Cannot Enter Game LC - 202, also i cannot hear or talk in Voice Chat - PS4

Everytime I try and log into the game, the first time it fails and the second time it lets me in, without fail. Also, when I finally get in the game I am unable to hear or speak in team chat. I have tried resetting my settings, redownloading the game, etc.

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I have been getting this more and more lately, and I am also on PS4. I have tried everything I can, but usually what I have to do is force close the Overwatch game a couple times when it comes up the 202 error as I know that when it happens I won’t be able to hear anything in chat so I don’t even bother.

There is no much that can be done on console but you might check your port configuration on your router:

There is a thread here with hundreds of posts regarding that error message and not hearing voice chat. And its been happening since the summer games event went live. Theyre not going to fix it.

Check this thread. It’s been around since around Summer Games.

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This issue has persisted for about 3 months now. Something tells me this huge patch I’m downloading will not address it.