Can you guys get this childish and petty mindset out of your brains?

And they later changed their minds, because they were surprised by how many people insist on one-tricking.

I don’t find the difference to be distinct enough to matter. A person who “fills” plays the character that either they or their teammates say is “needed” for the team. But, this is the single hardest thing to do, because it requires that the “filler/flexer” be good at absolutely everything.

Which, again, very commonly does not happen.

I mean, they do have the right to choose DPS, same with support and tank players.

Not all people that play DPS insta-lock, that is a generalization. DPS don’t act like they are God’s Gift, not in my experience. In my experience Supports act like that more than DPS

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So if nobody is entitled to anything, why do you think it’s okay that support and tank players think they are entitled to force people off of dps heroes?

Even if that was remotely true, which it isn’t, how would Tank and Support players force people off of DPS heroes?

Role queue

Tank and Support players do not have the ability to deny or enforce Role Queue. That is up to Blizzard and Blizzard alone.

Gonna call shenanigans on this.

If you main DPS, you have to instalock because there are so many others who also play it that half the time, two other teammates have already picked DPS before you have. I learned that the hard way when I started maining DPS. It’s even worse if you play whatever DPS is “popular” at your SR and the current meta.

You either instalock or “fill”. There’s rarely any in-between.


They created a demand for it though. The narrative of the “dreaded 4 dps comp” has been here since forever.

Are you this pretentious in real life? Or just when you’re keyboard warrioring out?

Blizzard had a choice to either implement a role queue or not. If you have played a Tank or Support roster hero for X amount of hours Blizzard did not ask us if we thought it was a good idea.

In my opinion, Role Queue is better for the game overall. Since it is just my opinion, I could be wrong. The games I have played since the competitive Role Queue was put in place have been better, pretty much 100% of each and every game. The only discrepancy I have found is that more people will leave due to this being a BETA season.

The only downside, which I have read about but not experienced, is the perceived long queue times for DPS heroes. Publicly I do not advocate for the Damage Dealer population to have long queue times. I also don’t feel bad for people who want to play Damage Dealers. The system that was in place for 3 years disregarded 2 of 3 roles in the game, outside of people who get paid to play Overwatch.

It is Blizzard’s system to change as they see fit, and I agree with the direction they are going.

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It’s not a “narrative” though.

Many-a-time have I been in the dreaded DPS Mexican Standoff situation where 3 or more of us insta-pick DPS and then the team spends half of the setup period arguing over who picked a fraction of a second faster than who.

I’m sorry that you see backing up your own statements as “keyboard warrioring”.

If it answers your question anyway, I come from the real world, where when you say something that insults someone else’s decisions or goals, you make a case for why your solutions are better.

Please, get over the fact that I said the game design is why dps queues are long and not because players pick the most appealing role. Just get over it. I don’t need to explain that any further. There’s nothing else to explain. That was my point. You keep trying to tell me my point is not that. But it is that. That is my point.

The other downside are the rapid influx of people who do NOT main a role suddenly deciding to play it just to “see where they place”.

I’ve noticed and seen with my own eyes that there’s a lot more people in each role who clearly have never played said role but are doing it just because.

Blizzard is also at fault there, since they give you small rewards (loot boxes, etc.) for placing in each role separately. So they’re actively incentivizing it.

Okay, so the game design is at fault. Fine.

But you also mocked people for arguing about whose fault it is instead of advocating that Blizzard incentivize playing other roles and also singled out the “trinity” as being the crux of the problem.

So it’s perfectly reasonable to critique your position with the fact that the familiar “trinity” system is both the major draw for why many people play the game and carries with it the same issue of DPS roles being far more popular, just like in other games.

It’s now up to you to explain what sort of system would both satisfy fans of people who like the role division AND make non-DPS more appealing. Otherwise, your mockery makes no sense.

I wanted to know where I was, approximately, on the DPS side of things. So I swapped queue with 1 of our 2 DPS players to play my 5 games. We were in a 4 stack so I was still in the game after about 2.5-3 minutes. I could have predicted that my DPS placement would have been lower then my Tank and Support placement, as I only have about 5-10% of my total play time on Damage Dealers. What I found most telling was, I could not switch to counter the enemy team as fluid as other DPS players, because I had no practice in doing so (Life of a Tank/Support player).

My account is too old and played for these “incentives” to make a difference. I own about 90% of all the game stuff and have 15000 credits to spare. I am aware this isn’t everyone.

This will be the most ironic thing I’ll read all week

Oh my God we are almsost at 1000 replies. I can’t possibly keep track of the replies at this point.

I didn’t say they were good incentives, but they make it clear that this is what they want players to be doing.


This system also rewards those who stick to dps while others all jump off of it by giving those who stayed behind shorter queue times.

Which, ironically, encourages DPS players to keep playing DPS to become some kind of hipster king.

This doesn’t make any sense, logistically.

If this were true, then it wouldn’t “reward” anyone. For every person that switches from DPS because they want shorter queue times, then yes the queue times of the remaining DPS becomes shorter.

In short, if someone is determined to play DPS that badly, then they are gambling that their fellow DPS won’t feel the same. If they’re right, then they’re rewarded with shorter queue times. But if they’re wrong, and other DPS mains do the exact same thing, then they’re punished with longer queue times.

I’m a support main player and even I find the whole “lumping everyone together as ‘selfish’” to be more than a little self-indulgent and unhelpful, at best, and often petty. The folks saying that they play this game to play the hero they want—something that is basically the main draw of a game with such character appeal—are right. That’s why they joined. Hero switching was also always a big part of the fundamental appeal of the game.

Some folks simply don’t like playing tank or healer. I get it. I stopped playing tank, myself, because I got tired of games where I got pinballed and ragdolled without any help. It wasn’t fun. And I found Orisa boring after a while. I like healing, although every so often I like to jump onto DPS and just shoot things for a while. I’m still a team player, looking to do everything I can to help my teammates, which should be part of the game whatever you “main.”

This idea that it’s inherently selfish or that these players “deserve” to suffer is wrong. Now, it may just be fact: You’re queuing for the most popular role, you will have to wait longer in a 2-2-2 environment. Yes, this is true. Unfortunately, this is inseparable from role queue. If we have one, then we’ll have the wait.

But we who main other roles ought to be a little more considerate. For one thing, other players enjoy playing a DPS role just like you or I enjoy playing healer or tank. For another, anything that causes players to wait extended periods just to get into a game—all while being heaped upon as “filthy DPS deserving of what they get” by self-righteous tank/support players—could be hazardous to this game’s long-term health. Well, even more so than the balance team.

Think about it. DPS is the most popular role. It’s what draws the majority of players in this game. If they’re forced to wait 10+ minutes to find a game that might not even last 10 minutes, all while facing self-righteous derision, what happens? They may just go find another game to play with less wait and less derision just for daring to play who they want to play in a game full of awesome characters.

Yes, I get tired of healing 4 crappy instalock DPS + 1 flanking Roadhog, too. This issue is not so black and white as to just heap “deserved” scorn upon “selfish” DPS players and call it good, though. There’s nothing inherently wrong with wanting to play DPS, or wanting another solution to long queue times. Long queue times combined with snobbery may do more harm than good, however, to the game’s playerbase, and it’s kinda childish to look down on other players just because they don’t share your preferences.

Try a little more understanding and a little less derision, people. This is a serious issue and should be approached with a little more nuance than “DPS bad, tank/healer good, enjoy your wait lol.”