Can you hear us?

Well… before this is locked, at least know that you are not alone. There are a lot of players that are going out of their mind with frustration with this game.

My intention is never to be mean. I am coming from a place of love for this game. I want the best for the game and every single player that plays it.

Its made all the more frustrating because they have been SO SILENT. Just talk to us. We are real people too. We can be over dramatic, but Ive seen J.Kap lose his temper on these forums before too.

We just want the best version of Overwatch we can have. Dont lie to us. Talk to us and tell us whats going on.

Mercy is a mess and so is Sym. 100% of us can agree Sym primary fire is a joke right now. Extra range doesn’t fix the problem but where is the PTR patch? Where are the notes? Are you seriously going to let this fly for another 3-6 months before changing something that is so obviously broken? And for the love of all that is holy… where are the Rein bug fixes already…

Some games put out balance patches every 2 weeks. Overwatch should have a significant balance patch at LEAST ONCE A MONTH.

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In regards to the thread title, they can’t hear us. I mean, look at the Sombra rework no one asked for…

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If you Really wanted to, you could probably remove the “Devs” Part, and be perfectly fine… But it’s also basically censoring yourself, to appease them.

Done. :frowning:

Both, brave moves.

I wish to rebel, but… Not at cost of my own, nor anyone’s Voice in the matter.

Its pretty bad that even typing the word “developer update” is a scary thing to do here.

while that would be nice… it’s just impossible, unless you give all the heroes similar weapons and abilities.
I agree that none of the heroes should be troll picks and only good on 1 or 2 maps.
But it’s impossible to play all the heroes on all maps and levels
Some will be a lot better on certain maps, but trash on others.

Well, they can give developer updates all they want, But when will we get Overwatch Updates? Hmm?

Not just updates on their random ideas they decided to test out after having spent 20 minutes on Mei?

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I think there is truth to what you are saying. I think that is just “meta” right? Like… there will always be “the best way” to play kinda thing, but I dont think its fair to say ok, Bastion is garbage 99% of the time.

To me, that is not proper balance. I think pick rates should be VERY close between all heroes.

Let me say this… when I play Paladins, I feel like I can pick any hero and still be effective. Sure, it might not be “meta” picks, but I still feel like if I am skilled enough with the hero I selected, that I can still be effective for my team.

In Overwatch, if you pick certain heroes, you are literally just dragging your team down. That is SO wrong and its not fun for you or your team.

Bad balance. 0/10


A player’s skill should translate to better overall performance, Not just player’s choice in hero picks.

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This. A thousand times, this! ^

I learned the hard way…

I can’t just jump in and have a good time playing Bastion!
Why wouldn’t i pick Hanzo? or… Tracer?
Or spam Alt fire as Genji?

Why when my Aim and overall gamesense means so little that it loses the game for my team?

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People been saying this for 2 years, what makes you think they’re not doing this on purpose.

If so, then they REALLY Want to kill their game, by running their dedicated playerbase off.

And no, i’m not saying “The game is dying” No… They are just demonstrating how to kill one.

I don’t feel good after i play… I don’t feel “Not any different” I usually feel angry Frustrated, Or even Sad after attempting to play my favorite hero.

THAT Loses players.


I agree. The amount of “fun” I get out of Overwatch now is so small. It doesn’t make me wanna play. Thats why I stopped playing a while ago. But I want to come back and enjoy it… I just can’t.

I’m not suggesting the devs will ever achieve perfection, but it would be nice if they would stop actively focusing on the ‘counter’ philosophy, and look to build a game where you can play whatever character that speaks to you and your play style without it automatically being trolling or throwing.

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Their dedicated playerbase doesn’t even play the game, They just write fanfics and draw weird stuff.

They ran off the real players by constantly changing what their game is while failing to tackle the issue of why it needed changing. Hanzo Moira and Torb jr we’re bandaids slapped over a problem and called done.

Can i let you in on a secret?

My birthday is coming up soon… And lets just say, i’m… Not a popular person.
I don’t have many friends, nor anything even planned…

I thought to myself, for just a moment… “I’ll stay home and game, it’ll be fun”

Until i realized… I Can’t play my favorite hero… In my FAVORITE game… In my first FPS i ever played.

And now i’m just… sad.
And utterly disappointed in the devs for making me love this game so much…

(I might make a thread about this on the day itself… I mean, i wont have much else to do anyways.)

I would Never pander for likes, Responses, nor sympathy… But on a lonely birthday, i… Just want to play my favorite hero again…
(I’ll probably end up just watching OLD Overwatch vids on YT.)


Honestly the entire game just needs a rework at this point.

I don’t mind having the game balanced around the highest level of play. Infact hek let’s have the OWL dictate balance cause it is the highest level of play. There should just always be the element of fun for all levels otherwise everyone else ends up having a bad time. It probably means nerfing to the ground the more forgiving heroes in the roaster in favour of the higher ‘skill’ ones. Wouldn’t it be viable to balance around the middle though, that way a player who gets really good can be really effective, obove average effectiveness, while those in the really low brackets will not be able to get that level of effectiveness.

And I have not much experience with Paladins but I would like to see how they balance auto-aim mechanics or rather diverse heroes. It leads me to think that the cast may not be as diverse as that of OW and there is always the perception of balance among the players to consider.