Hopefully all of the people who were all “lern 2 aim” and “wait until she’s on the PTR”/“wait until she’s on live” have calmed down and actually played her enough to realize that her current primary fire is absolutely useless. Nobody uses it, even top tier GM streamers who obviously have no problems aiming. Everyone just defaults to spamming her alt fire. The only time I ever see her primary being used is to be charged up on an enemy Sym’s shield or an Orisa barrier where there’s absolutely no risk involved, and very rarely does it actually get used to kill anyone.
The ramp up on damage is too slow, and either the reticle is too restrictive or the range is too short. No other short range hero has such a restricted area of damage, and no other aim intensive hero is so gimped on range. Either make the range longer to reward good aim or make the reticle looser to make it more viable in short range fights. Right now, as other players have done the math, you need over 60% accuracy to match Sym 2.0’s damage on her weapon. Since Geguri, the Zarya god only averages about 50-55% or so, this isn’t a practical expectation.
This turned out to just be patently false. I’m sure you’ve noticed that you lose a whole tier of damage even just from reloading, so not only did they make the ramp up longer, but they made the weapon impossible to keep at full charge unless you’re fighting barrier tanks that are feeding you.
We were led to believe that the intention behind reworking Sym’s primary was to increase her damage dealing potential. They said “oh we’re removing the lock on so we can give her even more damage”. If they had just said they were moving her power into her turrets and alt fire I would have respected that, but they told us this would be a buff. It was not a buff. This needs fixing.
Well on the plus side, people are now only using her secondary fire, which nobody used before =D Silver lining.
I do miss the old primary though and will admit is because I’m not great at aiming.
Also want to point out, that her new primary is a “copy” of what they did with Torvald in Paladins…Blizzard has been taking a lot of inspiration from Hi-Rez lately.
Well, her old alt fire was a great zoning tool, and it certainly did see a lot of use from streamers and at least myself. I loved the barrier and enemy piercing and how you could charge an ult with just a couple of really good balls. However, one of the things I did want for Sym was a more reliable ranged option and her new alt fire is way more dependable. I miss the piercing but the ability to actually hit targets you aim at is a fair trade off.
However, yeah, I miss her old primary, but I would also be fine with losing the lock on. IMO, the thing to do with Sym’s weapon is to use the old visual effect, but make it like Moira’s weapon, where it’s a cosmetic lock on but her (larger, more forgiving) reticle has to stay on an enemy to do damage. Then, either bring back her old ramp up speed, or actually make the charge go down slower.
The million dollar question though, is whether a weaker LMB hurts Sym in the long run with how much stronger her RMB and Turrets are in combat.
Because realistically, yeah, you’re going to struggle to match the old LMB’s damage outside melting shields. But if it’s made up with the buffs to the rest of her kit, then there’s nothing wrong with that.
Personally I don’t see anything wrong with having situational uses for both Primary and Secondary Fire, it’s not like Sym would be making precedent with it.
I was a Symm. main before the changes and was really upset about them changing her. But, now after playing the new her for a bit I really enjoy her. However, OP is right. The primary fire is useless. I say put the secondary fire as the primary and make the secondary fire her OLD barrier/shield.
Well, actually the total turret damage is less now than it was, considering each turret was supposed to do twice as much damage as a 2.0 turret and they do a little less, just with more CC. So her total turret damage has been nerfed if all of the beams are locked on to a target. The orbs are, indeed, stronger considering how fast they charge and move now, but I’d honestly be okay with losing some of the power from them in order to get it back into other parts of her kit. Her orbs shouldn’t be the only thing she brings to a fight otherwise she’s just a grounded Pharah.
No, you don’t. I’m easily able to reload and continue destroying everything if I can stay alive. In my experience, that quote is exactly true. If you can stay alive and have decent tracking, you can absolutely mow down entire teams. Yes, you do need to be sneaky to get up to full charge, but once you’re there, you’re an incredibly potent force.
I’d much rather see a small buff to health so that it’s a bit easier to stay alive, rather than buffs to make the weapon easier to use. I could also see a slight buff to damage or even something to make it better against armor.
