Hey, blizzard ever wonder why people say this game has many problems? WELL MAYBE YOU COULD FIX ONE (it’ll be very easy to do) just cancel comp matches when someone leaves
It’s not fair to have your SR be lowered cause someone left!
why should our whole team be punished if someone leaves?
and shouldn’t competitive play be (I don’t know) ALWAYS FAIR?
Just please listen to us!
“I’m smurfing and boosting my friend, this team is garbage so I’ll just leave and we can reset without him losing SR”
no it is fair if you got rolled all game and one of your teammates rage quits your team still deserves a loss and the other team still deserves their win
2 matches in a row today were people leave because their team got stomped the first fight wondering if they were duod with friends perhaps
Yea I’ve noticed a crazy rise in quitters lately.
I’m seeing one nearly every third game, both sides included.
But at the moment it almost evens itself out, so I’m not getting too bent out of shape about it.
Although did have a game a few days ago and lost about 20 SR after my entire team quit after the first round.
But like mentioned, not losing SR is just opening a whole new door to abuse the system.
I’d definitely be for stronger penalties for repeat offenders. Because let’s face it, if you’re a rage quitter you’re probably quitting games more often.
While I agree that leaving a team to be 1+ players down in a Competitive match is poor form from Blizzard, I don’t think cancelling the whole match is the answer.
Blizzard just need to add backfill to Competitive. it already exists in other modes in game.
How is it fair to the person who backfills into the last 30 seconds of a lost game?
They could make it where anyone who joins as a backfill would lose no SR but gain half or less for winning.
Then anyone that’s serious about climbing can also help solve the leaver problem.
Sooo… Anyone who just plays backfills will eventually be gm? And how does a bronze backfill help at all in a GM match that has a leaver?
I agree, I’ve had 4 matches today alone where someone left, and I have to take the SR loss every time.
Give the other team their win still, but the losing team shouldn’t be punished.
They can easily make it so you can’t backfill into a game that has <1 min left.
What if its a tight game, last one or two team fights will make it or break it and back fill would make it close instead being really hard for the 5v6 team?
There is no reason to cancel match. Leavers are not that common and leaver on any side now affect amount of sr lost/gained too.
By your premise, If they leave mid-game, it’s also not fair to the team who was winning that caused the crybaby to leave to be denied their deserved win either.
This will never happen. People would just abuse the system and you would have a lot more leavers. No penalty doesn’t fix that issue, it makes it worse if anything.
Dude blizzard needs to fix the amount of sr lost if someone were to leave. My bad internet made me leave and I lost 50 sr. That is complete bs and a waste of my time. I should have only lost however must I should have if I were to loose a game. That is complete and utter bs. Blizard fix your game while I fix my internet.
I’m super pissed right now because we lost the first round and 2 of our teammates left, that was horrible but even worse was that another one of our members went afk and the other fully gave up and was teaming, so basically we were in a team with 2 people and we lost (of course). It’s so annoying how there are game breaking loopholes people can bypass and just ruin the game for others.