I dont think thats what she needs imo. Her healing is fine. The problem is her kit is contradictory to her intended design. Valkyrie removes virtually all of her weaknesses and turns her into something she should no be: an aoe healer. If anything it should just drastically buff her main beam, theres a reason the idea was scrapped early on and its because it removed a weakness of hers. On top of that, she still has resurrect on a cooldown which is more powerful and has the same problems that caused them to buff the original resurrect; it encourages hiding, and forces mercy t stop healing altogether. With a healer meant to be so mobile, having this ability that completely halts that, really ruins her fluidity for me.
I understand its the way they balanced it, but if it has to be that way, I prefer it be removed. Seeing its used on average 7 times in the course of a game, that doesnt seem like something “iconic” or part of the core gameplay of a hero.
I think before they ever added the cast time, they shouldve tried removing the interaction resurrect had with valkyrie. I feel that a 30 second cooldown was enough of an offset, the problem was that valkyrie allowed cooldown refreshes and lower cooldowns. They went straight from giving it the charge system while allowing instant cast in valkyrie with a cast time outside when I think they should have tried leaving it instant as it was, but remove how it interacted with valkyrie so that it would be a 30 second cooldown.
Its not something i can see them doing now, just because of how op itll look to many people, but seeing so many mercys die just the same way as with the orginal pre-invulnerability rez, whether right before or after the rez and occasionally having the person they resurrected just die again is a bit disappointing. The thing is, when the rework hit a lot of people thought it would be better to play against than mass rez until they realized that mercy could rez just as many in a game without having the stipulation of needing them all to die within 10 seconds of each other or in 15 meters of each other.
To me, the best way to justify this, is to do what any proposed and swap resurrect back to her ultimate (single target instant cast) that can charge quickly but still on average 30 seconds (no pooling charges, you get it and you can use it or not) to justify it being instant, and have valkyrie on her e as a lower cooldown and less duration with no chain beams.
Resurrect moved to her ultimate (with the beautiful resurrect icon that looks so much better than what it is now since they moved the wing part of it to Valkyrie’s icon) and made instant cast.
Valkyrie moved to an ability, chain beams removed, infinite ammo removed, regeneration unimpacted by damage removed, guardian angel max distance reduced, cooldown at 12-15 seconds, with duration of 3 seconds or something like that
New functionality: Still increases healing from 50-60, but also applies damage boost to the target (since no more chain beams).
To me this would make her so much more fluid to play and maintain her strength and weaknesses that valkyrie eliminates.
WHile i would rather they remove valkyrie and resurrect altogether to make her better, this is a compromise I can take (particularly since its odd to have as a base ability something that can only function on a dead teammate, on a long cooldown, that forces you into a standstill, and stops you from taking other actions, and cannot be cancelled).
I dont think I need to put a disclaimer, but this is my opinion on what they should do. I think her healing is fine as it is, even if its likely bloated statistically because of Valkyrie’s chain beams.
I made another post a while back that goes into way more detail of how I see Mercy that is still accurate to this day if you have 15 minutes to spare: