Can you please fix or delete briggite?

It has been ~6 months since the launch of briggite it changed the whole game, she ruined it, The game is unplayable now. “I’m just telling my opinion”


A Tracer main complaining about Brig, classic. This is what happens when you do nothing for years about a broken character Blizzard, people get the wrong idea about how things should be.


delete Moira please



Not-A-Tracer-Main here.

Brig needs to have her shield be destroyed upon landing a successful shield bash.
Either that, or lose half of its HP.


This is a terrible suggestion born out of frustration most likely. Brig is just fine.


yes please delete her and send her to my house. to be my thicc wife.


You probably thought 150 Armor Rally was A-okay, too. You probably also think Repair Pack isn’t actually amazingly powerful.


I’m someone who’s a support main.
So, no. Not really ‘frustration’. Just something that’d help.


If you think tracer is op that’s okay, But what Blizzard did is completely wrong they added a hero that doesn’t need skill and you cant kill her, Not only tracer is unplayable there are many heroes that are hard to play right now, Tracer is completely hard to play, How are you going to be able to go to the back side of the enemy team? You can’t because you’re going to be stunned instantly.

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Welcome to balance, its not as fun when you can’t run unopposed is it?


Psssh, forget getting stunned. Good luck dealing adequate damage (doable but why would you bother? Play a better hero for it) through the Armor and sustain.

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Everything in her abilities is broken.

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Not everything.

I personally think her armor pack needs a buff in the form of a reduced cooldown.

You’re saying that she needs an armor buff??? She already makes “100 armor”, You think that’s not enough ? you sound like you don’t know what armor does.

Maybe the problem is with a character (Tracer) who’s mobility is downright ridiculous to start… just saying, you can make that argument both ways…


But is it the same as briggite’s abilities?

Honestly whenever someone’s first suggestions include “Delete this hero” I can’t take them seriously. Like I get you’re frustrated especially if you happen to play heroes Brig hard-counters, but you could at least try to adapt instead of cry “I don’t like it! Get RID of it!!” It’s childish.


I didn’t just say “DELETE HER!!!” I said “Fix her” too, read the thread again…

Last I checked, the thread TITLE was “Can you please fix or delete briggite?”

Edit: Like I said I get you’re frustrated, but telling the devs to just straight up delete something they toiled over to put into this game is a childish argument. If you don’t like her, adapt to do what you can. If you’re unwilling to do that, I don’t know what to tell you. But deletion? Pft. Please.


I’m didn’t say that I didn’t say “Delete her!” I said that I said “FiX Or dElETe hEr”