Can you guys get this childish and petty mindset out of your brains?

The number of people in here that don’t understand basic supply and demand is mind-numbing


I think the issue is more that sane people are wondering why there is a supply in the first place.

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Actually there are two things to blame for the Longer DPS Queue times:
1.The DPS players that never learned to play other roles or just are stubborn and want to play DPS and never the other roles.
2.Blizzard for making 16 DPS and having a small amount of Support/Tank heroes.
-More DPS heroes = More People to main a certain a hero
-Tanks and Supports are not as fun to play as DPS so making more DPS increases the chance of someone becoming DPS main and therefore making the Queue Times longer.

Solution: DPS players should Queue with a friend Tank/Support. It drastically reduces the Queue time.I tried it when I did mine - without friend=10 mins, with friend=2/3mins


When support and tanks was rework and nerfed, DPS said: to learn playing anything else.
Im think, it is time to return a favor.


Apologies for not being able to cover the vast majority of arguments posted in this thread, it’s gotten out of hand, but I did want to chime in with some analysis:

The question I keep seeing is “Why are DPS queues long?” And my answer to that would be: “Because there’s fewer tanks and supports than DPS players.” And I see many here have posted the same sentiment. That is true, but we really should look at the why of that. Seems a lot of people ascribe it to DPS being inherently more fun, but I don’t think that’s accurate - I’ve known people who’d never touch DPS, who’ve still left Overwatch behind, not because the game was simply aging, but because of…well let’s get into that.

The short version is that Overwatch was a substantially different game at launch and its first year than it is now. Matches were slower-paced, and there was a bit more of an OP nature to the heroes in all their designs. Not in the sense of numbers, but that because these heroes were larger than life, they had appropriate abilities, like Soldier’s aimbot, McCree’s lock-on insta-kill, Widow’s wallhack, Mercy’s Resurrect or Zarya’s Gravaton.
These heroes, abilities and kits all existed in an equilibrium - they were all OP as such but there was something you could usually always do to counter a given one. Could be fighting a fantastic Tracer which needed a McCree to Flash at the right time as a counter, or you could have your team go Pharmercy to try to keep one healer out of reach, or keep your off-tank on watch to guard the supports. You had a lot of options and generally, they were all valid.

I’m sure that to most of you who were around then, this will seem familiar, but it’s important to recap because we have had a lot of players come in since those days, some with completely different views of the games, others simply too late to have experienced it.

What I’m getting at is - when it was taking the gaming world by storm, Overwatch had a really unique gameplay loop and style. You could be the pinpoint accuracy Tracer, the space-clearing Reinhart or the hyper-mobile pure healer Mercy and you all had equal possibility of influencing the outcome of the match meaningfully through good use of the hero

This is no longer the case.

For just over two years now, Blizzard have been aggressively pursuing esports as the primary revenue generator for this game, in the form of the Overwatch League - they wanted it to be big, they wanted the game to draw in millions in views and as such they started changing the game to be more in line with that vision - much faster paced, more twitch-based and more like the other shooters on the market. And there’s the problem: In doing so, Blizzard managed to undo a lot of the unique appeal Overwatch had to the wider playerbase.

The horrible mess of the Mercy rework is Patient Zero for this case. A rework designed primarily to take design cues from the feedback and wishes of the people who hated the hero’s very existence and deemed it “unacceptable in an FPS” while completely ignoring the wishes and feedback of the majority of the hero’s actual fans. We all remember the backlash, the insane amount of mega-threads, filled with people posting for the first time because they didn’t want the rework. They didn’t like how it played, a lot of them pointed out how OP it was going to be, and they just wanted to ensure that the core of the hero that (for a lot of them) was the primary hook for playing Overwatch was preserved. Sadly Blizzard ignored all of them, worse they put out terrible statements like: “People just don’t like change.” or “We feel Mercy’s rework has been a success” without ever elaborating on their reasoning at all, even as the nerfs started coming out in every single patch.

I’m going to have to give credit to RobotWizard for the next bit, because they’ve really summed up what those players did next to a tee: They just left.

They left because they felt Blizzard didn’t care about their enjoyment, their feedback or their passion for the game and the character. They left, because the Moth Meta made it a living and toxic nightmare to have been a Mercy player, while Blizzard stayed silent and offered not one word of support. They left, because OWL did a stupid, ill-advised attempted “comedy sketch” about Mercy.

