What you need to do is lighten up. Take it like an early Eminem album. None of the actions are going to be done in real life. Acting outrageous and trolling to make you mad. I have an OW account named “BackTheBlue” and I don’t even engage in chat. I just get a kick out of seeing all the suckers go wild without even having to type a single letter in all chat. At the end of the match I just type “GG. Support local PD.” It’s like fishing in an over stocked pond. God help any of these people if they get an email from Nigeria about a prince needing a bank.
At the end of the day, with ANY GAME, you mute, and move on. It’s as simple as that. You aren’t going to be the internet police. You aren’t going to change people’s behavior. You can only control what comes through on your side, so use the mute function. The issue arises when that’s not good enough for some people. They don’t wanna change the dial, they want Howard Stern completely taken off the air. Those are the people that I have an issue with.
Telling you to learn to ignore it, mute and move on isn’t “defending” it. You live in this black and white world when there’s about 99 shades of grey in between.