Can't even lie....these skins

The Sym skin!! OMG I love it, it’s so nice :smiley:


Putting a cute little smiley face at the end makes all personal attacks ok! :+1: :joy:


And I’d do it again !!

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:thinking: you must be joking

Dragoon OP. One of her best skins.

Not every mercy player wants a “pretty” skin. Some players want badass ones too.


So its a bad skin because of one single color that could just be changed? This is what gives you the right to demand things from blizzard? Also just because you dont see many people using it doesnt mean its an objectively bad skin. It just means that most mercy players prefer other skins. Silver isnt worthless because more people want gold.

Seems alot like a difference in opinion here and not an objective fact. You liked the concept more than the product thats it. Ive looked at alot of these “re-designs” and its mostly just recolors or just people taking the helmet off or making mercy’s silhouette into something else which would hurt hero recognition.

As someone who claims to be a artist/3D modeler you have a surprising lack of understanding when it comes to the term “concept art”. Concept art is almost never followed 100% of the time. Let me guess by

You mean that you liked the concept version better dont you? Not to mention how hair will always look better in 2D vs 3D due to engine limitations. Are you really taking twitter likes as a way to judge what is objectively better?

Idk why i even bothered replying to this after reading this part honestly. How can one be so full of themselves.

Dont see how the location or country that the company is based in has any relevance to the quality of the work here but ok.

Please keep studying and maybe someday you will learn that art isnt based on what you think looks good and im sure you’ll have a much easier time enjoying things after that.


Dragoon isn’t badass at all. A Bright Green skin with a rugby helmet instead of the sleek sharp fierce helmet that was in the concept art/spray is NOT badass sorry to break it to you :rofl:

You’re right, it’s based on fundamental principles of design, color, shape, form, value, etc. and these are markers of whether art will be visually pleasing to the vast majority of viewers vs wildly unpopular like all 3 of these skins are :heart_eyes:

I don’t get graded on my work every week based on “subjectivity”.

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Your opinion mate.

Personally Dragoon is one of my favorites. What’s with the hating on the color green? Maybe they should have made it purple or pink to appease the masses.


Or they could have made it actually badass being a deep black/blue/purple… and made the helmet tall and spikey like the concept art… instead of Happy The Brig Green Dragon rugby mascott.

Yeah, green being my favourite colour I think it looks really cool. All the recolour edits I’ve seen just look weird and tacky.


Mercy Dragoon skin is freakin awesome and actually a practical design… you don’t want a sleek and sharp helm, since it literally can hurt you when you would wear it. Sure OW is stylised but I am quite pleased they created a realistic working armor for once.


But what people like is subjective.

I get what you’re saying, though, but it still doesn’t justify belittling people for not sharing your standard of art. Like how on the grand scale of things, Twilight in an awfully written book, right? The characters are bland, the plot is … well, I don’t want to get into it. But over a spectrum of what’s academically considered “quality writing,” it falls very short, yes?

… But lots of people still like it, so something about it has to be subjectively good. And I wouldn’t be rude enough to accuse fans of the series of having bad taste.

Let people like what they like - it doesn’t say anything about their intelligence or culture or w/e. If you like something, you just do. Tbh, most people will acknowledge something they value probably isn’t perfect, but they like it anyway.

… Lightning Tracer, for example. :sweat_smile:


It sounds like you are describing a skin from the Alien franchise :rofl:

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