However, I’m super worried that we’re going to see a situation where during a time when most players are still learning the hero, she’s going to get a buff to make her weapon much easier to use. Then, once people have mastered her, she’ll become way too powerful because of how easily you can access her highest level of damage. And then that highest level of damage will be nerfed, killing off what should be a high risk-high reward weapon.
Maybe the beam does need some help, but I’d rather see a health buff and a bit of time in competitive, letting people learn more ways to get value from it and put the hero to the test before we change the beam.
Every Sym player used that slow nonsense because it was essential in bursting down an enemy to 75hp. If you didn’t land it on the Zen you were flanking, your beam isn’t going to outdamage mercy’s beam that’s now on that Zen quickly enough and he’s going to obliterate you, whereas being hit by the burst at the very least makes people panic and throws off their aim.
I was quite proud and how good I’d gotten with it and intentionally landing them.
Unless they’ve buffed it, once you reach tier 3, watch your weapon’s charge indicator (the little lights on the center, I use Oasis so it’s the petals) and watch it drop down to tier 2 in the time it takes to recharge. It doesn’t stay that long, and the difference between tier 2 and 3 is 40dps which is not insignificant.
If even top tier, GM streamers are ignoring her primary fire, it means something is wrong. People who are GM Symmetra players are only using her alternate fire. It’s not like they didn’t give it a shot. IMO, they can even lower the range if they want, and make it a proper melee weapon but without cleave, as long as it has better tracking and faster ramp up.
The core issue however is that Symmetra is still a 200 hp hero that somehow is supposed to survive to tier 3 damage with no sustain, no mobility or escape ability of any kind.
It takes two seconds from when you last dealt damage to lose a level of charge, and Sym’s reload isn’t that long. You don’t have a ton of leeway, but you can reload and still maintain charge if you start hitting people immediately. Also, the difference between 2 and 3 is 60 damage, not 40… The damage is 60/120/180.
I don’t watch streamers, but I’ve been able to get value out of the weapon quite often. It’s not my bread and butter ability, but half my PotGs and highlights feature it, since its damage is incredible. I’m still working on getting a better balance, but if you’re getting zero value out of an entire part of someone’s kit, you’re missing out.
And I still think it’s more of an issue of squishiness than the beam needing to be easier to aim. Give Symmetra 250 health, and I imagine making the primary fire work would be a lot more doable.
Yeah. Her primary is horrible. While her orbs are vastly superior there are some times that I should use the beam but never do since its so unreliable. Just put the number of ticks per second back to 4 and were golden.
Her primary needs a buff. I persobally would like a range increase and a faster upgrade time. At that range its so easy to outdamage sim. If it upgraded at 0.5 intervals that would be acceptable. 1 second each tier feels to long. Especially with heroes like genji who can dash in less then a second a receive such a distance. It is very hard to track. If they upped the maximum charge to 250 and added more tiers like 5 with 0.5 intervals it would feel better. Right now getting to max charge is so difficult on top of players getting healed that you are dead by the time its max charge and can not outdamage most healing. Burst is much more needed and Symmetra has no way of critting which is very important. If she could crit with headshots her primary might be better. Right now tracer doing the same amount of tracing is far more lethal and survivable then Sym leaving you to almost never use it.
But you can drop your turrets down/around the area in close quarter combat. You also do not need to use the primary weapon since the secondary is so lethal. While they are obsessing over your turret, drop a tele and use that if need be.
The ONE thing I will kind of complain about is that the turrets are destructible the second they leave Symms hands. So they can get blown up quick and in midair. I think they should become glowing red and able to destroy after they lock onto a surface and engage. I know, some people will hate this suggestion. But, its just my opinion so please don’t get upset.
Well, no part of a hero’s kit should just be completely ignored and acknowledged as useless. Every ability in every hero’s kit should be able to be used and have a time to shine, even if it’s situational.
Lol it’s actually at 2 seconds per tier, so yes, haha, it’s way too long.
It’s not being completely ignored though. It can damage, but it drains enemy shields without the use of ammo. One thing I will say though is the range could be increased a bit.
@Ferret You can simply move behind a wall or object when he announces he is about to use his ULT. lol