Can you rework ... Practice Range? (or add more AI bots)

We’ve been asking for this for a while, don’t hold your breath

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buff training bots! they are not cute enough!


they absolutely need to make some bots with much smaller hitboxes for body and head as well.


I would like an update to the practice range, too. The current is kind of out date.

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Add it to the list behind quickplay…

Seriously though, the practice range hasn’t changed in two years. Would be great if they put a little more effort into it.


its kind of useless atm.

Its only good for testing some Hero abilities when a new one releases or to test out your new skin without wanting to play an actual game.
But for the real PRACTICE which it is thought for it defo needs to be reworked.


I would like to be able to access the practice range while I’m in queue. This way I can warm up while waiting.


Maybe have some smaller hitbox heroes that are harder to hit to represent 200hp heroes and not head sizes bigger than dvas whole hit box


Once you get past a fairly low skill threshold it becomes all but useless to train in the practice range because:

(a) bots are all stationary / predictable movement
(b) hitboxes are way off from real heroes, and crit boxes are waaayyy too big

I wouldn’t mind seeing the practice range improved but I’d much rather dev effort go into improving Custom Game bot pathing/strafing, and adding new Custom Game bots.


All I want is a immortal training robot that mocks you when you try to kill it.


imo, the AI in general needs to be advanced.

I’ve played against a hard bastion and he’s just Meh if anything. he’s barely shoots at you and only really shoots at you after you shoot at him and he doesnt really get into sentry form unless you outright stand infront of him for a while.

the practice dummies need literal random pathways that constantly change.

There needs to be a way for you to be able to improve aim and playing characters.

and imo, it should be allowed to play while offline.


Very good point, the bots are also very misleading for aim. The crit-boxes on them are massive


It’s okay, the section with all the Skye’s is mehh, there’s also not a flying bot anywhere.

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I totally agree with this. They shoul add robots with different hitboxes so you can practice your aim better.


Agreed. I could care less about the training ground if the Devs said they would work on bots for custom games instead. There’s no hero diversity, the bots are predictable and either aimbots in hard mode or stupid as heck (roadhog using his hook the instant anyone enters line of sight and then not even shooting you if he hooks you) … When there’s options to mess around with game settings and make yourself a god or just mess around, it would be nice to have more freedom. Also idk why they haven’t done this yet but


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i agree it’s in dire need of a rework, only thing i use it for now is to mess around with my graphics settings lol


This is a great idea. I always thought the practice range should use more variety in terms of bots to practice aim, positioning, and ability combos. I can’t imagine it would take the Devs that long to conjure but even if it did I think it would be totally worth it.

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Yes, yes, and yes.

As it is now, I only use the Practice Range just to tinker with crosshair / senstivity settings and then get a feel for it before leaving. It doesn’t feel all that well tuned for practice that would really affect my matches.

It could use a ton of new things like what’s already been mentioned in this thread, but what I really especially want is for the bot’s heads to be normal sized. Getting non-stop crits on the bots doesn’t feel like it really translates to actual matches b/c their heads are so huge and nothing like most of the game’s heroes.

Also create some bot that got an head hitbox size like Ana that got chaotic mouvements.

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I’d like a practice range with a shooting gallery component where the various bots move like different hard-to-hit characters. One blinks left to right like Tracer, one flies like Pharah, one double-jumps like Genji, etc.