Celebrate Pride in Overwatch 2

I was thinking that Blizzard is generous when it comes to pride event but they had proven otherwise. Now Blizzard is charging everyone who wants to support pride event (if you buy our skins from this event you are supporting pride) which really shows that Activision/Blizzard is lost company when it comes to marketing something.

If it wasn’t a trending topic in society, as much as it has been in the US political spectrum anyway, I doubt as many people would care enough to comment on it. Lots of social media bots about hopping on whatever is controversial at the time.

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Trust level 3 requirement are so hard for an average forum users, it looked like a second job tbh.

As the last remaining Pharah main around here, I bet you’re all wondering what I think of Pharah being lesbian

I literally don’t care, I’ve always disliked the goofy gymrat tomboy metal guitar and basketball personality they crafted for her after the first few years so this doesn’t affect my already low opinion of her personality


I kind of agree, though I must say it’s at least better than the almost zero personality she had before at least lol

She still feels a bit flat but she’s not sojourn at least.


So so happy about this. I have always known Pharah was a lesbian since release so having it confirmed now makes me excited for what’s to come for other characters and the OW universe as a whole.
Thank you so much, love this game.


distraction from lack of PvE was successful


I never liked Pharah because of her cocky attitude.

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Beginning on June 1, everybody that logs into Overwatch 2 will receive an extensive collection of profile Player Icons and Name Cards celebrating the many diverse identities that make up the tapestry of this fantastic community.

We can’t earn new skins without spending real money but we are forced to have things we don’t want in our account if we log in?



How do you know this?

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I agree she went from “I hate my mother” to sounding like she’s having fun.

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Idk honestly I prefer her original cardboard military callouts serious business version over the one that makes me cringe no matter what comes out of her mouth now

“ForGET REGULATIONS, I’m throwing a party!”
“Want to hit the gym afterwardSS?!”
“Show me your war face” Pharah:" RAHHAWRRRR~"

Like man, I missed when she was serious and her squad fought the Anubis AI and her omnic squadmate took his own life in front of her, so he wouldn’t be taken over and become a vessel to harm them. I want trauma Pharah


Legit confirmation of what the community already believed based on interactions surrounding Pharah and Baptiste? Awesome.

Player icons and banners that are varied and encompass as much of the queer identities they could find to cover? And most of them look cool? Awesome.

And it’s all free, as I suspected, the one case I was willing to give Blizzard the benefit of the doubt? Awesome!

Actual lore, and involving Baptiste specifically? Awesome.

All in all, I like the way this one has been handled and I’m looking forward to hearing the bigots whine about it being forced on them despite the fact they could simply choose not to use the cosmetic options or read the story.


Oh yeah, it was more natural!
Tracer was back during a christmas comic and Soldier a bit later during in a short story.
They both were pretty “organic” storytelling.
But no, there was still a lot of topics and whatnot about “Solider didn’t fit being gay”, “Why do they just make characters gay”, “Why do they reveal it randomly after we already know the character?”
And now we get “why do they need to tell us he is pan right away?”.
People just try to use any and every argument to justify their homophobia.
Just like the argument of “Well, why is the first thing they say about LW that he is pan?!” Even though that was from an article that wasn’t by blizzard, that spoiled everything.


I mean, that’s a totally fair perspective haha! I just felt like she was so boring before with her personality. She still is, but I mean. At least she has hobbies now I guess?

Versus say the best part about Sojourn is Murphy.

That’s the new way of Activision/Blizzard marketing. Give us money and you are supporting the event.


it’s almost as if you can choose not to use stuff you’re given for free. :joy:


This is such a silly comment its hilarious

“Pay up to support the event. We donate 20% and we pocket the rest!”

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I don’t believe in the future and want to hold on my happyness from 6 years ago! Why do I need to see that a new year passes in OW?! These real life politics have no place in ma’ videogames