I’m not saying she was ever forever meta; she wasn’t. She’s barely better than she was for the 2 years in which she was considered a high skill throw pick. I just pointed out that she was used for 2 possible utilities in that meta, although wasn’t a meta healer herself as it was far more viable to just take the wipe and go again, as it was inconsistent.
The only buff Ana has had that actually matters at all is the heal on Nanoboost
Yeah I would argue she needs a slight nerf. Something like
- 1 second reduction in duration of bionade’s effect
OR - slight nerf to HPS
OR - 1 second reduction in duration of sleep
What makes ana so OP all the sudden?
It was actually. The devs flat out said she was balanced based off winrates long before she got her final nerfs. Early rework this may have been true but for months Mercy was in precisely the same situation as Ana is in now and was nerfed for it.
It wasn’t a few months, though. It was 6+.
It was because the devs were slow to nerf the parts of Mercy’s kit that made her a must-pick:
- Instant resurrect
- Instant cooldown reset upon activating Valkyrie + an extra charge
- Long duration on Valkyrie
It took them a long time to take care of those things that made her a must-pick. And it was a severe disadvantage to not have a Mercy of your own. Where we are now is that we can get away with not running an Ana or Moira - it’s that running without either is basically throwing.
And I said it before - I’m fine with nerfs to Ana. I think comparing her to the busted mess that was post-rework Mercy is odd.
No. It wasn’t. The entirety of Moth wasn’t Mercy being overpowered.
Well, you’re free to think that.
Everything else says otherwise.
The winrates did not. And the pickrates were Mercy being in the same position as Ana is now. The devs actually said that at time. Her winrates were around 50%.
She was overpowered from her rework until her cast time changes and such. A period of about 4 months.
This logic should be applied to Moira then, before she got nerfed.
It was longer than 4 months.
Which I said before. It wasn’t the entire duration, it was a large chunk of it, though. They took a few months to give her a change at all, then another few for the additional ones.
And again, for the third time, I’m fine with nerfing Ana on the premise that she has too much going on. But comparing her to post-rework Mercy isn’t fair at all when not running Mercy = you basically already lost, and you can get away with not running an Ana.
No. It wasn’t. It was 4 months. September through January.
Ana is better because the other supports were overnerfed. Just like Mercy was in that position before the support patch. In fact, Mercy’s pickrate was already falling prior to her hps nerf after the bug fix that was the only reason she was being picked to pair with Hanzo.
It’s a completely fair comparison. Ana is balanced. Mercy and Baptiste are not. Their problems are their own. And if you nerf Ana and buff them the same thing is gonna happen all over again.
I’d rather nerf Ana than have other supports buffed to compete with her. Last thing that we’d need is support-creep where nothing dies, and burst damage is more essential.
Mercy cannot even do her job and couldn’t at launch either.
In what sense? That other main healers can do what Mercy does better?
Mercy cannot keep up tanks. Teams would even rather do a double Lucio at launch, because at least they got speed boost, over her.
She’s never been a functional hero at 50 hps even before Ana was added to the game.
It was the entire reason they buffed it in the first place. Her winrates are horrendous outside of pocketing a few dps. She does not function at all at 50 hps
I’d have to disagree and I’m the Mercy player lol.
It’s the fact that Moira does more healing than Mercy and requires significantly less effort. She was released before that 50 HPS nerf to Mercy.
Whether or not Mercy needed that nerf is debatable. But having a hero who can output more healing to more targets with less effort is going to make Mercy obsolete, even without the nerf. Buffing it now wouldn’t even help her.
Christ its almost like they nerfed most of the other main supports, and ana is the only one you can get good value out of now! What a coincidence!
Every piece of data we have including pre-rework data has consistently shown that Mercy doesn’t function at 50 hps.
Not even the brokenness of Mass Rez could save her at 50 hps. Nothing can unless she has an overpowered dps to pocket.
And she shouldn’t have to wait around for broken dps to be functional.
She does not have the kit to function as an off-healer and doesn’t have enough healing to be a main one at that level of hps.
If she doesn’t synergize with Lucio or Zen, she isn’t gonna work.
I’m for nerfing heroes like Ana and Moira who completely overshadow her. Buffing other supports to compete with them is going to cause massive healing creep, which I’m not for.
If Mercy can’t function on 60HPS when she had with mass resurrect, then there’s no point in bringing it back here. Buffing it more than that is just going to be gross for the overall game.