Carrying comp is literally impossible as a support

If you don’t know how to carry on the most overpowered role in this game, you are doing something wrong, my guy!

Found the skill issue

this is a very situational thing

some heroes for instance can be more aggro then others but if you react to the enemy it works out the same.

if you want a visual example just watch awkwards unranked to gm series on the specific support you are curious about.

he’s alot better at explaining it then me and you can watch him do it as he explains it.

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go watch awkwards unranked to gm on bap challenge and try to say that you cant carry as support

Illari literally exists. She is a literal DPS that happens to have heals. She can two-shoot most of the DPS. Just get good and play her.


At that point you might as well go DPS since that’s a more damage-focused support, try climbing to GM as Mercy or Lifeweaver. You can’t.

Watching a Gm player literally smurf their way back up to GM doesnt mean much lol.

And yes, those “unranked to GM” things are smurfing lol.

people have done that though

even non mercy players have proven its possible to climb to gm on mercy. dafran hit top 500 in the same time it took an actual top 500 mercy OTP to hit GM

its always a skill issue, and doing it on heroes like mercy or LW is just slower then doing it on the normal supports.

supports job is to deal dmg, heal in the off time and use their utility abilities to win fights.

heroes like mercy are the odd man out, they arnt role defining heroes.

In qp and FFA I can 1v1 most players/heroes outside ult. What I die to is 1v2 so if I’m suppose to 1v5, it just more about poke kills!

Then I don’t know what rank you are in where you can rush in be a hero with plot armour and single-handed kill the team!

It’s a skill issue. If you play kiriko, bap, ana, illaria, and maybe even zen you’re playing a character with the highest carry potential. No single character can carry a 1v9, but these character are so overtuned that they have more impact than the tank or both DPS combined, ignoring widowmaker.

I climbed to masters with weaver pretty easily actually if gm/others actually started playing him correctly no doubt it be easier if not just as easy as any other support.

I’ve always wondered the life of shot callers/people in coms vs none shot callers I wonder how the ones who go on and on about not being in vc expect people to behave without mind reading powers.

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“You suck” and “Watch this GM smurf ruin the experience of lower elo players to gitgud.” Wow, what useful advice some forum members have.

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I hang in high ranks by playing non-carry supports. I don’t play Kiriko, Bap, Zen, Ana. You don’t need to do more damage, you just need better gamesense and decision making.

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yeah genius, who would have guessed that improving in the game and learning from the best players in the game would be the only way you can win more? Besides buying better hardware that is.

Missed the point. I was mocking unranked to GM runs since bullying lower ranks doesn’t help anyone. It’s a sad ego inflator and nothing more.

That’s it guys, he cracked the code, just solo kill the entire enemy team. It makes so much sense now.

literally 1v5ing requires you to be a smurf, metaphorical 1v5ing requires you to not suck and be slightly better then your team.

ive been in master’s as dps since 2017 lol so i can literally 1v5 in gold but thats not what i mean when i say 1v5. i mean you take control of the match by getting consistent teamfight winning kills.

sometimes you may literally 1v5 and kill everyone but it would more be like you 5v5 and killed one then you 4v4 and killed one and so on until you were the last one standing.

yes its that simple.

if your playing in the metal ranks but belong higher you should be able too do that because those players are that bad.

you cant expect to do that in high masters/low gm but before then its basically the min requirement to climb.

It is supposed to be impossible to carry with any one role at all, it is supposed to be the better teamwork wins. Unfortunately, it is the better hero picks wins.

without even watching it id bet his point is that you should be focused on improving so that you passively carry matches and not that you mentally are focused on carrying matches.

which is true. if you belong higher you will just be better then everyone around you and youll carry your team to victory more often then you lose until you hit the rank where you belong.

when you consider the OP claimed it was “impossible” to carry as a support, saying they suck and telling em to watch a smurf is actually a good idea.

instead of blaming everything around them they should look inward, improve and climb.

yes smurfing isnt the most moral thing you can do in overwatch, but some unranked to gm’s can actually teach people how to suck less.

i hit masters for the first time way back in 2017 because i was studying the bronze to gm’s vods of that time. it helped me alot because im a visual learner, seeing someone do something makes it click in my head almost instantly.

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