Can you rework ... Practice Range? (or add more AI bots)

I’ve said this before, but all I want is to have the bots move randomly. It’s hard to determine whether my aim is getting better or I’m just able to predict where the bots are gonna move.


agree we need a rework.

Small hit box heroes with some customization options to practice different weapons and abilities please.

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Ironically when you are in QP you get told “Practice at the Practice Range then.”

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Would love to be able to press one button to make the base go on emergency status and all the training bots become killing machines hunting you down.

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This would be nice (I would also like it if you could go to the practice range while queueing so I can muck around with abilities, alongside more variety in bot types and movement). An alternative would be a decent PvE mode (so one that has more randomisation and variety in what minions are in each wave and how they move).

I absolutely agree, they also need a mini area where you can push a payload or capture a point for those who are newer to the game. Paladins has a really good practice range and tutorial for their game.

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I think it would be really cool if you could access the practice range while in queue for a game, rather then skirmishing.

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Yes Please!!!

I wish the bots from the other events like Orisa, Symmetra, Mercy and Junkrat were implemented into custom games to mess around with to be honest, even if they’re work in progress.

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This is a great idea, I also think they should add some sort of aim training to it.

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Been wanting this for a LONG TIME. I don’t see it being done soon though :confused:

There’s something I thought would be cool, but IDK how hard it would be to implement and that’s training ranges for different classes - dps, tanks and support. I think it’d be pretty cool :slight_smile:

I’m all for the Practice Range changing, It’d be cool to have more areas tailored for different plays and enemies, maybe some more specific tutorials for each hero’s skill sets

You want a way to train/practice Overwatch?

Play Overwatch!

You do realize that BOTS are not PEOPLE which means Quick Play or Competitive are INFINITELY better to train you.

Seeing a lot of people asking for the bot changes, but personally I would like for them to add hero customization for the practice range such as your own cool downs.

If I’m trying to practice something in the Practice Range, I’d rather not have to wait for the ability to cool every time. The bots move slow enough to practice grapple shots with Widow, but having to wait for it to cool every time you mess up is annoying.

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I would like to see stronger bots for damage tests, including damage numbers. Wanna hard shooting bots so I can get Zarya to 100% Charge for example, Shield bots to test shieldbreaking and so on.
And yes, the practise range is nice but outdated. They never touched this map it seems, the roof gap over the corridor in the right spawnpoint entrance is still present, the map is basicly broken there since beta. I’m not sure if anybody ever noticed this gap but it bothers me since the beginning. I HATE GAPS IN MAPS! :crazy_face: More than I hate misaligned pictures on walls. ^^


Be nice if damage was displayed with numbers somehow, maybe on a specific bot.

I’d like to see along with a fully reworked practice range, a sort of time trial where you run through using different heroes at different stages to kill every enemy or run through the course to get to the next stage, trying to get the best time. Like the training course/time trial from COD MW2. (or a fully fledged out single player campaign through some part of each hero’s origin story)