Can you guys get this childish and petty mindset out of your brains?

Clarification: i ask again that the personal attacks cease

Again, if I ever make any, no problem, buddy.

Ah, I see. I really need some sleep as well :sweat_smile:

Nope. it’d just create the same old problems we had before. QP Classic will be in Arcade, you can go play that. :slight_smile:

Disagree. People don’t play tanks or healers cause people don’t see the immediate effect or power they have in the game. To them, seeing kills in the kill feed is ‘more fun’, which only reinforces what I have said.

Actually, it does.


It isn’t bias cause blizzard changed the game to make it fundamentally better - especially for tank and healer players. What is bias and seflish is you thinking you should get to play ‘lol5DPS comps’ and ruin the game for other people.

The developers also didn’t take away your ability to play DPS. They just shined a light on how many people refuse to play a different role.

Exceeeeeeeeept it has been shown that they do and will.

It does. You aren’t even attempting to create a cohesive group and your strategy is to hope your 4 DPS is better than them. Which, it isn’t cause they will play a real comp. 4 DPS is also not fun for the tank and healer, and it has been shown over and over again.

That is nice, there is more people like me who don’t. Blizzard agrees with us. You could of saved yourself and myself a bunch of time by just saying “I am salty cause blizzard removed my ability to play ‘creative comps’”. So see ya. o/

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Sadly, there are a number of unanswered questions about whether qp classic will truly be equivalent to current qp, including but not limited to whether it will be permanently available

If it isnt permanent, statements like the above fall flat

I’ll tell you the same thing people like you told people that want balanced gameplay.

Make a lobby for it. :slight_smile:

Arcade has always been the place to play 3-4-5-6 DPS. Now you will just be forced to make a little more effort to play the game the way you want.


The statement i replied to spoke of qp classic specifically. I stand by what i stated in my reply

That said, arcade games are full of people who want to win their matches, same as in other modes

Then you should have no problem playing in Arcade.

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Again, the statement i replied to was about qp classic specifically, and this latest statement departs from that, in essence moving the goalposts

then this sentence is irrelevant as no one is putting blame the queue times on you. Why does everything have to be about y’all?

no he said, tank/healers can quiet down their entitlement and unneeded
attitude. Quite different, dude.

because the enjoyment is being spoiled by the queue time. I believe long queue times might increase players leaving the game/toxicity as getting into a game 20 minutes later and losing might tilt them futher.

queue times for gold and diamond+ are quite different, my friend. You have higher queue times the higher you are in rank. Gold is average and not that bad. depends, not sure.

forget clown, :clown_face:you’re a whole circus.

So yo would prefered 1-4-1 comps instead? Why don’t you try that in a custom lobby or two.

Talking about queue times.

That actually reinforces what I’ve said. I said that people don’t like tanking because it isn’t fun, and seeing kills in the kills feed is seen as “more fun”, just like you said.

You’re assuming an awful lot. Picking say a third DPS doesn’t mean they aren’t intending to work as a team (3 DPS comps were extremely viable).
Filling is worse for the team actually as those do fill end up filling as a hero that they don’t normally play so the chances of them playing them as proficiently as their best hero isn’t too likely.

Telling ya that more than one role an refuse to work as a team.

So you’re one of those people. I see. Tanking isn’t that much better with Role Queue (See queue times as proof) and healing is better for the most part.

I’m a Tank main

Are there statistics on this?

4 DPS is a cohesive strategy. 2-2-2 isn’t the only way to play the game ya know. The problem with people picking multi DPS isn’t the amount of each roles are in a team, it’s that it is harder to achieve hero synergy the more of each role you add in.

Entirely subjective as I’ve said before.


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How dumb do you sound “HiGhEr RaNkS” cuz i didnt have to wait about 9 minutes the other day for a DPS game in gold SR.

Are you gonna dance for me too pennywise? :clown_face: How is my argument invalid? Entitlement? How are we entitled? Because we have short queue times and DPS doesnt? Stop and think, stop and analyze what im trying to say. He is trying to say something about tanks and healers being “entitled” and commenting on players who complained about queue times. And im saying how is that our fault, that YOU chose to play DPS despite the wait time. Swear if im the circus ur the ring leader cuz damn ur argument is stupid

P.s you all sound entitled, i migrated to this game from league of legends, where the wait times are WAY longer than this and people dont complain there.

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We get it too, you play a popular role, queue times are long. Stop being petty and childish about it and do more tanking and support to even out the queues.

It’s that simple.


I mean… Technically it is; nothing else really affects the queue time besides the number of DPS roles being queued for vastly outnumbering the tank and support roles being queued for. Whose fault is it otherwise? They can complain about it, but, like… What’d you expect? There’s only so much that can be done to alleviate it and the longer queue for DPS phenomenon exists in every other video game that it’s present in, including HotS and WoW. However, I’ve seen the “please play this role” incentive go on assassins in HotS before.

DPS players unhappy with long DPS queue times and refuse to ever tank or heal are about equal to a kid who kills his parents then complains about being an orphan…

“Do more tanking and support”.
Really? You do know that, this might be crazy, some people don’t like to play support? Did you also know that people find playing tank to be a chore and lso don’t like playing tank?

This is a problem caused by Blizzard and can only be fixed by Blizzard (You can’t expect people to play tank and support when they wouldn’t even do so before), it’s that simple.

What can blizzard do besides implement bot tank and support players

No - this is a game that involves three roles. If you are at all serious about solving the problem, then that’s what it takes to have better queue times.

Let me say it clearly: Overwatch has three roles, tanking, support and DPS. If you simply choose to play the most popular one ever, expect long queue times, or go sit at the kiddie table and play arcade. Its just that simple.

The Overwatch devs for not understanding the basic concepts of supply and demand of a luxury article. At least in their other games Blizzard already tries to alleviate the problem somewhat at a fundamental level by just requiring more DPS players than tank and/or support players (that it’s still a problem in those games despite coping systems just shows how severe of a problem it really is). In Overwatch they do the opposite however.

Sure, role queue ‘technically’ alleviates this problem… only by making people not play the game. It might get some to play more tank and support instead, but most will likely search for another game.

On an unrelated note: jeez, over 1k replies on a topic that’s only 3 days old :open_mouth: