Yeah, Mercy’s been so much better recently. She’s getting a ton of value.
The only reason people find Mercy boring is because her kit doesn’t really show the value she can get, and the really big carry plays that a Mercy can make are kind of like “oh wow cool”. Now i’m a mid gm (4400 peak season 15) Mercy player and when I make carry plays I see it, and it feels good. But it wasn’t always like that, a while back I just didn’t see the carry potential of the hero to actually appreciate it.
Another reason for this is there isn’t that much you can really do if your team aren’t cooperating. Widow can land headshots, genji can kill 6 with blade, Ana can heal through dumb players who feed. Mercy really can’t do any of that, she can only carry dumb players to a certain point. This makes games just feel out of your control completely sometimes.