Can't buy mercy skin with coins i already have

I’m getting a little tired of the ridiculous limitations they keep putting on coins that we’ve already spent money on and are essentially just “sitting” in our balance.

From not being able to buy the “bundled” battlepasses that include skins (why not just have a version that doens’t come with the coins? if the coin thing is the issue) to now not being able to by Pink Mercy…
I mean…wtf is the point?
Should I just use Blizzard Bucks nowdays or something?


Pink Mercy is an exception for the charity donation reason.
Blizz doesn’t want to have to pay BCRF a real $15-$20 when I got all my coins for free.
Keeping it real money only makes it easier to bookkeep as the funds can be sent directly to BCRF after the purchase is confirmed rather than Blizz having to convert the number (and amount) of non real money sales into real money and then send it off to BCRF.


I mean. I feel like this one makes at least some sense over some of the other shop skins / bundles. Mainly, all of the proceeds go to BCRF for charity. The coins are things you already get for free / pay for seperately and I imagine would be a bigger hassle to make sure the correct amount is donated for anyone paying through that method.

Which, don’t get me wrong that’s not great and I think it would be awesome if you could use the coins. But this particular case makes a lot more sense to me than say being unable to go buy one of their other bundles because… reasons I guess.

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but not everyone “got their coins for free”
I’ve sunk 500 dollars into coins over the past 3-4 years and the amount of crap I CANT buy with them keeps going up and up.
The coins are the equivalent of gift cards, denying people the abiltity to treat them like cash is borderline fraud—especially since you can’t “refund” them back into money.

It’s not even just the charity skin that’s the problem, it’s battle pass bundles that include skins that are the real slap in the face.
Those should NOT be limited to just cash-only.

Do a 29.99 version that includes the skins + the 20 skips so I can drain these coins already.
If you want to leave charity mercy to cash only…fine. I can deal with that.

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Coins are coins, free or paid Blizz does not care. They are identical to the back end whether you only have in-game earnings, MS rewards coins, or bought them.

I agree the BP bundles and some other bundles being cash only are dumb, I only see reasoning for Pink/Rose Gold because of the charity aspect. I only addressed the Pink/Rose Mercy being not coin applicable because that’s the topic title. The other stuff I make no case for.


yah sorry Lull…didnt mean to hoodwink you
But at the same time, the coins are cash. they have real actual worth and blizzard recieved that cash–so yes…i dont think its beyond them to allow people to buy it with the coins and they can do the whole financial part themselves in the background.

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If they allow you to buy the charity skins with coins that will mean Blizzard is paying the charity for your skins and they don’t want to do that.

These are the same thing

Blizzard really cares about the amount in your wallet
The blizzard one, or the real one. They are both unspent cash to them lol

If it’s the Pink Mercy skin, you really won’t buy using Overwatch coins or credits but with real money.
All of the payments will be given to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation.

So yeah.

Nah. Blizzard charges 30% in platform fees per sale.

Yeah, they are very clear that excludes platforming fees / taxes. To my understanding, that would mean the actual price point for the skin does go directly to BCRF, while additional fees go to whatever platform (such as steam, Nintendo if on switch, etc) and taxes. The main thing being that Blizzard themselves isn’t directly financially benefitting from those sales.

At least, that’s my understanding, maybe I’m wrong about the platform side of things :sweat_smile:

It was like that when they released it the first time

You pay blizz to get coins, your money is going to THEM not BCRF. That is why the skin is a direct payment

Yes, but if Blizz really wanted to be altruistic, they’d let players buy the skin with coins and make the cash donation to the BCRF on the player’s behalf. Blizz would even get the tax break themselves.

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Pretty sure the Breast Cancer Research Foundation doesn’t accept OW2 coins as payment. You buying OW2 coins has nothing to do with donating to the BCRF

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It’s a fundraiser, you couldn’t do that with the original Pink Mercy. That said, I find it insulting that the new one is in a Bundle only, with a bunch of garbage I’d never use, and costs twice as much as the first. Think I’ll just donate direct to BCRF, cut out the middlemen.

#WhalesAhoy #NerfShopPrices #OptOutOfBackfill #BringBackMassRez #Return2CP #Return6v6 #FixMatchmaker #RememberOW1 #RememberWhatTheyTook #RememberPapaJeff #GoodbyeKotex

OP lucky there isnt a “ha-ha” reaction in the forums.

somebody doesnt get the point of “donation”

First no, don’t make things more expensive for everyone else so you can dump the coins you overpaid for.

Second, if you dropped $500 on this game why all of a sudden being cheap? $20 is 4% of the net you already put in this game.

It’s like haggling over the dollar menu at McDonald’s.

The proceeds are for charity that’s why most are paying and that’s why blizzard set it up that way.

Your priorities should be more focused on why spend that much in ow when you could have built a pc or buy other cooler stuff with that budget

The lesson here is stop giving companies money in advance expecting them to do favors for you later.

They have your money. So they have no reason to do anything for you because you already paid them.

That’s really what everyone should be doing anyway.

Sorry but you can’t blame Blizzard for your own stupidity. You don’t buy coins as if they are gift cards, waiting to be redeemed whenever you find something you like.

You buy coins WHEN you want something you like, and then you spend them immediately. That is why you’re the only one who has an issue with this.