Now I know the other comment a lot of people are typing already: “They should’ve just played another hero!” My question to you is…why bother? I’m not kidding when I say that how Blizzard handled the Mercy rework was probably the single most damaging thing done to this community and playerbase. Because it made those players not care and just leave a game they were otherwise heavily invested in. Same can be said for the tanks as the stuns and other CC mechanisms kept rolling out, complete with shield-melting burst damage. Why bother?

Why bother indeed, if one’s impression is that it doesn’t matter. You can learn a different healer or tank, but then Blizzard will just destroy what you like about them when streamers, haters and pros complain enough, right? Blizzard doesn’t care about the fun you’re actually having, right? So why would you give Blizzard and the game your time?

If you ask me that’s the real reason. Because all those tank and support players were neglected in terms of making sure their heroes and kits stayed enjoyable, but also true to those heroes. The rework wave has been a serious misstep, in my view with maybe Torbjorn being the one exception, but the others have all cost the heroes something in terms of what people would have considered core to their gameplay. That does make it hard to stay motivated, especially given how toxic playing Overwatch can get.

I actually think role-Q is good, because it seems like the first bit of long-term thinking for the majority of the players across the spectrum that Blizzard has done in a while. And Scott Mercer’s blog post about their motivations and reasoning gives me some hope that maybe they’ve finally learned some things, even if they were hard-earned lessons. It remains to be seen if Blizzard can regain the trust and enthusiasm of all those tank and support players they drove off. For this game’s sake, I hope they do.

TLDR: Blizzard made several really bad decisions for the short-term financial gains to be had from OWL, jeopardizing the long-term health of Overwatch as a game by driving tanks and supports away.


Yet another hypocritical “no” statement. I even showed you proof. :roll_eyes:

You should learn to read then as I specifically cited proof.

I have, though you really haven’t since almost all you’ve said is “no”.

No, I explained why I might think one way, I never said you did think that way and you have yet to disagree with what I’ve said on that part or even answered the question I asked.

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Or become DPS

Its good point in this post, i mean. Liked it, but my likes gone, sorry.

You didn’t, but okay.

Ah, personal attacks. Now I know you have nothign left.

You were the one wrong, and admitted to being wrong.


Anyway, this is boring and petty. Can we end this?

This whole post sounds like an entitled DPS player ranting. How is it our fault for your queue times? If you guys played something other than DPS maybe you wouldnt have to wait so long. Why cant healers/tanks point out the fact you guys literally WAIT and its because you choose to? :clown_face: They added incentives to other roles get you guys off DPS and into non-popular roles. But typical DPS main, No diversity, not willing to switch off something, then after waiting a whole 10 minutes and getting stomped on your widow/hanzo leave the match in the first round.

Honestly the wait times on DPS arent that bad. Yeah you might wait 10 minutes but you can just hang out in skirmish, text a friend, do a quick work out, get a snack, ask yourself why you play this game, meditate.

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Classic quickplay is a thing so ya, you have a choice.

I think you hit the nail on the head.

Best TLDR.


I did


It’s a genuine concern as you seem to not even read what I say and blindly say “no” with no explanation.

Never admitted I was wrong about how you mostly say “no”. Stop putting words in my mouth.

You really like cherry picking as there was a lot more to that quote

Tired of being a hypocrite?

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The hypocrisy is so strong it’s simply fascinating.

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Omg 1000 replies jesus people feel strongly about this

So… people who locked dps have every right to complain, even if it’s their choice to play dps now, but dps players who faced the dillema “flex or lose”, don’t have the right to complain, because it was their choice to flex.

Double standards at it’s finest.


Haven’t seen anyone blame the DPS for long queue times. I just feel bad for them.

They’ve resorted to playing… MINECRAFT.

clarification: the dps players are just customers who want to play a game, who had no issue queuing before; the fault of the longer queue times is owned by Blizzard for choosing to restrict the supply of dps slots well below the level of demand

sadly, there are a number of unanswered questions about whether qp class will truly be equivalent to current qp, including but not limited to whether it will be permanently available.

If it isn’t permanent, statements like the above fall flat

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Who has blamed “you” guys? where do “you” guys come into the blame? The OP is talking about entitled ______ players whom believe it’s okay to say “dps deserve it”.

One shall play what one enjoys. You don’t need to tell us facts, the dps role is popular which is why we have to wait.

Typical _____ player, back at it again with the blaming and not letting people play what they want.

Have you seen them yourself or are you just assuming? :clown_face:
15-30 minutes are bad.

You didn’t, but okay.


LOL, not interested in patronizing “concern”.

Your hypothetical was wrong, and you said that’s why it’s good thing it was hypothetical.

Which didn’t matter.

Tired of being wrong?