Carrying comp is literally impossible as a support

I don’t heal DPS who go off into Narnia to try their Epic Flank play. The best I’ll manage is throwing harmony on them for a second and then back to whatever I’m working on–there’s no sense turning one pick into two because the DPS believes they need a pocket healer playing out of position relative to the team. Health packs exist for a reason, buddy.

Not really true. You can change up which support you play, or how you play, to accommodate your team being brainlets. It’s not flashy when you’re carrying as a support, but supports are the carry role even if you can’t see it.

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The more reasonable reply is on support to swiftly help your team win any and all duels they are trying to take. Challenge high impact heroes and take out enemy supports. Really whatever you can do.

The faster you can solo kill something the less impact that hero and dmg they will cause. THe less time passes your team will do something stupid. If you can directly help kill something that is bothering another ally the sooner that ally can be freed up to take pressure off someone else. You are even able to help eliminate that target faster with your own damage. If another ally can at least say do 80dmg, your 1hs on Kiriko goes a long way.

You pretty much hope to get 1st pick on enemy teams and help deny kills your team would have taken. Many people give up on helping their team, but honestly the strongest carry is where you can consistently just do support things in the best way possible.

The thing is that usually those players cap out pretty quickly and get out of lower ranks just as fast. This is one of the reasons why tank is such a carry role is because they are difficult to take down quickly and slow things down. By having one less tank in the game, its much easier to carry games on support because you can access the enemy DPS and supports more quickly.

Its certainly difficult to shut an enemy tank down because you simply can’t kill them fast enough yourself. At the same time, if you can kill the enemy supports your self quickly while your team has number advantage even a tank tends to go down pretty fast as a 1v3 without support keeping them up.

cept if your playing in the metal ranks they arnt going to win duels and realistically they may not even take them because they are too afraid of over extending.

carrying out of the metal ranks as a support has two options

the mercy/LW option which requires you to have far better game sense then the rank would normally require


the zen, bap, ana option which requires a bit of game sense but mostly mechanical skill. this ones easier to train because you can just hit an ingame aim trainer a little before your comp matches and see fairly big improvements (assuming your sens isnt outlandish)

the second option carries by being a force of nature, you heal a little bit obviously but your main power comes from getting picks and using your utility to cripple the enemy team.

enabling bad players does nothing but leave you wishing you had better team mates, being rambo on the other hand has you climbing quickly into a new rank.

Ahh my bad
twenty characters

Almost like “supports” arent meant to carry.
(Even tough they do with all of these dumb abilities)

Supporting doesnt mean “carrying” btw