Characters can be Meta without being overpowered

I said this back in dive regarding Genji and Winston, and people still would constantly want them nerfed. A counter has been introduced, and they are quite simply no longer Meta! I think the same problem applies to Mercy. Mercy is pretty meta in pro play as well with Competitive mode. She has been hovering around the 50% winrate for a while now. I believe that Mercy should stay as she is and not be nerfed or buffed. She’s balanced, for now (It’s pretty funny as it reminds me of a lot of people who would tell me that after the Mercy nerfs she would become useless. The opposite turned out to be true).


She isn’t balanced tho

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Sorry, but Mercy is too strong. Ana and Moira are capable of being main healers, but Mercy’s power makes both of them look like a joke.

It’s because she has rez.



Right now theres no good reason for Mercy players to put effort into learning any of the other main healers, because the value you get out of her in relation to the skill necessary to play her just beats out all the others.

If you want to get as much value with Moira you need T H A T much better positioning to heal multiple teammates at once while also being in range to damage enemys.

if you want to get as much value with Ana you need T H A T much more aim to land all your darts and skill-shots (nade & sleepdart).

I generally think it should be determined by how dominate they are in which skill levels, compared to how high their skillcaps are.

Like, Widow or Tracer or Zen being a top pick in GM? Kinda normal. Mercy dominating over every other healer in GM? Less normal.

I mean if meta is anyone above brigitte in grandmaster genji and tracer are meta again

I just want to add, Zen has been consistently meta for much longer than Mercy, and even now has a pickrate to rival hers, yet no one wants to even glance his direction.

People just don’t like Mercy being meta, it’s as simple as that.

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We have developer response saying Mercy is fine and balanced.

This meta is entirely powered by other characters. Mercy just fits in to it, i believe. Ana isn’t viable because she is underpowered.

But personally i welcome another rework if they decide to give Mercy one. I refuse any nerfs tho.

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Well, it’s because Zen only really dominates the high skill brackets and he’s the hardest and most rewarding healer to master.

Mercy is the easiest healer to play and easiest to master, and she dominates from Bronze to pro scene.

One is a lot more of an issue than the other.


ppl just hate her for how easy to use she is.

and a lot of the ppl hating on her are responsible for her being re-worked in first place (prolly)


Na, Rez needs to be an ult or tied to it, as an ability is OP and unfun for Mercy and those who she plays against

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This. I hope they learned to be careful what they are wishing for.


Moira hasn’t even been nerfed yet, you can take her off of the corpse pile of season 10.

Na, Rez needs to be removed.

No. It can be balanced as ultimate. Mercy was never even near the meta in pro level before rework.

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They wont remove it, it’s too iconic. It’s linked to sprays and real life merch. It won’t be removed sadly

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It still feels like an ultimate to me.

I don’t want to see mass res come back though.

Swap res and valk? Modify valk to non-ultimate levels.

Res works on 2 heroes max?

Sounds good.

I’m fine with 1 man rez as ult as long as it’s instant, has no slow effect current one has, and it isn’t one of the slowest charging ults in the game.

It should be perfectly in line with nanoboost that way (gives team advantage by buffing/bringing back teammate, applies to one teammate only).

If Valkyrie as ability allowed only flying and slightly longer single-target beam for five seconds with 20 s. cooldown, it would be balanced, imho.