Carrying comp is literally impossible as a support

Like, you’re way too reliant on your teammates to win on your own. You can’t do jack squad when your teammates make stupid decisions, when your dps’s try to 1v5 on the other corner of the map and end up dying, or when your tank doesn’t push or just straight up feeds. It’s entirely luck whether your teammates don’t play like complete idiots. At least as DPS or tank you can make plays to change the tide of the game, but as support you’re at the mercy of your teammates.
I mean, sure, you can go Kiriko or Baptiste and carry more easily, but those are more DPS-focused supports anyway so they can go out of their way to get picks. Besides, you don’t really have time to do damage when your teammates facetank the entire enemy team so you have to be healing them 24/7 so they don’t die, meaning you don’t have the opportunity to make picks of your own without leaving your teammates to die. I highly doubt even amazing players can climb as a solo queue on Mercy or Lifeweaver. If they do it’s because they already have a good premade team.
tldr; you’re entirely reliant on your team to win and if your team sucks, you’re screwed

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or optionally stop sucking and just kill the enemy team yourself on support.


Ah, yes. Just 1v5 the enemy team and you will win. Very thought provoking. They deserve to lose if they cannot even do that.


I literally mentioned this in my post, I have to keep healing my team 24/7, If I try to do damage and get picks they end up dying because they’re trying to facetank the enemy team. I still sometimes find time to do some damage and pick low-health targets but it doesn’t matter if my teammates are playing like garbage, I end up losing either way.

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Only problem I see with that how you twist it, it’s still 1v5.

What would have been better is a LFG function. Don’t care if we get group names looking for e-girls and so on! People are going to be people anyway!

pick a hero like bap, ana or zen and solo kill the entire enemy team.

healing an idiot only lets the idiot live longer, let the idiot die and kill the enemy team. trust me it works

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Support is the most powerful role in the game rn what are you talking about lmaooooooooo


its not 1v5 your team still exists, the enemy is just as bad as your team. so you have your team alive to distract while you kill the enemy and eventually you killed enough of em that your team cant lose that team fight and they are able to actually help.

thats how carrying as a support works in the metal ranks.


I’m a Moira main actually, I sometimes go fade in to kill low health targets, I do some damage along with my teammates if they aren’t in need of healing, I manage to always get more healing than the other support while still doing more than half the damage the dps’s are doing and also getting a good amount of elims and it doesn’t change a damn thing.

as i said, play zen, bap or ana.

moira is only useful if everyone around you is a potato. once people have some level of awareness you have to do more then 50dps to kill them.

zen/bap are more straight forward because they can headshot


That is kind of the meta given the matchmaking.

Maximize k/d. Clean picks. Never die. Every season end like 15+ k/d over dozens of hours because i’m not the one making mistakes in my lobbies.

If you can play support and click healer head hitboxes better than dps, the poor lobby matchmaking is exposed.

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I would but my aim kinda sucks, though I have good positioning and team sense while keeping track of the enemy team’s ults. But I’m gonna guess it’s impossible to climb unless you play as a dps-focused support. Might as well just queue DPS at that point.

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then work on your aim.

overwatch is an aim focused game, you need to be able to land shots to kill people.

only a handful of heroes in overwatch even have weapons that require little to no aim at all and those heroes are rarely the “best” for carrying ladder.

the issue isnt the support role, its your own lack of mechanical skill. you can fix that and climb no problem

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Someone please explain the solution. Dpsing the backline doesn’t always prevent enough damage for some tanks and healing them certainly doesn’t help.

At 8:30 he plays a game on midtown and loses because his tank it a feeder despite him hard carrying with dps Kiriko.

Tanks like this are extremely common gold and below lol

You still need that first pick turn the game from 5v5 to 5v4. And still keep the number advantage.
And if you get to many picks in a game the other team takes notice more often than not and starts putting in resources to stop you.

then get the pick

this assumes the enemy isnt as dumb as your team. chances are if your team is so bad it feels like its a 1v5 then the enemy is equally as bad and they’ll never be able to reach you to kill you unless your feeding, which is something you can work on to prevent.

the only people that think support is bad are bad support players. you can easily hard carry matches even into diamond+ as a support

its a skill issue not a role issue

That’s kinda by design… if the potential of your team isn’t as much as there’s you’re probably gonna lose. You really shouldn’t be able to 1v5 unless the matchmaker has dun goofed (so, there’s usually one person who will be able to 1v5 I guess…) :man_shrugging:t2:

How should you position to kill the whole team and not die? You can flank but get forced out quickly or die. Safe positioning in the backline makes it hard to deal damage.

react to the enemy and you’ll never be in their range.

if they go forward you go back, if they back up you go forward ect.

Yeah, I understand that. I’m asking how I can get los on the enemy long enough to secure an elim. For example, I can shoot a Pharah and not miss every time she pops up out of cover, but she will just hide again. I don’t want to position too far forward just to get the enemy in my los, but if I position far back where it is much safer, I hardly see them.