Can you nerf dumbfist

Gotta love the old sneaky trap on a translocator xD

At least until she can delete it :frowning:

I have an idea. Give Junkrat two traps so he can counter Sombra and Doomfist xD

The Junkrat assassin meta shall rise :smiling_imp:

In all my years of gaming, I have never heard of button mashers being called controlspammer :older_adult:

Oh we’re frustrated, just we know he is balanced so we suffer through it

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There are some Rein players that like playing Pinball, don’t just assume!

You have the option to swap to a more effective character if you want to. Swapping because your character is getting deleted off the face of the planet isn’t an amazing design.

It being a terrible argument is true though. I can accept the truth; you can’t. Please, reply again with a simple contrarian comment for they are full of substance

If you say so :wink:

You mean like you did initially to a comment which broke down your post and elaborated why the logic behind it was faulty?

Well- you’re the expert.


That was cute!

Oh I get it! you called him “Dumbfist” because you think he’s dumb! :rofl:

Don’t tell me to swap off Widow,

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How to make Doomfist irrelevant:

  1. Play Sombra or McCree


Its been this way since beta.
If you dont like the primary design i suggest another game

In this thread, we learn how to sound like a toolbox when we disagree with someone. I prefer when people think critically for themselves, instead of falling back on “but this very important person said so!”

Skilled players play into their counters frequently. It “hasn’t been this way since beta”. You CAN swap, you SHOULD swap, you don’t HAVE TO swap. My contention is that the game design is bad when YOU MUST swap (because that is an inherent unbalance). If your best reply is “NU-UH!”… then well… :neutral_face: