Cassidy absolutely hard counters Doomfist now

It’s pretty disgusting. How one hero can cancel your most crucial ability with a heat seeking CC ability. Job well done on balance again blizzard :+1: . This won’t make tanking feel miserable at all…


It’s annoying. Even the other dive tanks have ways to mitigate damage effectively when their mobility is down (winston bubble, adaptive shield, etc) and also don’t have trash primary fires that depend on said movement. Doom just gets his block that doesn’t really block which already didn’t work against nade in the first place :stuck_out_tongue:


They are not going to remove / nerf the hell out of blink/recall, because they want heroes to be very much their own thing.

so… this is what we will get.

You balance from top down and T500 is basically all Tracer → Mobility counters are put back into the game → the Tanks which rely on mobility have a bad time of it.


It means that it works as intended, ty devs.

Learn to swap.


Welp then i guess I’m not queueing tank anymore :stuck_out_tongue: . Just when support was made a bit better blizzard pulls this off. I’m going to go cry now.

Honestly, I think rebuilding Tracer will have to happen at some point.

We can’t keep going around in circles like this. (I mean, we CAN but sooner or later it starts to get obvious to everyone).

I obviously disagree. But if we got to that point I’d probably just be done with OW2 in general.

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Well, the stuff you don’t like is a direct result of not doing so.

Tracer will continue to dominate T500 without an eye watering amount of CC.

Blizzard has decided they want to balance for high ranks.

There isn’t a lot of other pieces to the puzzle here.

If you want to argue that they shouldn’t balance for high ranks, you know, I may even be wiling to be convinced of that, but they are still all in on this esport stuff.

It’s not going to stop Doomfist from emotionally damaging you like he seems to have already :stuck_out_tongue:


Tracer is not a problem for 95% of players though. And hitting this nade on Tracer is hard anyway. Just like in OW1, CC abilities hurt tanks the most. I expect the matchmaker to be pretty wonky this season as less players queue for tank…

At least Echo feels better vs Cass as I expected. The burst dmg hurt more than the CC since Echo has no defensive cooldowns anyway.

And Blizzard is wanting the esports dream so top down balancing is the order of the day… so, her dominating T500 is a problem for them.

Totally. I won’t even try to argue otherwise.

Again we will go around in this circle.

Mobility is too strong → more CC! → tank players leave → less CC → mobility is too strong…

I hate Doomfist with a passion too, but hard counter really shouldn’t exist.


Well I don’t expect them to remove this Cassidy grenade, but I could see them giving it less aggressive homing.

Maybe reduced turning radius.

Sure but it is hard to target Tracer / Genji without slamming Doom as well.

Then it becomes WORSE against mobility, but just as easy to stick tanks… I’m not sure that would work out well.

It isn’t Tanks which typically get REAL high angular change on heroes.

The aggressive homing is a basic requirement for “vs small fast hitboxes”

Cassidy the new Brig?

Actually you know what, I think they should remove the homing entirely and make it into a wide spinning disc, that’s a Bolas.

[OW2] Cassidy should get a "Bolas"


If you were going to do that a lasso would be more thematic. Even though bolas are cool!


id way rather them add some cc into the game instead of nerfing down problematic heroes until they no longer have their unique identity.

Bolas are cool!


Does Genji really need a hard counter? He cant even get any kill in the backline with all the healing throwing around before the patch.

Tracer requires skills to get values, so her counter should do the same to counter her, not just by pressing a button.