Career Profile Stats Still Not Showing for Console Players

This was addressed as a known issue here, but stats are still not showing for most console players, and there has been no update in almost 7 weeks. When is this going to be fixed? Myself and none of my friends career profile shows any stats for comp, which is pretty annoying, surely it shouldn’t take this long to resolve this.


Yeah, all my stats from before season 30 are still completely gone. It also says last season was season 0 for me…

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Will bump this thread until Blizzard give a response. Pretty unacceptable a whole season can pass and we still cannot see any of our stats at all.


Just here to add to the pile of voices that are experiencing this issue. Still not able to see my competitive stats prior to Season 32 (I believe, or somewhere around here) of Overwatch 1 even though I have quite literally placed and played in every competitive season since Season 1 (2016). Various other LTM comp mode stats are missing for me as well I believe. Also, all my hours in Quickplay from Overwatch 1 have been lost and it is only displaying my “Unranked” hours played in Overwatch 2, since the October 18th fix I assume.
To be clear, I am a console player on Playstation with a few hours on PC which I linked my account with. When I first jumped into Overwatch 2 on the launch day after finally getting in, my “Unranked” (Quickplay) stats were reset to zero.
Please provide an update Team 4!

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Having the same problem. After my account merge went through I had all my correct stats but a day later they were all gone. I haven’t lost any cosmetics or anything my by playtime and top characters played were nuked. I’ve done nothing different after merging. Opened a support ticket and was told the team couldn’t change any of my rankings? Which isn’t what I was asking about. I just want the hundreds of hours of playtime on my mains back. I’d try to remerge my account if there wasn’t a year long cool down. It’s just very frustrating hearing one team say a fix will come and then getting a response saying nothing can be done.

I don’t mind waiting for a fix but the silence is beyond disappointing.


Will continue to bump this thread until they give an official update. Absolutely garbage communication from Blizzard as per usual on an expected timeline for this fix to be implemented.

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Bump. Career profile stats from the last 6 years are completely inaccurate. Why hasn’t Blizzard followed up on this?

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Will Blizzard ever fix this or address when it is going to be resolved? I still can’t see any of my stats on console, it just shows my PC stats. What a joke.

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I played on console during OW1 and moved to PC after OW2 launched and my stats are an absolute mess. Everything before season 31 is gone. Oddly, it doesn’t just show my PC stats, as when I moved to PC it showed a good amount of hours on each character that I hadn’t played on PC, but those hours were nowhere near as high as my actual play time on console.

I just want my stats back… They said it would be fixed months ago.

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It’s been over 3 months since this issue was fully addressed by the OW Team and still nothing!!! How can you address a problem of this magnitude, and in full, painstaking detail, and then … crickets

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Hey Blizzard, can we please get an update on when this is going to be fixed? pretty annoying not being able to see any stats.


Ake here all my stats are wrong. It says I only have 27 hours as pharah, which is no where near where it should be. Its really frustrating because I really want to see how I have improved since ow1 since I remember the key stats from there but no dice. No progress, no updates, nothing. I enjoy the game but am just frustrated with the lack of communication from blizzard.

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I am still missing the vast majority of my career profile stats. I got maybe 1/4 of my total play time and hero stats back about a month ago but the remaining stats have not been added back to my overwatch 2 account from over watch 1. I played on Ps4 and transferred to Ps5 when overwatch 2 came out. So I don’t see why this was an issue in the first place and want to know when its going to get fixed.

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I’m also one of the many players now missing most of my stats before season 1 of overwatch 2. The weirdest thing is that they showed up accurately during the first week of overwatch 2 but then randomly disappeared and now I have wildly inconsistent stats that if WERE actually true would probably make me the best quick play genji player alive with an average game time of 3 minutes over thousands of games with an 80% win rate which is not accurate.


Q. When should I expect my stats from Overwatch to be restored on my account?
We are currently working to restore all affected accounts, however we expect it will take several weeks before we can restore Overwatch stats for all affected accounts.”

This was said in the post on October 22. It has now been over three months and the issue is still present and not even a peep from them. Completely useless, give up an update ffs… No wonder the game is dying with this absolute trash levels of communication.


It’s really frustrating how many hours is missing. I’ve been playing since 2017 and mostly spent my time playing QP. I have well over 1000 hrs of QP play time but it currently shows as 200+. I had almost 500 hrs on mercy and it’s in the 240 now. It’s really disappointing that it’s been months at this point and no one is giving us answers or keeping us up to date :confused:


I am having that same issue. I’ve played countless hours of overwatch one. When I joined my PC and XBOX accounts it completely messed everything up. It doesn’t track any console progression at all. I played season 2 onwards of overwatch 1. And all I’ve got to show is season 30 from OW1. I play OW2 Competitive every day with my friends and I watch them rack up stats and wins. While I watch my account stuck on a fixed number that does not change Al season. My time played in hero’s also isn’t going up. The stats for those hero’s isn’t going up. So frustrating to lose hundreds of hours of records and still not have any fix!!! OVERWATCH PLEASE

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Massive patch coming and STILL no mention of this??? What an actual joke… Over three months now, despite them saying this would take a few weeks to fix. Made GM for the first time in OW2, and I literally cannot see any of my career profile stats. Can’t see which heroes are my most played, my win/loss on each hero etc…


Here is a link to my post in case you’d like to read more about this issue Comprehensive Thread Of All Top 500/Competitive Bugs. I put your thread under: Incorrect Competitive Career Statistics Page.

I dont want my PC stats , all I wanted was to try overwatch 2 on PC , the biggest mistake I have done , now it only shows the 30 min time that I have played on PC , and not the 35+h I have played as wrecking ball on CONSOLE, I contacted support and they tell me to create an article here , even tho there is one article that has been created long time ago… Just fix it for me please, I don’t know what els to do…

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