Can you nerf dumbfist

Overwatch is build for pick & counter picking. Thats what the design is.
You arent ment to main hero’s & refuse to switch, you’re supposed to be flexible & swap to whatever is needed

You know this is our chance to work together to find that sweet spot for Doom instead of going back to insisting he is fine and him getting dumpstered again.

Because, boops got reworked basically taking air control away completely again (you know the nerf meant to combat the stupid amount of CC) and then his CD’s were reduced making more shielded and CC’ing more than before…

Thankfully his ult isn’t a near guaranteed kill anymore, but I am sure you can see what will happen if people just stop playing again because of him and I don’t think either of us want this.

Tone his cc, buff his ult in terms of radius and slight damage make it have a slow xast time (when lands) to give opponents a chance. Reduce his damage on punch and buff his ranfe on it from how far it can swoosh him

I kind of disagree. I can see where you’re coming from… but I feel like I have just as much of a fighting chance against Doomfist as I do Genji or Tracer.

Where I can agree with you, is if I’m not watching my positioning and staying around cover that prevents me from being rocket punched for all my health. Then, that is kind of my fault… I know there is a Doomfist in the game, so why did I let my guard down?

Otherwise, all three show up and surprise attack you. Two are much harder to hit, the other not so much, one is just gonna take you for a ride to doom.

Doomfist may CC your movement, but he’s not stunning you through two of the moves. I’ve always been able to lob orbs at him whether I’m being pulled towards him, or I’m going in the air.

a lot of doomfist’s “you can’t fight back”-ness was toned back to the point i think ana and zen mains have more than enough to survive an encounter.

If there is anyone most qualified to be frustrated by doomfist it’s a rein player. Curiously i don’t see much of that here.

Fair enough.

I don’t find it to be even close. Doomfist is infinitely worse to play against and is capable of some truly meme-worthy kills where he roof-skates over half the map before dive-bombing, deleting, and punching his way back to safety.

I’m not saying I’ve never killed a Doomfist on Zen, but like I said I’d rather face a hundred Tracers and a hundred Genjis over a single Doomfist. I even enjoy dueling a Tracer or Genji. It’s a real test of skill and there’s a lot of strategy and nuance to it. That doesn’t exist at all against DF.

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This is pretty forum Doomfist. I’m not saying it’s impossible to do, but not common that it’s done.

For situations like this, it is also good to be aware of what maps and locations he can specifically do it, because it’s not across the entire game, it’s in specific places.

True. Maps like Eichenwalde in particular are where I have this happen most often.

Even still, a good Doomfist knows how to position so they can get good dive-bomb combos as consistently as possible on as many maps as possible. You die so fast to a slam + uppercut + sneeze that it always feels like a meme, and with DF gaining shields in the process, it’s a virtually guaranteed kill at least if you’re against a diamond or above DF.

That is a fair statement. I think Junkertown comes to mind. I have a buddy who learned forum Doomfist, and I’ve seen him do stuff like that, but I also knew it was extremely limited areas he could actually get away with things like that.

I’d say the bigger effect of Doomfist standing out from Genji and Tracer is he’s way easier to pocket than the other two, enabling him to be a brawling monster… I play Brig for my buddy playing Doomfist.

I’ve deleted almost everything except a few key highlights. I didn’t see much point in posting it because it’s not like Blizzard is going to fundamentally redesign the game. I really just recorded it because I wanted to verify that I wasnt actually missing a bunch of shots - and it turned out I was right.

But I could record some footage today or tomorrow. I’d get a dozen clips at least out of a half hour of deathmatch.

I’m still waiting for a response on what exactly a “controlspammer game” is. Genuinely curious, as I’ve never heard this term used before.

If it’s any consolation, Sombra mains share this pain completely.

If this ever became a valid argument for nerfs, literally every hero would have to be dumpstered.

Eh, you favor bad arguments then. Can’t help you there.

And what this suppose to be?

I think they mean button masher.

Maybe give reasons why instead if cry

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Not really. They have to take this into consideration, being a game and all. This is the reason he got nerfed the first time and also why multiple other heroes got nerfed, Hog being an example and Mercy being another one.

Things being widely considered unfun to play against is an issue in any videogame because if left untouched, especially in games like OW, people will stop playing.

Yeah, I am fed up with Doomfist. He has never been in any state except cheap and awful, and useless. Please toggle him back into useless.

Just because you don’t like the truth doesn’t make it a bad argument.