Can you guys get this childish and petty mindset out of your brains?

You can say that about any argument of “Blizzard, the game is DYING unless you do X!”, implying that whatever personal demand X represents will undo the perceived damage.

Forced Queue hasn’t existed for decades…just a few weeks, at this point

Then it wouldn’t have been Overwatch, and several people (myself included) wouldn’t have been interested in it.

If I wanted to play 90% DPS, 10% Anything else, I could always play Call of Duty or any of the other billions of shooter clones.

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Why are you trying to bait me into an argument about something I’ve already told you wasn’t the point of what I was talking about?

lol like I could not care less if you didn’t play OW if it wasn’t a holy trinity based game.

Then what IS the point? You’re complaining about people complaining, but as alternatives you suggested demanding other roles become more appealing and erasing the DPS/Tank/Support role to begin with. The former of which is likely impossible and the latter of which is an entirely different game.

If your point is to mock people for arguing, the two solutions you’ve posed so far have only confirmed why the argument seems like the only choice.

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I literally did not. I only said that “maybe they should have designed the game differently” I did not:

And I only said

To placate your first response. I never suggested it be done now.

You really just want to argue with me and I don’t care what you have to say so I’m done responding to you.

Gonna repost my original point and be done with you:

It’s no one’s fault the queues are long, the game design is the reason the queues are long. DPS is the most desirable role to play, that’s no one’s fault. Maybe blizzard could find a way to make the other roles more desirable to play, but there’s no point in players screaming at each other about it.

Didn’t blizzard see this coming? Even role que raids in WoW for dps is looooong do they not learn from other games.

You literally said that people should be more concerned about making non-DPS roles more appealing. Not sure how that’s even arguable. You even repeated the statement at the end of this reply.

On the other, you said they shouldn’t have designed the game with a “holy trinity” of DPS/Tank/Support. Not sure how you’d expect this to happen without erasing the three roles, but I’m open to elaboration.

I’ve asked you twice now to explain how you expect Blizzard to make other roles “more desirable” when other online multiplayer games have also failed to do so, and how Blizzard could have designed the game without the “trinity” in the first place without creating an entirely different game.

Asking you to back up your statements is not “wanting to argue”. You mocked other players for “screaming at each other”, so it’s expected that your proposed solutions be a more sensible alternative to that.

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Just look at WoW.

“You think you do, but you don’t” has been haunting them since Blizzcon 2013.

Still is even with Classic WoW hours away from launch. But now it is being used as an “I told you so.”

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Eh, is the truth now “childish”? #fridaysforfuture or what? Because then, sure. Childish it is! But if it’s stupid and it works, it’s not stupid.

See, if we didn’t have as many players playing one role over evenly playing all of them, the problem wouldn’t exist. Notice the cause and effect in there: “Players flock to DPS” --> “DPS has lengthy queues due to uneven player amounts”.

Could Blizzard do something to mitigate the effect? Yes of course. Tons of things, sec on that. But at it’s core, they don’t cause the effect, they merely provide the framework in which we - the players, not individually but as a giant whole - cause the effect.

What they could do, however:

  • Change the team composition to 1-3-2, 2-3-1 or even 1-4-1, rebalance all tanks/heroes/DPS based on this. I don’t think many DPS players would take well to sweeping nerfs, and if you think the Moira whining is already ludicrous now wait until all DPS get nerfed and she gets substantially buffed because 1-4-1.
  • Provide loads and loads more tank and support heroes to make for a bigger - and hence less boring - selection. They’re already working on that from what we know, but they could pick up the pace!
  • Provide meaningful incentive beyond extra boxes that aren’t tied to shorter queue times being an inherent reward. In other words, artificially incentivize specifically DPS players swapping to other roles, say via special skins you can get if you do it often enough. Compare the mount skins in FF14.
  • Cap the total amount of players in the system to ensure those already in get reasonable queue times. This’d not go over well at all I bet, but hey, it’d be a way to mitigate the issue.

I mean, in the end the problem is always player-made. In any game that has roles like these and some are desired more than others. If every player would want to equally play each role, the problem would entirely disappear and we’d all get each role 33% of the time. It’d be “fair”.

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people want to play DPS in FPS? wow, who could ever imagine that… some kind of wizzard propalby


Exa-cuuuuuuuuse me? Discord orb, anti nade, GA flight shenanigans, BOOP, all the hamster memes?

Tbh I find those utilities far more fun than “lemme build a wall”, “lemme teleport” or “lemme use my wall hack”.

Ask a third time. See if I give you want you want.

I don’t care. You’re one that claimed to have a point. I was just trying to give you a chance to clarify it.

Not my business if you’re determined to fall on your own sword.


If you are the type who only signs up for the DPS queue, what did you do previously when people instalocked two DPS?

Did you:

a. Lock a third DPS.
b. Choose a healer.
c. Choose a tank.
d. Ask someone to switch off and then choose one of a or b or c when no one did?
e. Some combination of the above?

The large majority of the players think that they’re entitled to be a DPS. Truth is, nobody’s entitled to anything, at all. I wish they’d be a tank or a support for once in their lives instead of insta-locking DPS like the players are God’s Gift to the Human Race. Here’s a hint: YOU’RE NOT!!!

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As a DPS main, I’d rather wait longer from a sensibly structured game. If thats 5 minutes of 25 minutes. I don’t care. I can do other things while it ques. I think the Pros MASSIVELY out weigh the cons on role que. So I am glad it is here to stay.


The devs even said that flexing is the proper way to play the game.
Most people that say they “flex” don’t and many people commonly confuse the term “flex” with the term “fill”.

Hopefully, whoever the flex player switched to improved the situation or said that they were going to switch and why.

You used to be able to ignore a user. It would stop the system from showing you their text and you wouldn’t get a notification if they respond to one of your comments. I really wish Blizzard would put that back into the forum options. I have about 3-4 people I would love to put on ignore, Mega being one of them.

While that’s true, Jeff also said that it didn’t really work out the way they expected, as they didn’t anticipate the existence of hero maining or one-tricking. I think it’s reasonable to say that, despite whatever was the original intent, the game has evolved beyond that point and the developers don’t feel that’s a critical part of the game’s identity (otherwise, they wouldn’t have implemented RoleQ)