Only takes one shot and a stuck grenade to kill most heros. Did I mention it homes onto the target even if you’re not looking directly at them? Killed me today after it chased me around a corner too, it’s really stupid how this thing works because of how inaccurate it can be.
Ok, give him his old flash back then, I’ll play him.
True, however it has a pretty close range, combine that with his new damage fall off, you need to start thinking of McCree as a close to mid range hero.
mcree sucks, he does get a free kill but he usually dies right after, bc hes a close range hero, and the healers stay backrow, so he isnt getting healed when he does it.
Tell me ya didnt play enough OW1 without tellin’ me that.
He dies because hes NOT a close range hero and has no mobility whatsoever, the nade is there to supposedly help with diving characters but it does no such thing atm since most of them can react (about 8x humanly possible to react to his nade) with an defensive ability or just dont care if they are a tank.
his pickrate is very low
I know, i’m just clarifying hes not a close range hero, hes a bad medium range hero.
He’s in a weird spot because that grenade is very much corny to get killed by but every other hitscan outclass him in the range department. I’m assuming it’s that easy to use to fulfill the anti flanker role but it’s arguably even harder to kill them especially tracer.
Its also worse vs Reaper (wraith it, can even survive it with just a bit of healing), Tracer (recall, or just outrange it), Genji (deflects always counters it, can easily run away after getting stuck), Sombra (translocator, or just outrange it) and does close to nothing vs tanks.
i dont like him bc the grenade is no-skill, its like when you got on the board for a lot of fan the hammer kills, ppl are just like yeah, mcree being mcree.
Exactly cause at least with flash when it lands it’s a guarantee kill. Now you’re just gambling, it’s so boring
I dont like him because he only has 1 good and skillfull thing about his kit and is just his point and click part, hes also huge so you’re all but guaranteed getting hit.
His nade is horrible, not only weak and uninspired but takes no skill.
his FTH is horrible, also takes no skill
Deadeye is just stand there, takes no skill either.
He has no mobility either so ya cant even do any plays.
Flash was a bit much and this is way too little, i think they gotta do something like this with his kit:
I would also like if they made it track after leaving his hand instead so u can throw it over stuff and then it magnetizes if u hit it.
As much as i hated flash+fan the hammer, i agree.
I’m a doomfist main and that thing was horrible to play aganist, but still felt way more fair than the grenade
he’s a super good long range hero. He can literally 2 taps most dps heroes like tracer, hanzo, echo, pharah, etc from the very safe distance. His grenade does damage half of the health of enemies dps and supports, usually used for flank moira, genji, tracer, etc. Not mentioning, hog can suffered big damage from his right click.
You play him at the very backline of the team or flanking enemies team.
Wouldnt call him “super good” in any way shape or form, the only medium range character he might be better than rn is Hanzo and thats only ever so slightly, there are some maps Hanzo is better.
After his fall-off nerf i wouldnt call it very safe either, you also need to 2 headshot from many ranges, and thats his only good thing going for him.
Its awful, even Moira can just outrange it or just fade it, hecc she can even tank it with her orb.
His right click does only slightly more dps than his left click if u can headshot and overral less than half damage per ammo (840 vs 300) while having like no range, its awful.
Yes, to very little success.
Its not that OP didn’t play OW1. The problem is people don’t like losing, so when they do, they blame the person who beat them and not their own bad playing skills.
Huh, didnt we all at some point, hecc i still catch myself doing that, super common trap.
But theres barely any denying how he didnt play OW1 much because Flash was a hecc of a lot worse to die to.
Put well over 800 hours into ow 1, over 600 in the content drought too, ended at level 718 (silver+one star). Trust me, I know how bad it was being that I have 224 hours on Lucio alone, you cannot escape it the nade, while flash only stunned the target and then depended on the cass’ aim to actually hit the fan, so more often than not you would live if you were mid air.
Theres no way… i put over 1k hrs on OW1, didnt play alot of Lucio since i flexed Zen instead alot of the time but i played a ton of Reaper and flash was almost uncounterable compared to this.
With this new thing, Lucio can even survive a bodyshot too with sufficient healing since it does 131 dmg all you need to do is heal 2 dmg…
Wich leads me to my other point, Cass still has to hit a shot too, a bodyshot, sure enough, but it doesnt stop your movement at all and also gives you like 10x more time to react and find a way to survive it/retaliate and gives him literally nothing against some characters that can reactively counter it or survive it like tanks.
Low pickrate doesn’t justify a broken strat. Just means the hero is in a horrible place.