Did anyone really care that much about McCree flash duration? How about Reins earth shatter taking too long? Did you think to yourself after setting up the perfect Ult position, then some M1Andy knocks you out of it, that Brigs stun lasted way too long?
It’s not the length of time that Mei can freeze you in place that is the problem, it’s that when she does you are actually removed from being able to play the game. Mei has an ability, I kid you not, that makes it so you actually can’t play the game. Think if you’d find that good design if you heard that.
There is this other guy Doomfist, who can fly in from outter space, where you’re not looking, knock you into the air disorienting you. If you’re not dead at that point they could just punch you across the floor and if you touch a wall you die.
No one cares about these nerfs, you didn’t address 90% of the problems with CC. Again showing you’re not listening, and you don’t care.
Having it not freeze the target makes it a lot more useless as a skill as moving targets keep their momentum as if nothing happened. It was changed to freeze people in place for exactly that reason.
I guess people don’t seem to realize when Jeff was talking about stuns he literally meant stuns and not soft CC. Doomfist only has one stun and that stun can’t be changed because it has to last long enough for it to punch you into a wall.
Soft CC still allows you to move and doesn’t technically lock how real stuns can. This is also why Sombra is not on the nerf list because Hack doesn’t remove your ability to move.
Sigma rock got nerfed SO HARD for next to 0 gain, they’ve swapped all the stuns from kill confirms into interrupts, but Sigma is weak enough as is and a rock stun time nerf was the last thing he needed, especially after the kill combo was deleted.
YOU don’t care about these nerfs - you can’t talk for everyone. This is a childish way to finish your argument which is a shame.
Mcree change is important because it both gives some heroes an escape and others a chance to shoot back before the 2nd head-shot. That is not a nothing change.
Why do you pick on Mei for freezing you for 1.3 seconds instead of Ana with her (now) 5 second sleep or Sombra with her hack which for some heroes is a high chance death (thinking Sigma at least).
I’d rather see these small steps than no changes, but the general gyst of your post I agree with - abilities that remove your ability to play the game for more than a moment (by which I mean flashbang is ok, rock is ok, etc.) are a negative for the game. Interestingly Jeff acknowledges that these types of abilities are disliked by the player base, but “fixing” a 6s sleep to be a 5s sleep is meant to help. It doesn’t.
Or how this is a nerf that is squarely targeted at OWL tier play.
The Brig nerf is just an excuse to make it a little less annoying though.
And yeah most the other nerfs are “so what, whatever” changes.
But the Sigma one is interesting, because it shows the devs might be thinking about dismantling Orisa/Sigma synergy.
Since Halt+Rock was pretty much the only way to reliably hit Accretion at any distance.
Yeah, most stuns in this game don’t punish based on duration as much as they punish based on interruption. When you get shieldbashed while using TAB, you’re not mad because you’ll be stunned for a long time. You’re mad because you just lost all that healing. Flashbangs over Rein’s shield are a big deal because the shield goes down at all, not because of how long Rein himself is stunned. Ults are even worse. Honestly, the only times I even care about the duration of a stun are for Sleep Dart and Blizzard.
I’d have much rather seen them do something to nerf repeated stuns. Getting flashbanged or 0.1 second shorter isn’t some great coup. But what if they made it so you couldn’t get slept, then flashed, then shield bashed, then rocket punched, without any gap in between. Stuns are meant to counter low health / high mobility heroes; but right now they’re too effective when they’re stacked onto tanks. Tanks will always be way easier to land stuns on. Decreasing the value of multiple stuns would make them much less effective on tanks, who need multiple stuns to bring down, without nerfing them much at all against heroes like Genji and Tracer.
Well, they could buff her significantly if they put in some counterplay to EMP, that doesn’t involve “everybody social distance yourself away from each other”.
They did nerf EMP duration and cast time. When she EMPs most enemies with a half decent awareness can almost shoot her down when she gets out of the EMP animation forcing her to translocate out or die, which as a result removes her from the follow up. Since Sombra makes up 50% of the dps slots that by itself is already big counterplay.
Mccree don’t deserve the nerf if the nerf went live then there is no real counter to the likes of Tracer and high mobility heroes they will get away easily