Can you hear us?

All I know is that Overwatch is a video game. Competitive or not, a video game should have fun as the number 1 priority at all times.

Overwatch is NOT fun right. The balance is such a mess that it isn’t enjoyable anymore. The amount of CC and knockbacks is too high and most of the cast could be deleted from the game and you wouldn’t never know anything has changed.

IMO, Overwatch isn’t in a good place right now because if the game isn’t fun to play, it is most certainly NOT FUN to watch. They can pump all the money they want into the OWL but I hardly watched it at all because it was just 2 teams running the same thing over and over again. YAWN

I know how you feel. The game balance needs serious love right now.

Happy Birthday though! :birthday: :beers: :tada:

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Yea… :confused:

Aww… Thanks soo much! :blush:

(Although my birthday is on the 11th, but yea. lul)

This post is a perfect example of what I am talking about. Why can we not get a reply? If no one else, Titanium should have had a reply by now.

Again. I will repeat:

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Yes, they and other Mercy mains should have had a reply about their genuine dissatisfaction with what they did to their mains, a long time ago, If not a change to address that dissatisfaction with the entire outcome. :3

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Like… its not a joke anymore. Someone needs to step up and give us a big update on what the heck is going on. I feel like we haven’t head from them in a year

Its time for a 15 minute (minimum) dev update at this point on everything from Mercy, to game balance, lore, events, etc.


Balance discussions feel like they are somewhere between these:


Hahahahahahahaha omg yaaaas

Best comment on these forums


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