Can you guys get this childish and petty mindset out of your brains?

Well, player feedback is a factor in whether they implement it or not.
How much it contributed I can’t know, but it doesn’t really matter for my argument, because

“think” being the keyword.

Well, mine weren’t. All the same exact issues were present, except 5 dps dysfunctional team comps have now been 2-2-2 dysfunctional team comps.

I just roll with those usually…
But that’s really down to the wrong perception of having to play 2-2-2 no matter what, even when it’s clearly worse than a 3-2-1 or 3-1-2 comp.

I could literally buy all currently unowned non-event items.

Still a major generalization. I have had games where no one instalocks, I have seen streams of this happening. Saying that everyone that plays DPS are insta-lockers is a generalization.

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Imagine playing comp during an event, and only getting tank players who are only here for the daily lootbox.

Just because there “have been” games where something didn’t happen doesn’t mean it’s not common.

“Generalization” is not an inaccurate term here. The situation was so common that it was an annoying regularity.

I imagine you mean for future events. Because past events actually incentivized playing with your best hero because you needed to win to get the rewards.

I play Hammond a lot, and Hammond’s best comp was arguably 3 DPS, single tank. When RQ was announced, Hammond’s viability was a concern of mine.

But it’s a sacrifice I was willing to make versus all of the annoyances I’ve described throughout this topic.

I never said they were or weren’t common, I’m just saying that you generalized the entire DPS player base.

Which is why I said “generalization” is still accurate.

This is a case where saying “don’t generalize” doesn’t really work because, as you just admitted, it IS common enough to be a generalization.

Never said that, I specifically said that I never said the the scenario is or isn’t common

That’s only for arcade. In role queue beta you just have to play.

So was it common or not?

That’s why I made the distinction I made.

Uhm, what are you talking about?

Okay, you mentioned “events”. I’m assuming you mean like the D.Va, Ana, Baptiste and the latest one with Rein/Mei/etc. Where it doesn’t matter what mode you play–you just have to win. Even the ones you play in Arcade for weekly Loot Boxes still require you to win to get the rewards.

So, I said those events…

In other words, yes, I agree that the current Role Queue Beta events are flawed because they encourage people to just “try out” a role and not necessarily win with it.

EDIT: Somehow accidentally replied to myself.

No, the seasonal main events.

Ah. Then yes, if that stays, it might remain a problem.

My assumption was that the daily lootbox was just a Beta thing, though.

It’s just emotional response to 3+ dps instapicks.

I don’t see why it would go away. People will still hate to play tanks.

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Or just… ignore them.

It all depends on individual experience. For me it wasn’t that common, though I’m assuming it was for you.

Girl no it isn’t. You just want someone to argue with.

Okay, that’s a dishonest non-answer.

Either it’s common or it isn’t. This isn’t a “different strokes for different folks” issue. This is either happening to players in aggregate or it is not.

Since this kind of him-hawing answer is how you seem to want to converse, I’m not engaging with you again from here on out.

So once again, I’m sorry that asking you to back up your statements is “wanting to argue” to you. But back in the real world, you just can’t make judgment statements.

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You can’t refute what he said, so you are rage quitting all future discussions? Who was being dishonest about what now? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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