Chance of an EXC today

Keep saying that when Blizzard nerfed the counter they had. In OW1 anyway.

Until OW2, they cant be stopped.




Okay. Since you know everything, tell me why Necros is constantly dropping out of GM because he can’t hold a 55% winrate. Tell me why most of the Genjis in OWL either got benched, or started playing other heroes. Tell me why Shadder2k stopped playing Overwatch completely.

Genji is garbage right now. If you can’t handle Genji, then I don’t know what to tell you.

You’re welcome to your own opinion, but I disagree. Reinhardt is a blast. Winston is a blast. Even Lucio is fun.

If you only think that DPS are fun, then more power to you, but there is no denying that there is more to Overwatch than DPS.

That’s not the ONE counter, and more people than just Genjis are responsible for Brig’s state right now. Hell, Mei is very good at dealing with Genji, and if you can’t kill him on Mei, once again, I don’t know what to tell you.

Oh please, you want to use that unofficial site? In fact, arent QP. stats on there? You dont show them.

Screw the 1% of the playerbase. Bringing them up is pointless. Heck, it doesn’t help your defense anyway because the 1% get to the Top 500s so fast because overpowered DPS carry them, not the other way around.

I WISH he was garbage. He’s not. You & others just want him to be even MORE busted.

You want to throw the opinion card when its a fact that the jobs of Defense & Heals get nerf after nerf? And in OW2, they’ll be dead altogether.

Anyone in the other 2 categories that are “fun to play”, are just DPS. Roadhog & Hammond, “fun to play”, and they NEVER had to put up with the barrier burden.

Rein, “fun to play” after Blizzard killed his barrier & buffed his damage. Thats literally the only reason he’s a blast. Before that, he always got CC’d to death. Sigma, same thing, Blizzard killed his barrier, while his dmg is why he’s fun.

DVA, she’s getting there to being turned into a DPS. People would not pick her if Call Mech didnt get kills & if rocket boosted Self-Destructs werent possible.

Winston, Zarya & Orisa are the only defenders left. They’re not fun to play because their damage is crap, and they’re easy targets. DPS have so many options when it comes to dealing with them.

Lucio, “fun to play” because he’s a 3rd rate Tracer. Ana, gets kills in 3 hits & the dart hands her free kills. Nearly everyone in the Healer category gets to shoot more & heal barely.

Mercy’s the only one left that focuses on heals(& dmg boost). You cannot honestly say its fun to use her. If a teammate doesnt have Pharah right now, you have to hope they take advantage of the boosts with whoever they picked & not rush in. Brig is dead because the DPS “fun to play” hypocrites.

It hasnt been fun to play as non-dmg dealing characters since old OW.

Its a fact. Even Jeff said he wanted OW to go in an FPS direction instead of a MOBA one. They’ve been doing that for 3 years. Blizzard keeps buffing DPS in favor of the 1%.

I said you hypocrites. I was referring to ALL DPS mains. Not just Genji mains.

Genji can swift away. That freeze isnt instant, and it will be gone in OW2 altogether. That will be a problem if Genji doesnt get a change to balance out the toning down of CC.

Also, using another unbalanced DPS doesnt change how unbalanced Genji is, and if you dont queue as DPS & your teammate doesn’t pick her(I was just in a match where a DPS teammate refused to go Mei to deal with a Hammond tryhard), you’re screwed.


Why would I use quickplay stats when discussing balance? It’s a mode where people mess around.

Clearly you’re too stuck in your own ways to accept other opinions, shown in your rising aggression.

By the way: Mei isn’t great for dealing with Hammond, Junkrat and Sombra are much better, but I don’t think you know that considering you called her “unbalanced”.

People havent messed around in QP(or Arcade) since in old OW. QP is where 99% of players are, not Comp.

QP is plagued with Diamond players & up. Genji is picked all the time & not once is there a player that ISNT a killing machine with Genji.

Again with the opinion card when Blizzard’s treatment of DPS compared to the other roles, prove otherwise.

That wall is a huge help(especially when tryhards resort to that cheap infinite spin around the point) & Hammond feeds enemies.

She’s a DPS that heals herself. In fact, CryoFreeze is the one reason she’s a pain to kill. Despite her freeze being so notorious

Yes, but you said it yourself:

That wall is an inconvenience to the Hammond at best.

