I still laugh at this when he was considered high skill not two days prior to Moira’s heal nerfs.
You’d have to dumpster Ana and Moira, and leave tanks unable to healed to get Mercy to compete.
Mercy had 50 hps at launch and did not become functional until her hps went to 60. She didn’t get picked moreso because of Ana and Lucio being broken at the time instead of being unable to function resulted in her lower pickrate but she became a viable option instantly with 60 hps.
60 hps isn’t gonna cause massive healing creep. It’s what this game had for a long time.
Game released May 2016. Mercy got a healing buff in September 2017.
You’re making this conclusion based off of 4 months, and the conclusion you drew is that she was able to function with 60 HPS. You’re ignoring the fact that with/after her 60 HPS buff, she also had more changes:
- Resurrect was buffed so that allies could move quicker after being resurrected
- Her passive healing was buffed so it activates after 1 second of not taking damage, instead of 3
- Resurrect made her invulnerable
These helped make her strong. Not just 60 HPS. Neglecting this is dishonest.
I’d be fine trying 60 HPS but I’m not for it. 60 HPS when you have heroes like Moira who do more healing while requiring less decision-making/effort will not help her. I think that you’re neglecting a lot of other factors that made Mercy “functional”.
As uperior said, the only buff that’s affected her at all has been the nanoboost buff. That came both with mercy’s healing nerf, and lucio’s aura buff that both indirectly buffed her. And even with that buff, she continued to not be the meta pick for goats, which opted for three off healers and she was trash tier, literally bottom of the roster, during double shield. Since double shield, she hasn’t received a single buff. This exemplifies the problem isn’t with Ana. The meta is just favoring her right now due to her counters not being played. An indirect buff to her counter or to switch the meta up, and she can go right back into irrelevancy again.
Personally I agree, to be honest.
Wait, what? I think you have your time frames mixed up. September 2017 was her rework, around there anyway. Think that’s when it hit ptr but i could be mistaken. She got her healing buffed in august 2016 from 50 to 60hps.
And between your time frame, that’s a year and 4 months, not 4 months.
Not really. The fact is she was competing with 100% healing boost Ana at the time, but she was still functional. Ana’s healing was just broken af, averaging something like 16-18k on her own. That was corrected before season 4, early 2017.
oops, I meant September 2016. Thanks for catching that.
The 60 hps is what made her strong, not those other changes. And you know, not remembering the exact time changes happened 4 years ago doesn’t make someone dishonest. I didn’t say you were dishonest when you kept insisting it was 6+ months between those changes, now did I?
And no the hps allowed her to synergize with Zenyatta. And it was gaining proper synergy that made her stronger.
Healers need to be able to keep tanks up or provide utility AND a defensive ult to be able to have relevancy for the most part.
That is why Mercy’s kit is objectively better than back then but she’s in the exact same position as before her hps change.
It’s dishonest when you’re focused on a 60 HPS buff, while ignoring the many buffs that she’s gotten elsewhere. Not remembering them is fine, which is why I listed them out, but then you’re re-affirming that 60 HPS is what made her strong and not the many other changes that enabled the playstyle that landed her the rework. That’s why I think you’re being dishonest, and if you’re not, then I apologize for making that claim.
Since I was wrong about the 6+ months, go for it. I was misinformed and therefore spread incorrect information. I was being dishonest (unintentionally). lol. It’s okay to call it as it is.
It’s really hard not to feel like you are when you think a 10 HPS buff is what made her functional, and not the things that ACTUALLY objectively made her stronger in general. And maybe it’s my 200+ hours on Mercy across platforms since Overwatch was released, but I can’t agree that a 10HPS buff is what made her functional, and not her self heal, not her invulnerability while resurrecting, and not the fact that her teammates are invulnerable and can move around after being resurrected.
Either way, I don’t think we’re going to get anywhere. I’d rather just leave it as is. You’re free to think/feel how you want about Mercy. You have the right to. I don’t think we’ll agree with each other on this.
