Can you guys get this childish and petty mindset out of your brains?

Alright, let’s solve the problem and delete RQ. Super easy stuff.

Then we are back to the problems of role stacking and all that generates, that’s not a solution on the table either.

It comes down to this - unless you are at Diamond+, you have no real reason to complain. You waited before, but for some reason an additional 1-3 minutes is life shattering… enjoy skirmish, cause quite honestly the way half the DPS play that’s all they are really showing up for anyhow. I’d gladly trade off half the DPS player base for better queue times and DPS who know how to coordinate in a team. Most play like mindless wild dogs trying to get POTG and pad elim counts thinking this is good play…

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“luxury” lol

They clearly do. It’s why they implemented incentives.

Because HotS and WoW are different games that function differently. HotS had an ages-long double support problem where supports did too much damage and is partially PvE and WoW is PvE. Their ideal team comps are different because they are different games. Also HotS doesn’t require more DPS players. There is no role lock in that sense. They just have incentives and the matchmaker will avoid running double supports in quickplay and more than one person per team who says they prefer playing support.

We have seen by past examples that people rather complain than try to fix the problem themselves. Role Lock is a perfect example of this.

Let me say this clearly: Blizzard can fix this.

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Let me say this clearly: dont be a selfish kid and only ever queue DPS and your problems are solved. Be big kid, take on the challenge to grow, be a better player and expand.

Frankly, you can’t be the best DPS you can be without truly every doing tanking or support as you really at a certain level don’t get how to play around them and their needs as well that you are responsible for.

FWIW, I play all three roles, though I play slightly more DPS than either of the other two, so I get it.

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I’m quite sorry for this… but english class?
does not make any sense.

really asking that?

sigh, back at again with the hypocrisy

And that choice is a Blizz problem.

If majority of players enjoy more playing dps and majority of players have to wait 10 min for playing the game there is a risk of loosing half of their players.

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via Imgflip Meme Generator


I’m a flexer and I am a tank main.

I am not talking to you then but the DPS players who refuse to do anything else and complain :wink:

Sorry but im done here, your arguments are weak. “eNgLiSh ClAsS” nice one scrub. It made perfect sense, unless you were asking for english classes cuz you cant read. lel

Welcome to online Role-Based games. This problem is nothing new. MMOs have been trying to “solve” this problem for over a decade and can’t. It’s organic and it’s the nature of so many players choosing to play the most popular role.

Don’t like the que times as DPS? Either accept it, adapt and learn to play another role (like I did) to properly maximize your available game time or find another game to play. Those are your choices. It’s not up to the Devs to magically give you more available game time or patience.

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The title’s irony is delicious.
Practice what you preach.

I mean, people that were originally pro 2-2-2 did nothing but complain, or at least most or them.

That doesn’t address what he said.

He said that DPS players refuse to do anything else and complain. In other words, they can eliminate the queue times problem by simply picking another role or choosing a different match type.

People who were in favor of Role Queue couldn’t do ANYTHING else, except maybe try to find a group.

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It does address what he said as it gives an example where people complained about something in game that they could have fixed themselves and it got changed.

The majority of people who complained and wanted Role Q didn’t bother to try and fix the problem themselves by flexing.

Your rank is where the majority are/average and therefore not relevant to the discussion we two are currently having. Higher ranked people (masters+) are facing long queue times which reach 20+. (nothing compared to your silly 8 minutes)

you said “it’s not our fault”. In this thread where no one is blaming you for the queue times, your entitled self had to bring yourself into the discussion. why? i do not know nor care. (one can guess)

The OP asked for the bad attitude to cease and nothing more. We know why the queue times are long, we know it’ll be fixed if players start playing different roles (won’t happen, a minority who switch to other roles won’t make the solution permanent. which we need)

you arguments compared to mine sum down to “uwu not our fault.” “Play what you want but suck it up dps,”
weak? reflection for one,would do one good.


This forum needs an “Ignore” tool, so that we can filter out all those semantics wars, and all those “yes you did”/“no I didn’t” childish posts.


  1. an individual queuing for not-dps instead of dps does not solve the problem

  2. there is nothing selfish about choosing to play dps (or any role)

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Total malarkey… yes they did complain justifiably about poor play, role stacking, and problems resulting from no coordination and an unwillingness on others to ever do roles other than DPS to help the team.