Can you guys get this childish and petty mindset out of your brains?

Just searched the entire topic, the only people that have said that are you here


and when I quoted the above one here

Stop putting words into my mouth.

You can prove that whether it is common or not depends on personal experience because, as I’ve said many times, it is common more me and you are proof that it is common for another person.

It is possible though to determine if it depends on personal experience as my experience says it’s uncommon while yours says it is.

If you can pull up some credible statistics saying the insta-locking happens more than not, I would love to see them.

True, but different people CAN see different results from it.

You can’t say someone is lieing if they don’t see what others are reporting.

They may be at an Sr in a region which is acting differently.

I’ve had 30 minute waits to get a game when I was in low ranks a year a ago.

It doesn’t mean that was normal for everyone.

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Until then, I’ll choose to remain skeptical, then.

That’s because it’s a figure of speech. It means that you’re simply saying that you disagree as evidence of me being wrong.

No. Because “but no” accurately describes what you are doing.

And as I’ve said many times, that isn’t how commonality works.

You not having that experience is no more proof than me not having a child is proof that childbirth is uncommon.

No, it isn’t. Because there is no proof that you or I represent any sort of majority.

No such statistics exist, and you know it because otherwise, you would have used it to prove that it isn’t common. Which is why I’ve repeatedly stated that neither your experience nor mine is proof for commonality either way.

Yes I can. Because that’s specifically a type of lying called “BSing” (yes, that is often used as a real term in debates). BSing is a type of lie where a person can’t prove whether or not a situation is or isn’t true, but makes a hunch based on personal experience. Even though the person doesn’t know whether or not the point they’re making is true, the fact that they argue that it is (or could be) is what makes it a deliberate deception.

I’m not, stop putting words into my mouth and actions to my name. All I have said is that my experience as well as yours proves that whether it is common or uncommon is secluded to personal experience.

If anyone i saying “No” its you

Talking about whether I think insta lockers are common or uncommon

To which I replied with

I’ve told you that this analogy doesn’t work

Majority doesn’t matter in the case of whether it is determined by personal experience or not. If one person out of 100 has a different experience (not saying this is the case in this situation), than saying that insta-lockers are always common is a generalization.

So are you saying that insta-lockers are uncommon? Kinda contradicts your previous statements.
You said I would use those stats to prove it was uncommon even though I said no such thing and you using the phrase “You would use it to prove that it isn’t common” implies that you think it would prove it is uncommonven though I haven’t said anything about that.
In reality I would accept those stats for what they were, as long as they’re credible.

I’m calling it as I see it. Feel free to disagree.

Another “but no”.

You can tell me whatever you like, but it doesn’t make your logic correct.

If 99 people out of 100 are having a common experience, then that establishes a commonality by definition.

What you’re arguing is the definition of an Overwhelming Exception fallacy, where one exception is given more weight than the overwhelming rule it excepts.

No. I said that you nor I are proof for or against the argument.

For someone who doesn’t want words put in mouths, how convenient that you choose to do it.

Your seeing things that aren’t there…

With an added explanation of why it is a “but no” which unlike what you have done. Another example this is this

You can’t prove it to be an overwhelming exception as you have no stats that prove that more people experience insta-lockers or not, you yourself said this.

I have yet to do so and when I say that you have I provide examples of when you did. You even quoted a question I had since I was genuinely confused about your stance. You even skipped the rest of what I said after that would provide context for that quote anyway. That’s called cherry picking, you are on a role today.

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FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT, kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss :>


I’m not seeing any kissing yet.

Keep praying my man, keep praying.


I just wait until all fights end in a love fest. My kink is wholesome internet flirting

You are fighting a weird battle. Whether or not you, or anyone feels it was common to insta lock DPS or have unbalanced team compositions. Blizzard felt it was enough to warrant a system wide change in that in their own words “Takes months of dedicated coding” to implement.

There are times that they do over step or even knee jerk, but just the amount of time, effort, and even challenging themselves to find another solution should allow some flexibility to note that it was a problem, and they mean to fix it. Again, whether it was affecting you (or specifically affecting others) or not.


I mean, i love tanking but i’d dps if i didnt have to wait so long. But honestly, dont like the que time find a different role to fill.

Nope, don’t agree.

“I’ve told you this” isn’t an explanation. It’s just “but no and I’ve already said why”.

What “proof” are you talking about. It was your own damn example.

You’re the one who said that if there’s 1 exception in 100 then it’s a “generalization”, in which case–yes, it’s a very VALID generalization, because 99 people have had the exact same experience and the one person having a different one doesn’t change the fact that 99 had that experience. That’s what “general” means. That’s a commonality. It does not mean an absolute.

You definitely did.

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Look another hypocritical “but no” statement and one that is used to attempt to deny something that can’t exactly be denied as my comment is pretty concrete as you keep seeing things that I don’t say. I can cite more examples if you like.

I have already said why and I’m getting tired of repeating myself; therefor, totally valid reply.

I specifically said that scenario wasn’t used to represent anything other than a hypothetical scenario.


Please cite such a comment and I will gladly apologize.

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You can keep calling your statements “concrete” all you like, but they ain’t.

No it isn’t, and you’re not the only one getting tired of repeating themself.

Yes, and in the hypothetical, you were wrong. Your hypothetical argued something that was flatly untrue.

You said something I did not say.

Another “no” comment that is still hypocritical. It is concrete when I have proof


It is as I have said it 6+ times now and you keep saying “no” meanwhile I say “no” but with an explanation as to why I said “no”. You rarely have done so if ever, see this as proof

No explanation

Good thing it was hypothetical then :wink:

I didn’t put words into your mouth. I didn’t say “You are saying that isnsa-lockers are common”
I said “So are you saying that insta-lockers are uncommon?” which was a genuine question as I was confused on your stance (I even said so here)

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You didn’t, so it’s not.

You have no proof nor an explanation. Not one.

Except it was a hypothetical that was meant to prove your point. Which it didn’t, because it was wrong.

Get your own arguments straight.

You definitely did. You asked and argued from a premise I didn’t make.

its our faults (tank healers) for playing the “less fun” heroes?

imagine 90% of us start only playing dps role, what happens? queue for dps sky rockets into oblivion taking an hour to find a match (hypothetics)

so be glad (and thankful) that alot of people doesn’t find their total % of enjoyment coming from getting kills (dps) and they are able to find other ways to enjoy the game (tank/support)


i guess me playing healer increases your wait times