like h0nestly im starting to go back to my 2021 op cass era
not even saying hes op hes just UGHHH
i still want his 25 hp gone, literally no use to having it
or just change his bomb to detonate faster but deal less damage with a shorter cooldown
like h0nestly im starting to go back to my 2021 op cass era
not even saying hes op hes just UGHHH
i still want his 25 hp gone, literally no use to having it
or just change his bomb to detonate faster but deal less damage with a shorter cooldown
cass is a decent beer, but yeah, if you drink too much you will become a bit dumb
I’ve always hated the 25 hp buff. There’s no legitimate reason for him to have it, especially now. He has damage reduction on both his roll as well as his ultimate. And now that he has his 130 damage grenade, trying to fight him up close is even more painful. I’d personally rather be stunned than have 130 damage deleted from my health bar. The flash had a shorter range and also didn’t chase you.
i can see it. still to play him at max level still takes effort. low mobility but strong close/mid range presence. still its the hit-scan dilemma where his shots are instant.
in this updated overwatch he is only VERY GOOD when pocketed otherwise you can just run over him especially as tank
hes not as good as he use to be so you just had the case where it was team diff
hes really good, just is more good with a pocket like obviously
McCree was always a gimmick character. Always. Before the ridiculous grenade, he had FTH and flashbang. And then for whatever reason, the devs at a few points decided to buff his FTH. So, what ended up happening? You had tank-busting FTH McCrees, who relied solely on FTH to get kills with. Flashbang, FTH, roll away. Now? Most McCree players rely heavily on his grenade.
nah hes weak unless you got godly aim
My biggest pet peeve still is that they gave cass 225 hp before sym in ow1. Like helll??? At least he has a ranged weapon, wtf does sym have?
im pretty sure they gave 25 hp to both heroes in the same patch lol
but still
Cassidy’s hitbox is miles bigger than Symmetra’s though. I agree that she’s weak but you can’t really compare these two
What would happen to Flankers if they gave him +25hp?
Agreed, alot of Cass’s kit is super dull rn, if it was me :
Now he has an good but skillfull FTH and a fun interesting Mag nade.
I can look it up, but as far as I remember they are both pretty generously large hitboxes.
Red = Head hitbox size relative to Ana
Green = Body hitbox size relative to Ana
And yeah, looks like you’re right about their body hitbox. But almost the same head hitbox.
I don’t know if a potential 420 damage FTH to the face is good or skillful. Like, yes, you had to aim to hit the tank in the face, but…
Also, the stickybang nerfs are weird. Slow doesn’t really affect any of the heroes that are currently ignoring it, because they have other ways to get rid of being stuck. It’s not like the slow will make Tracer easier to kill, because her mobility isn’t affected.
He nerfed FTH damage to 210 max. Unless you’re saying it would do 420 with 6 head shots… kinda like saying soldier does 1080 in one clip
I forgot to add it would also need 10-20 m falloff and consistent spread on a circle so your dmg is pretty consistent at every range, i mean it would be strong i think but limited by aiming and critical hits so prolly balanced?
Well its kinda just to make it less fire and forget, it also makes it better against targets that survive the 130 damage + bodyshot like tanks and nanoed targets for example, and it also makes it more skill-full, asking you to headshot targets
Plus it explodes faster and has less cooldown so it basically always trade 1 for 1 for a defensive ability wich i think is fine all things considered, he would also have a decent FTH.
It wouldnt be impossible btw, against tanks specially but yes, it would be super close range so also balanced by that fact.
With recoil and spread, you’d be using it up close anyway. 76 doesn’t have many issues landing nothing but net at point blank against tanks, either.
I’m just looking at the extreme end for abuse, and being able to mow down a Junkerqueen with FTH to the face and a stickybang is a little too much. Don’t forget that FTH used to be able to crit and it made playing tanks absolutely miserable.
Well it used to do 70 dmg on non crits, wich was stupid, at 35 non crits its much more tame, also for you to be able to do that much dmg with this angle and recoil you need to be right next to them, wich for a character with a ROLL for mobility i think is fine.
(Dont foget it would also have a cooldown limiting it so you get one, not roll into another)
Yup, and FTH could headshot.
It was kinda silly just deleting Tanks in half a second.
Idk how that got past alpha man/woman…