Cass's new grenade

Full disclosure. I never played OW1. I am not familiar with his old playstyle.

Flash, fan, roll, fan. That’s how he used to bust tanks down.

Back then the flashbang had a 0.4 stun. And if you landed a headshot on tracer after that, she was a goner.

Cass has probably the second most basic kit of any hero on the roster and has since his inception.

It was 0.8s, upped from 0.7s at some point prior, dont recall when. (Just FYI)

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The problem with the new nade is that to get value he needs to play in a completely unsafe zone for him. It’s like: okay here’s this tool to not allow the enemy to get to you, but also you need to get into lethal range to use it. Identity crisis

Tracer gets in your face whether you like it or not. Use it on her.

Yeah for Squishies it works (they do need a visual indicator for teammates like dizzy sparkles around the head to get feedback), thing is it also allowed brawlers not to close in on him, considering his lack of mobility.

Basic doesn’t equal Bad

Pretty sure their comment was more in response to the “overloaded kit” part of the comment they replied to, not in regards to it being bad.