Cass's new grenade

not a fan. I thought it was broken or I was missing something until I read the patch notes and the took out the homing part. Something about how it didn’t fit the fanatsy? HUH? It totally worked for him. It wasn’t easy to land it sometimes and that made it fun and rewarding when it did attach, even if the damage didn’t take out the other player.

I hope they revert to the previous interation. He feels neutered right now.

He actually feels closer to what older players remenber him being for 7 years.
Many people from ow1 probably feel better with this one.


cass is a strong enough character with or without that stupid homing nade. can we please stop trying to overload every single characters kit


I haven’t seen a single Cassidy player (except maybe you) say they like it better lol

And that’s saying something because not many Cassidy players liked his homing grenade either


Maybe it’s an elo thing? Or the fact i never learned how the new grenade behaved.

Nah, mag grenade was a terrible ability, and I’m glad they removed it. I’ve actually been asking for this exact change for a long time. I do think they need to buff it a bit, though.


The homing nade was garbage and inneffective against the targets it needed to be effective against.


jUsT lAnD yOuR sHoTS lmao jkjk but fr i agree. Felt a bit hit or miss with mag.

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Maybe just increase the slow percentage.

As someone on the receiving end: the short duration and damage is fine, but I think it would be a worthy tradeoff to be slightly more “rooted” by the nade considering I can still shoot at cass while under it’s effect.

Overall though, Cass is good and doesn’t need a buff. Receiving a buff in any form should come with a compensation nerf because he’s been creeping up for awhile now.

yeah. it’s a nerf but objectively I like the new nade more. the previous iteration was half as frustrating to play with as it was to play against, and that’s still really really frustrating

TBF he did get a nerf to his roll, and (at least IMO) the deadeye change was also a nerf. So I dont feel like a buff to his nade right now would be completely unwarranted without some compensation nerf, but I’m open to waiting to see how things work out. I’m sure blizzard has the data on how well he’s performing.

I play a lot of cass and I don’t really think he needs a buff. they should adjust the cooldown and length of hinder, so that it only last 1s or .9s, and it has a little more uptime. they should also slightly increase the radius or the throw length, because it is really, really short right now. A very, very slight net buff

cass is dominant. he needed the roll nerf, and he needed the mag nade change. and it was a nerf to high noon for higher elo imo, because you really could just high noon infront of a tank and be invincible, but the chasing down ability can be great for rounding corners.

I wouldnt mind a slightly longer range/radius, but I really dont think they should nerf the hinder duration. If anything I was feeling like it needed to last longer, tbh. Hinder isn’t nearly as impactful as the stun was from OW1, so I feel like the ability for them to fight/shoot back and still use a lot of abilities doesn’t necessarily offset the slightly longer duration that hinder lasts for compared to the old stun.

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This one feels much better to play against than a grenade that chases me for 100m

Eh, imo the dead eye change breaks even as not a straight nerf or buff because he goes faster the less damage mitigation he has. He can catch people behind corners easier than before but the trade-off is that he’s squishier

Roll nerf was needed but he still has that generous extra 25 hp

We’ll see what the devs do with him but I stand by my opinion that if he gets other buffs he’s gotta get nerfs somewhere.

They changed it because it was impossible to dodge and ruined the skill matchup against mobile heroes who would try to bait and dodge his flash cc and he would try to catch them out and kill them.

Core design, he is meant to be strong in close-mid range with his gun, and his tool to deal with highly mobile heroes that excel in close range (better than him) is a close range only cc that briefly stops them from moving so he can get an easier shot off. The skill matchup is that his cc gives him an advantage but he still has to hit the shot and not just get free damage, while the enemy has to try to dodge or bait his cc to preserve their advantage.

Mag nade broke this whole dynamic by being a mid range (he can shut people down even if they don’t get close) homing (they can’t reliably dodge) free damage (reduces the need to hit shots) cc ability. This forced the ability to either be completely useless or completely broken; alternately having no meaningful cc, having horrible tracking that couldn’t hit anything, or having broken tracking that would follow you through blinks and make dodging impossible.

What they should do is get rid of the hinder and just bring back the stun.

the new nade is a lot cooler and from what I recall, more accurate. The range on it sucks though, I feel like it would be more useful if the range was a little longer

It’s better for consistency but the range is so bad and the visual and audio effects need to be clearer


its completely garbage at everything except getting tracers and moiras, give me mag nade back man

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Easily removed the tracking lock on. Let’s give him the Walmart version of Flashbang instead