Can you nerf dumbfist

He belong in a controlspammer game, not in a FPS.


Very well shaped argument.


I mean, I kinda have to side with OP on this one. I’m playing mortal kombat 11 now and I cant help but think Doomfist would be a great addition.


The way you use your words to shape an argument is actually from another world.


… Because he punches? That is the only similarity I can think of.


Yes I’m sure he would but , I’m so sick of these vague just “ oh I died to a good doom and want to make a 20 character post online “
And just to put it out there, I freakin love doom fist In this game, all Melee type hero’s make this more than just a FPS


I mean he has knockbacks, uppercuts, slam attacks, all he needs is some grapples.

It’s not a very far fetched concept.

…admit it you want to see Doomfist finish someone MK style now.


No, u need to learn how to counter him.


Of course I do. Mortal Kombat is my favorite series. I am just saying that the weird hype around him being a fighting game character is just not true. He shares mores with Ninja Storm or some other anime arena fighter. Not to be a buzz kill. But I am just telling it like it is for better or worse.

except the devs said when they made doomfist “they wanted him to feel like a fighting game character” it would be cool to have him in a tradition fighting game and pretty easily to make a move list and with a powerfist weapon you have a vast amount of punching finishers lol.

Dumbfist ultimate needs to be made into a single target 12 hit combo I think xD

As a Zen main, it pains me to swap onto Moira or Brig. So it’s either a) play a hero I love and get repeatedly chewed apart by DF or b) swap to two of the most boring (IMO) heroes and stand a chance.


And they failed unless they meant some weird 3d fighter. Anime fans are surely impressed because Genji was not enough.

I love Doomfist too. I am just saying, I will stick to Mortal Kombat if I need to scratch the fighting game itch.

I mean, for being limited to a maximum of like 5 moves on any given hero I think they did an A- job. Like I said, he’s missing a throw.


Who’s dumbfist?

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You can ask for Sombra and Dva peel you maybe

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That guy in the bushes at your spawn.

I can see him being very unfun to play against but I mained Sombra so if he’s destroying the team and none of the dps switch to Sombra, I go Sombra, even if I was the only tank or healer. If you already have a Sombra but she doesn’t hack Doomfist or Hammond (I’ve been there) try going Ana to sleep them when they engage, Zen to kill them as they engage, or Mei to slowly kill them and cause them to put a curse on your household.

It’s understandable, though, especially in low ranks where there are so many smurfs and the aim isn’t the best.

HUmmm… must be a bronze problem.

Maybe you recognize him on the rooftops then. Usually in a crouching position with a constipated look on his face?


Well it’s a good thing OverWatch isn’t the typical FPS then!