Can we talk about this, Ana has a 16% pickrate in GM this week

I doubt it, since 18% is above the max limit for a character.

I don’t find anti-heal and sustained burst heals to be healthy for the game.


Did I not explain that this is how ladder plays and how pros use it is irrelevant? Are you being dense on purpose?

Ana doesn’t have passive regen.
Ana doesn’t have unlimited vertical mobility and repositioning.
Ana doesn’t have unbreaking constant aim lock healing.
Ana doesn’t have super jump.
Ana can’t heal flying and juking teammates without reducing her healing output.

There are as much reasons to play Mercy over Ana if she had 60 hp/s. Wasn’t that the whole reason Mercy was played over Ana during moth meta?


But it’s fine because sHe ReQuIrEs AiM?111?!

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It’s actually totally fine because she

ReQuIrEs AiM?111?!

, compared do buffing a base heal that basically benefits everyone from Bronze to GM.

Remember, buffing the easiest part of a hero’s kit is dangerous. Look what happened to Mei.

What rank are you? Lol.

In diamond and above, it’s been like this. On ladder, everyone says Moira and Ana are flex supports, Lucio and Mercy are main supports. It’s not being dense, it’s a fact. It’s not based on healing output.

I am diamond. Nobody ever uses the term flex support. Everybody uses main and off.

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No, she’s 35% pickrate when you sort out “Supports”.

I don’t want Ana in the trash can. I just don’t want anti nade to get away with being that dumb.


Tanks would call them off-supports because they’re off-tanks and main tanks. It’s main and flex for the support line. I’ve always heard Main and Flex support in my years of playing this game. My team, org, other teams I’ve tried out for, coaches, ladder players. Always heard them use Main/Flex when referring to supports. But it’s not a big deal of what they’re called, just want people to know not to say you’re Main-Support when trying out for a team, Ana is not a main support.

But if you want to call them off-supports, i respect that. I used to call Lucio and Zenyatta defensive supports.

Again, nobody cares about OWL because that is not the same as ladder play. What your coaches or whomever tells you has no bearing on how ladder, i.e. where all 99.99% of us play. If people ask for a main heal in chat and you go Lucio they will flame you to high heavens.


This definition doesn’t even make sense anymore, Mercy hasn’t been played even in OWL outside pharmercy in 2 years. Her direct healing output, rez and damage boost impact nobody besides pharah and actual OWL support players say the same thing about her

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Mercy, Moira and Baptiste were nerfed pretty good. Ana is the only other remaining main healer, with an additional whopping 300 instant heal on her ultimate. No one else has this.

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Neither does Mercy…

No, the reason behind Moth Meta was double-insta-rez-valkyrie, not 60hp/s.


Mercy was still the go-to support until they lowered her healing from 60hps down to 50hps, right at the start of Goats comp taking off

She was literally Meta until they lowered her healing, despite her base kit being the exact same as it is right now with the only difference being 10hps

She was used more than Moira, who at the time had 80hps on her primary spray; and Moira was nerfed late last year because of healing “too much”

Hell the only difference between Ana and Mercy from then is the heal on Nanoboost as well, and Mercy was still used more than Ana then too.

So something doesn’t really add up

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barriers were nerfed, and with weaker barriers, you need more healing to cover the barriers going down.

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Mercy was nerfed AND every other support bar zen was buffed.

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So what you’re saying, is that it isn’t that Ana is too good, and Mercy is just horrible, but it’s a combination of different things that add up over time because people constantly complain about the worst things without looking at the bigger picture of hero balance, and that every change has a positive and negative effect on more than just ONE hero at a time?

That nerfing Sigma and Orisa so hard left such a massive gap to be filled by a single hero, that they seem broken, despite only being mandatory because of changes around them?

That gutting Baptiste only hurt more high tier play, and removed an option for lower level play all together?

Huh, who would have thought that we can’t just nerf and nerf and nerf, without looking at the whole picture across the entire game and not just the 1% if not lower

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Okay, you’re kinda implying that I’ve been asking for Ana nerfs… I haven’t been

I just want a change, I don’t care if its a buff to Bap/Mercy/Moira, a nerf to Ana, or other changes

Moira had more resource gain added, and Ana had Nanoboost heal added

The Lucio and Brig changes wouldn’t effect Mercy at all since they wouldn’t compete with her role on Ladder

And despite that, Moira was still not used, with Ana taking Mercy’s spot on Ladder, and Goats taking over Double Sniper in High Tier play

And Mercy STILL being used later on in Quad DPS until Role Lock came along with Sigma

I was more pointing out the fact this whole thing is a clown show.

How can Ana suddenly become “op” despite having no key changes for almost 2 full years at this point, and in the inbeween both Moira and Baptiste were meta, and when Reinhardt is banned in any actual high tier play, Zen/ Brig are the meta supports

And how is Reinhardt OP, despite people crying that he was worthless until they made him not a pinball that almost every hero could knock around and boop all over the place. It’s almost like Orisa and Sigma are hot trash and not worth running at all.

I mean Winston was used more than Sigma/ Orisa when Reinhardt was banned, and Winston gets blown up by all the burst damage creep we have in the game

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