Mercy had 16% pickrate in 100% of games for months.
Ana has 16% pickrate 15.33% now lol… in 1 week, for less than 1% of games (GM is sub 1% of the playerbase), where Mercy also happens to be banned, oh yeah did we mention that, heroes can be banned each week now unlike back then.
The only double standard here, is that Mercy players are still allowed to utter their opinions on the forum, after the mess they made with Mercy and “every nerf will make her useless wahh”.
I wasn’t discussing the playstyle that landed her rework though. I was focused on what I felt was the impactful buff of the time period to making her functional. And you pointed out that a buff happened around that time quicker than I realized. To leap to dishonesty because someone focused on something in the past they thought was important is massive stretch.
You harped on it being 6+ months between those buffs and made the claim I was wrong about it being a few months, and I did not call you liar because remembering the exact order of patches and their time frame years later isn’t a thing anyone does and it’s a bs thing to call someone dishonest for not doing.
Dishonesty is intentional misrepresentation, not merely being incorrect.
I feel you are strongly discounting the power and importance of synergy.
This is just going into semantics and I’m going to leave it as an “agree to disagree”.
Respectfully, I don’t think it’s semantics when you claim someone is doing something that reflects on their character.
It really isn’t that deep. But whether or not its semantics is another argument apparently.
I’m pretty confident we won’t agree on this when it comes to Mercy, hence I want to just leave the discussion. You’re entitled to your opinion and it is justified. Nothing more I can say without repeating myself again and again.
High Pickrates during the week doesn’t really matter, it should be viewed as the last 3 months if you are using Overbuff as Blizzard’s previously shown data looks more similar to that.
Also high pick rates can be contibuted to other factors. Example are the other supports relevant? Are the other supports able to upkeep consistent healing and not compromise on performance, example if Moira attacks to regain Healing juice and is therefore not healing, is that a compromise?
Current bans and current trends/popular opinion. Right now if you look at all Tiers and the whole collective, Ana and Rein are at a value that is similar to their Season 3 stats…
Conclusion… Ana is just hands down better than the other supports, with Moira coming in a closely at 3rd because she has better utility and heal rate than Mercy
Tbh I’ve left the game for over a year… haven’t really done this since Mercy megathreads… if they still keep the trend of looking at it per 2~3 months statistic or by seasons… and they want to shake up supports they will try to boost Zen/Brigitte but at the same time try and weaken Ana and Moira or something…
Or avoid doing anythingh drastic and let ban list run its course, gather data and wait for OW2
No, their topics are usually mass-flagged…
And Ana Mains say "waaaaah, any nerf to Ana is unfair because skiiiiii[10^1500 “i"s]iiiiiiiiiiiiiill” .
Rightfully so, it is always nearly trolling ?
Yet where do you see those Ana mains now ?
Funny thing is, there are more none ana mains defending her, than Ana mains, not that a false argument about 1 week stats and 1 other high use healer being banned, to begin with.
Yeah, Ana, Moira, Reinhardt and Zarya are the most picked tanks and supports. I’d rather have good Lucio knowing his trade than someone who plays Ana/Moira because friend told them they are the best. Same goes with tanks.
Ana has been dominant must pick force on the meta unless shut down by a broken support or broken doublebarrier. Not just for these two weeks, but for years since her very inception.
Meta will always default to Ana if there’s nothing that’s brutally far stronger than her or 100% gimps her. And it should not be that way, support picks should be balanced and yet if nobody in your teams plays ana, you might as well be throwing.
No, it’s not just because mercy and bap are garbage, they and other supports weren’t always garbage whenever ana was still meta, it’s because ana has a broken toolkit.
I disagree with both groups.
I think Mercy is actually fine and I think Ana could use a slight nerf lmao
Not only her anti-heal. The dumb 6 second stun with infinite range is broken as hell too. But Ana players will tell you how it’s needed because she needs to defend herself. Those people never really play anything else, otherwise they’d see how broken it is.