Can you guys get this childish and petty mindset out of your brains?

I can’t refute what, exactly? That he claims it’s not common for him?

What’s to refute there?

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You said it yourself, Phoenix, either it is or is not common. You claim he is lying about his experience. Surely you can prove this sentiment? Or… Is it truly a case by case basis as he asserted?

It is an answer that is quite honest as I don’t see insta-lockers that much and I feel safe it assuming you do due to previous replies.

It isn’t for me

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If all the people complaining about it, all the youtube videos showing 3+ DPS comps, and even Jeff Kaplan himself making a forum post about it being a recurring problem aren’t enough evidence, then what else do you want?

“I’ve never seen it, therefore it must be rare” is as irrelevant an answer as they come.

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There is actually evidence that most compositions were nearly a perfect 1/3 split in old comp. I have no idea what that has to do with instalocking though.

I never said that I’ve never seen it, I said it isn’t common for me to deal with insta-lockers. I do not see how that is irrelevant as you asked if it was common or not and I even said it depends on individual experience as to whether is is uncommon or common which so far checks out as it is uncommon for me and common for you (If it isn’t common for you than please tell me)

No the support and tank players aren’t martyrs for playing their role (and I loathe that mindset), but I also don’t feel bad that the DPS players have the queue time they do. It would be nice if they were shorter, but their queue time is a direct result of both the large DPS population and the rather smaller population of tanks and supports.

The game wasn’t really made with the mindset of loading up a team with DPS players. That’s why there were tanks and supports in the first place.

And it’s not as if role queue was made specifically for tanks and supports. They aren’t particularly at fault for its implementation. Part of the issue was that DPS simply weren’t viable with the ability to stack up tanks. It guarantees any role, including DPS players, the ability to play the role they want. The byproduct of that is longer queue times.

Could the devs have rebalanced the entire roster to make GOATS less effective? Sure. But that’s on them, not the community. So all the tanks and supports can say is “queue for something else”. What would you have them do? Storm Blizzard HQ and overthrow the devs like a gaming French Revolution?


A distinction without a difference.

It’s irrelevant because the conversation isn’t about me or you. Even IF I had never seen it myself, that wouldn’t be relevant to how “common” it is. An individual experience is subordinate to aggregate ones here.

I’ve never had a baby, and I know several people that never have. That doesn’t change the fact that childbirth is common.

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You don’t have to be Seymour Krelborn.

There is a pretty big difference in saying something has never happened to you and saying it hasn’t happened that much.

I’ve already explained this to you 3 or so times.

That is because you can see the proof of it, meanwhile I don’t see proof of it since the amount of insta-lockers I get isn’t that much, but you do. Therefor, my reasoning is that whether insta-lockers are common or not is that it depends on personal experience.

Usually picking healer falling back to tank.

Even asking for the dps role sometimes tilts the team, so it wasn’t worth it. Now I just queue for dps, and play Sombra / Mei.


Not in this case. Either way, your argument is that it didn’t happen enough to you to be “common”.

And? The logic still fails.

And again, your personal experience, and mine, as well as any single individual doesn’t matter. It doesn’t prove or disprove commonality.

Different regions / different Sr.

All of them are different.

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And unless Role Queue (or any other hypothetical solution) is designed to work ONLY in “problem regions/SR”, it’s not a different strokes issue, because we’re all going to get the same patch whether we want it or not.

It is in every case.

My argument is that it depends on personal experience, I’ve told this to you multiple times before.

You have yet to give any valid reason why this is so.

If I don’t see insta-lockers that much and you do, than that means that it depends on personal experience as to whether it is common or uncommon.

And I’ve told you that your personal experience means nothing in this case. You saying “but no” doesn’t change that.

I’ve explained that individual experience cannot prove or disprove commonality several times. So false.

Again, that’s not how commonality works. Commonality cannot be proven or disproven by a single sample or data point. That defeats the entire purpose of the term “common”.

I’m not saying “but no”. Stop putting words in my mouth.

What it does prove is that the commonality of such a situation like instalocking depends on personal experience.

Look above ^

Yes you are. I say something, your response is “but no, it’s not”.

No, it literally cannot prove that because personal experience CANNOT prove commonality.

You can continue claiming it does, but it is literally impossible to determine if an experience is common from a single personal testimony.

What evidence? From what source?

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I do not really want to find it. It is common knowledge by now. Also sort of irrelevant because role lock is here.