You bait out Cryofreeze, and then you swarm her when she comes out. Cryofreeze is a suicide button.

Most of the overtuned post-launch heroes have been Supports and Tanks, prove otherwise.

False. Here is Jeff showing official data that comp is the most played mode:

Even if we use quickplay stats Genji still isn’t the most picked dps. Not even close to it.

Im so sick of that bait crap. CryoFreeze ALWAYS works to Mei’s advantage. It boosts her survivability. She doesn’t have to worry about needing a quick heal.

Also, Mei players tend to put up a wall after cryofreeze runs out, so they can get out of a jam.

In fact, if CryoFreeze didnt heal, THEN it’d be a suicide button.

They’re not defenders & healers anymore. They’re just DPS. If Blizzard really cared about those roles, Rein & Sigma would still have good barriers, Hog & Hammond wouldve had barriers, and Lucio, Ana, Bap etc., would have high heals & low damage.

But no, its all about dmg to the point that defense & heals will be dead in OW2.

That data is from a single day. As Jeff said:

It’d be intersting if there was an official chart showing stats for, how long now? 5 years? I guarantee you QP/Comp precentages would change, and said change wouldve started when the OWL came around & the focus was put on the 1% of top Comp players ever since.

Yet QP matches(and Arcade) being hell for 3 years now, say otherwise.

Feel free to present your evidence of “99% of players being in quickplay” then. Ignoring the available evidence but not actually presenting any yourself seems to be a theme. First Overbuff, now official data.

You asserting that Genji is dominating doesn’t make it true or even a little convincing. Present your proof of his dominance.

Regardless, the game is not and never has been balanced for quickplay. It’s balanced for the top where Genji is terrible.

Again, said evidence if from a day. That does not help your defense.

If the top balances made Genji terrible, then said balances wouldnt screw us over in QP & Arcade. If Genji was so bad, he would not be used in those modes, period.

Every time Blizzard buffs DPS for the 1% of players, the game is hell for the rest of us.

Feel free to present anything at all that shows that 1. 99% of players play quickplay and 2. That Genji is dominating in any rank in the game. All you’ve done is assert that Genji is too strong.

That’s because, as I said, people mess around in those modes. Genji is a fun hero so gets played in those modes despite being bad because nobody really cares about winning in arcade or quickplay.

You’re not worth it. You just make half-baked comments with no source to suit your case.

If I never see another damn Genji thread, it will be too soon.

I’m gonna be honest I don’t know what happened there. The numbers are messed up, but I cannot for the life of me find where.

I didn’t list Roadhog or Bastion because they both have a 0.0% pickrate for This Month.

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stop playing doom as some hard flanker and start playing him right lol

  1. You play the same game. You cannot pretend that Genji is barely around. I cant even say that PC has a difference, because a keyboard & mouse just makes Genji more effective.
  2. Come on, you say that when DPS dominate the Top 500s & get there in just 20+ matches?

They dont. Tryhard bs in QP like DVA’s ult + Hammond piledriver stopping targets from running, isnt messing around. Doomfist in QP isnt messing around.

One-sided steamrolls, you cannot act like that team is messing about. Then there’s PharMercy, Ash’s busted ult counting as a teammate on the point, DPS Hammond, etc.

And you do not want to get me started on Arcade. Just example is every Total Mayhem match having DF, Sombra, Winston, Lucio & Zarya, because they break the mode. There’s never any other combo, because nothing else is as effective. Players that go with that set-up arent messing around.

The Comp tryhards & Smurfs always do, and they ruin those modes for everyone else. The only ones that dont care are the ones that dont try to begin with & hold their teammates back.

This isnt old OW anymore. Back when QP had no hero limits & people went 6 DVAs or 6 Reins sometimes, that was done for the hell of it. Those days are gone.

He’s unbalanced. If Genji wasnt op, if Deflect didnt work on everything, if he couldnt jump mash, if swift wasnt regained after a kill(no other ability in the game is regained as such), no one would call him fun, because he’d actually require skill.

No Genji and Doomfist buffs
Nerf nano.

So we dont need Mccree every time random jerk decides to play Doomfist.
Arent you guys tired of Mccrees? He is not reason, he is a terrible solution to current terrible balance.

Nerf Winston shield too. So we dont need Mccree at all :smiley:

Are u joking or no??