Can't play support anymore

idk if anyone else has noticed match making is really all over the place with the new update. Idk if its support only but I play dps and its no where near as bad as playing support. I can’t even play my main queue anymore


me and my friend was playing she queued for all roles i queued for tank and support honestly it was hell…venture makes me hate playing the support role


Its honestly awful. She does a tremendous amount of damage for no reason going under ground??? ?


like i usually play kiri like venture makes it harder to play her like i switched to moira to take out venture i couldnt even do it nor the teammates they was struggling

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Just gotta get used to hear. She can definitely be a pain, but that’s every hero at one time or another.

I don’t think playing Support is all that bad. We’re still very strong (unless you’re Mercy/LW)

Ahh venture dives all over LW so this is wrong, Mercy has got a good get away but can be followed up as she leaves.

Moria is the only pick i play as Support now sadly.


Honestly I think that’s the biggest issue. It seems to be a free combo. If they just nerfed underground damage (or even removed it), there might actually be some counterplay.

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Genji, Tracer, Sombra, Venture
1 of them makes your game painful
2 of them and I’d rather be banned and alt+F4


support is fine as long as you play anyone other than mercy. try playing tank, that role is the one suffering the most in this new format.

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Stopped playing supports since s9. That whole patch simply made it unfun to play supports for me.


Bruh, don’t know why people are suddenly surprised support feels terrible, Tracer peppering someone from 30M away to stop your tank from getting healed is so broken, DPS passive is just too insane. Imagine if they gave a support a passive of reducing damage taken by 15% for 2 seconds after they healed you? That’s literally DPS passive in reverse.


Playing Lucio is still easy mode. jus sayin


Mmm if LW has no cooldowns maybe, otherwise LW is a very good counter to Venture. You shouldn’t be playing anywhere near Venture so if you’re dying to them a lot then this is a problem of either positioning or bad CD management/usage

Yeah, I have the same issue. I think it’s because support has less impact than the other roles.

yes. i dont know and i dont care what they did but they have been throwing sh*t at the fan once again and have to fix it in post. this new ow dev team will literally not go without a week of things being relatively stable and then they think of a new way to destroy it again.

implementing wide group matchmaking seems to have absolutely thrown the matchmaker off big time even in soloqueue.

Venture is a ninja you really do not hear when coming it is really bad.
Then the game you have no Venture and you think you’ll get fun a Sombra appears.
My fun is starting to decrease more and more.


I generally only play Mercy and Ana, and haven’t noticed things being any rougher. But then I tend to play with the mindset of putting my life first, so I’m always going for placement that forces whomever to work to get to me.

I see some mention of Venture being a problem, and there my only advice is…stay out of tight spaces and use distance (or mobility) to your advantage (treat Venture like Junk or Reaper).

As Ana, I kill or chase off Venture more often than they ever kill me.

The same with Mercy, just keep moving, your faster at getting around than Venture can get to you. And if you see them pop up on a teammate, just pistol them as they fly straight up like a clay pigeon.

Keep an eye out on your other support, and be ready to abandon the fight if it goes south, and pull back to reengage from a distance again. Try not to let any fight overtake you. The closer any dps/etc., get’s to you, the high your chances of getting smooshed.

Good luck out there. =)

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How? Petal kinda makes venture useless

I CAN play support. There’s just a chance that my soul disintegrates for a little while

I’m a disgrace and I don’t even deserve to look at Lifeweaver

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Good. I’m glad. Play something different. Being a one trick makes you a bad player in general.