the community are seeming to improve.