Can't play support anymore

i petal up, venture drills up, Hello lifeweaver mind if i spend my ammo on you, while you slap me with 6dmg.

Venture forces me to play moira, even if i want to play kiri or illari more… Moira was always my backup if someone playing dive the back line hero not it feels like my main because of venture…


Here’s the current state of Overwatch:

  • The Tank Experience: straight up self-induced mental trauma
  • The Support Experience: playing the new version of Dead by Daylight
  • The DPS Experience: The best it’s been in a while, but still kinda meh.

Most of my support games just devolve into Moira + Brig/Lucio/Bap since they can defend themselves. Honestly getting sick of my team screaming “where’s my heals” while us supports are being dove on cooldown with ZERO peel from either our tank or DPS.


Funny thing is i think most supports whine about sombra, i think devs got together and were like… If they want to whine about sombra we will make a real bane hero for them to do with, then they wont be whining about sombra anymore :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


When dealing with Venture, I’d avoid playing these supports: Ana, Brigitte, Illari, and Zenyatta. Their movement isn’t strong enough to avoid a Venture kill combo.

Baptiste can have issues too, but generally has the tools to avoid or sustain through her combo.

Lifeweaver can usually avoid Venture with petal platform and dash.

Lucio should be on a wall and moving fast, so he’s difficult to target.

Kiriko is difficult to target with her mobility.

Mercy should be airborne and mobile, making her a poor choice to target.

Moira can handle Venture easily if she stays out of their primary fire range. She’s honestly the best character to handle flankers right now.

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You know what’s even funnier than that? If the DPS peeled for their supports, Venture is really easy to deal with. I got sick of playing Brig/Moira to deal with all the dive and started Queueing DPS I was shocked how easy it was to ruin Venture’s day just by playing Cass and staying near my supports.


Just play mercy pull out the glock and be like self regen and health pack heals! im here for kills

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It’s pretty easy to avoid Venture’s kill combo if you simply shield bash away on
Brig. That’s not to mention her ability to whipshot Venture away. If you’re dying to Venture on Brig, you’re either missing your abilities or using them wrong.

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I know it is tiring to be the smart one all the time, it is why i started healing most games i play, cause most can’t do what needs to be done and usually requires minimal to no mistakes… I guess dps is the new healing class :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

It’s always been like this if you think about it. SoloQ against groups, QP lobby 4+ skill tiers apart, CP lobby with cheaters or smurfs boosting, etc. If you can get normal matches where you either win or lose without a stomp, then that’s a good day.

it’s why I’ve just been playing mirrorwatch at the moment its fun and i can avoid the QP mess :3

That is what LW think but Venture has no issue going up there.


And last 3.5 seconds versus a good Venture player knowing their business.

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Or you haven’t played against a decent Venture yet. Brigitte might be able to push them away or run with shield bash. But not far enough that they can’t still tear Brigitte apart with primary fire. It easily bypasses her shield.

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i only play Moira if i have to as i cant stand moira like her peronality is way to dark luckily in one match yesterday i actually taken out venture as kiri well i think it was yesterday’

Kiri can do it, but 80% of the time you need to flee, Moira is more consistent at punishing venture

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The hero that the supports need. A dps bodyguard.

Sorry, I’m just a fellow support main that decided to play a little DPS for once. Wish we’d get actual DPS mains to peel.

There’s no off-tank anymore so that only leaves DPS available to peel since the tank usually has to maintain frontline pressure.

I actually did mean it, no sarcasm or anything.
Because supports do need help and peels.
Thank you.

Now if only dps mains actually realized they have more responsibilities in this game than just pew pew.