Can we talk about this, Ana has a 16% pickrate in GM this week

Baptiste and Moira were nerfed, Ana’s direct competition for main healer. OP is a general term, even if Ana hasn’t been buffed in a while, she is one of the only supports that hasn’t gotten nerfed.

Excuse me??

Did you forget the burst heal on Nano and 4 extra shots? Those buffs are huge, specially the ammo buff, 40% more ammo added a lot o consistency and/or forgiveness to Ana.


I didn’t say it was exclusive to OWL lmao. Mercy is still a main healer despite not being played a lot. Everyone I’ve talked to with the one exception of a Dallas Fuel staffer, have no relation to the OWL. At most, they’re affiliated with Contenders. Which is full of Ladder players and T500s.

Lucio is the best example of a main support. You HAVE to pick him most of the time, he’s just too important not to have. Ana can be switched out with other supports easily. Why do you think people were running Lucio-Zen, Lucio-Brigitte, etc?

I’ve been playing my role for years, I KNOW my role.

That doesn’t mean that she’s busted
That just means that she’s popular

It does mean she can stand to have a good number of people stop playing her because she isn’t as powerful without her dropping into “excessively underused” category.

But both Baptiste and Moira are still able to output more average healing than Ana

It’s their key utility tools that were lowered (Moira’s massive AoE HPS, and being tough to kill, and Bap’s immortality field)

So what do you do in a setting where healing isn’t as important as utility? Use the hero with the most utility that is effective with the other heroes around them.

Rez is too situational, and Discord replaces Ana’s entire kit when Reinhardt is banned.

The extra ammo count was added months before they buffed Nanoboost, and the Nanoboost buff was in August of 2018, almost 2 full years ago at this point.

And the extra ammo would on average increase her healing by roughly 150hp per reload (Taking the average 60% accuracy for healing on Ana)

You could remove the added ammo and it would change very little in terms of raw numbers. Ana isn’t used because of her healing anyways, it’s the utility she offers.

Baptiste’s was nerfed too much
Moira’s high AoE and difficulty to kill were lowered
Rez is too situational with the lack of the higher consistent heals she used to have

That leaves Ana, Zen, Brig, and Lucio, with Zen and Brig replacing Ana/ Lucio whenever Reinhardt is banned.

You could make Ana the worst support again like from 2017-2018 and it wouldn’t be Mercy taking her spot that’s for sure.

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Average healing over a match isn’t everything, burst heal saves lives, steady heals has the potential to be wasted as it can’t heal them fast enough to matter. Also Ana isn’t only about healing, she has her grenade, arguably the best ability in the game besides resurrect, and sleep which has huge game play potential.

Honestly its tiring hearing players say Ana’s healing is average, thus she is balanced. Its only one statistic, it doesn’t explain everything.

It mean’s Ana isn’t as likely required to have to reload in a team fight, its a huge buff to her reliability. Not to mention if someone does land all their shots its 40% more healing before they would otherwise need to reload.

I can only speak from personal experiance but I genuinely have never gone a game from gold to diamond so far without someone picking Ana for most of the match (if not all) yes that excludes me.

Probably not relevant just saying tho.

I’m not saying you don’t know how to play support. I am telling you the terminology you use is exclusive to pros and tournaments. I have never once in my life from bronze to diamond ever heard of anybody refer to lucio as a main healer. They always mean Ana, Moira and Baptiste by it because they are the ones handling the healing and keeping tanks up and functioning.

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  • delete full hp nano
  • delete heal through full heah ally, that is not aim, that is bullsh1t mechanic.

then 17%. It’s been 2 years dude. Don’t remember the exact value. all i remember is that she had a +95%, and made me re evaluate how overbuff’s pickrate percentage works, since before that time, i didn’t even know it can surpass 16.

The literal only reason Ana was “trash” (and she wasn’t. People are just stupid) was solely because she’s not good against barriers. Double barrier and no Rein was kicking her out. She was still OP compared to the other supports.

Her pick rate JUST before Sigma’s release was still above 14%. She wasn’t trash. She just can’t compete against double barrier, just like Widow.

I knew that the moment double barrier died down, Ana would dominate the pick rates. And it happened. Because her pick rate was exactly the same just before double barrier.


Widowmaker was still one of the most used DPS in the game despite Double Barrier though?

I mean she was number 3 behind Hanzo and McCree before they gutted Orisa and Sigma

The maximum value is 16.67%. 1/6.
There are some (rare) outliers that go higher in daily stats, but that never shows up in weekly or monthly stats.

Also, here’s a small example, January 2018:

In Overbuff pickrates, Mercy was at 10% in Bronze, 15% in GM.

She also has mobility unlike Ana. Barriers dead stop Ana in her tracks. Regardless, Widow was hardly used during double barrier.

As for McCree, he wasn’t anywhere near the most picked DPS during double barrier. Mei and Reaper were.

He took 1st place after the amount of double barriers died down, same with Ana.


Widowmaker was still something like the 5th most-picked DPS in GM and at one point had a 56% weekly winrate during the double-shield meta. I know this because I made a thread about it at the time because I thought it was notable.

She wasn’t meta, but was also wasn’t ‘hardly used’.

She has been nerfed slightly since then, of course.

How would you feel about nanoboost being lower ult charge but lower impact?

So the Damage Reduction going down to 40% and duration down to 6 seconds (so same duration as ults of Genji/Soldier/Roadhog) but the +50% heal boost was baked in.

I mean outside of saving someone about to die, or Nanoblade, it’s already a pretty mediocre ultimate

It’s the only single target support ult in the game, that relies on your target doing well with it, and offers nothing to the person playing Ana any sort of benefit or help.

The only thing I could see is reducing the healing again down to 150, so she’s forced to use her grenade on Tanks to heal them up, giving more room for error

I mean before they added the healing, it was overshadowed by every other support ult since it was single target. Even Valk had more overall value than Nanoboost did before it healed its target

Isn’t this for GM? Lower ranks are different no?