Celebrate Pride in Overwatch 2

I mean, it was a 7 page short story. If you’ve followed the lore at all this was about as good as it could get in that span.

I like the pride event. It seems like they went pretty in depth for it and covered mostly everything Id have wanted them too. Its hard to muster a lot of excitement though because Im taking a temporary break until S6~.


Nah most players are happy for it I think.

I think it might of been a miss opportunity to make Mercy the Bi icon instead of Bap but either way i’m happy. I only say that so it would lean even more into those two ships. That way both could be happy.


They have forgotten to include any bi women, where I think for example Mercy and Moira would fit perfectly.

Besides, now with so many new icons, they could fix the forum so that we could change it, right? Right?

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so they announced the cancellation just before, works both ways dummy

the pits

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I’m so hyped for this! I can’t wait to go full on lgbt aesthetic on my profile! It’s a shame you didn’t add pronoun player titles but it’s something at least!

If I had to headcannon a sexuality for any of the characters, I have always just felt that Moira would be effectively asexual. Not necessarily that she wouldn’t lean one way or the other, she just strikes me as so fanatically devoted to he research I can’t imagine her putting in the time to think much about potential partners in the first place.


But no mention of Mercy. Unrequited love :sob:

You say this, but people complained about Soldier and Tracer back then as well.
Homophobes will always be pressed about the sexuality of others.


If I recall correctly any backlash toward Soldier/Tracer was nothing compared to Lifeweaver’s reveal, didn’t Tracer/Soldier have more natural reveals through storytelling instead of just “this character is openly pansexual”?

It’s been a long time, I could be wrong

The dev team should seriously consider adding pronouns as player titles that you also distribute to all OW players with the pride items. Then players that want to do so can equip those titles to identify themselves towards other players the way they want.


It was about the same imo. People overreacting to an imaginary character’s preferences of potential romantic partners and of course gross politics.

I’ve personally just though “that’s neat” and continued on with mt day because it’s just not that big of a deal in the grand scheme of things. I have more important things to worry about :joy:

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The soldier backlash was an absolute mess. Tracer saw a lot of praise though, yeah. It helps that when Tracer was revealed social politics werent at the level where youd hear people like my parents talking about them. They werent fully mainstream like they are now. You didnt hear news stories from major networks about Bud Light being woke.


Really? Maybe the time has just dulled it, but I don’t remember Tracer/Soldier’s reveal through comics or wherever it was drawing anywhere near the complaints of Lifeweavers reveal


I remember being active here during soldier’s release and there were a lot of really angry first time posters haha! I don’t really recall tracer as clearly though to be fair.


No surprise there. Most people have guessed on OW1 already :slight_smile: !

This one I’m not sure it was planned from the start as we’ve never seen Pharah in short stories or cinematics at all but even if it’s just fan service, it’s amazing.

Fareeha (on Twitch) will sure like the news :smiley: !

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I think it was due to the time period those came out. When more people imo were more lax about things. Now its all out war at the slightest hint a character is not a biological man or woman or if a character isn’t str8. Its instantly pandering etc etc


323 people have trust level 3.
That’s not as many as I thought.

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Well done, Blizzard. Well done.