Can we stop with the Mercy spam?

The moment you take away mechanical skill out of the equation you stop talking about balance. You cannot have a hero with non-existent mechanical skill have more impact/output than a hero that requires mechanical skill to perform. Why? Because that hero would be more consistent every single time. This is simple logic.

You clearly have demonstrated that you fail to understand this simple logic and therefore have already proven you are completely biased, subjective and incapable of having a dialogue. At this point talking to you is pointless, it’s like expecting a toaster to get consciousness (Plot twist: It won’t).

Well, in my defense, some of us just hang out in the Mercy fan club and don’t bother anybody.

Also, keep in mind that there’s this crazy hate for Mercy mains, who get called all sorts of things for watching over you.

You know, in the wake of the failure of Obamacare, we now have Mercycare, where a gorgeous Swiss doctor patches you while you wonder how a supermodel made it through medical school, and yes she has the best bedside manner.

ALSO, we thank you for flying Mercy Air, the safest and most friendly airline on the planet.

Now, be honest, doesn’t that justify some spam? :smiley: Of COURSE it does.

Take the mechanical skill out of the equation, and you are talking about nothing but balance. Leaving the mechanical skill in there guarantees bias in balancing.

And the bias lies here. You say that hero X should not be more powerful than hero Y… but is it okay for hero Y to be more powerful than hero X?

That is bias, and will result in further imbalance.

Hero X and Y should be balanced based upon each other’s power, not how “skilled” a hero is.

Ironically, the method of balancing that I have removes bias from the equation. Yours artificially adds it.

They could leave the game? If it’s making them this unhappy, it’d be better for them and the community if they’d leave Mercy or the game entirely.

They clearly aren’t having fun anymore.

well, i left
only spreading seeds about Blizz really weird reasoning

It’s not weird if you’ve designed really any game.

It’s not really weird if you’ve played a wide variety of games either.

And it’s clear Most Mercy mains just want her to be incredibly strong again, providing evidence from a completely different time as proof to why she won’t be OP.

We learn from history.

Every version of Mercy 1.x was either underpowered or balanced.

Every version of Mercy 2.x has been overpowered.

At this point it’s clear you have no idea how balancing works or what you are talking about.

What does that even mean? Can we operate with some definitions here?

Under specific conditions bro, under specific conditions.

You are windbag, a blatherer or whatever the word for that is in English. You talk a lot but say nothing. And you are purposefully vague and highly “theoretical”.

Flat out wrong.

… from what I see - most Mercy mains want her not to be incredibly strong again - but fun character - she is now in state unfun, still op, because of ress in E ability

they didnt want have OP mercy, Blizz went ahead, reworked champ that only needed tweaking as POV ult - made her into OP mercy, nerfed her 11x times - while breeding toxicity against “Boosted Mercy”, trash mercy, pick mercy or y are useless

Explain. There is more ad hominem here than substance.

Undeniably correct.

If Mercy was OP, she would have been abused in high-tier play… and she wasn’t. Ana surpassed her there.

She was hardly ever used in the pro scene, and when she was, it was to pocket a Pharah.

Yet the OMG Mercy isn’t that good anymore posts or the Mercy is finally out of the meta or the Mercy is being seen less often posts still continue to flourish yet people ignore and don’t complain about those.

#Discrimination against #MercyMains

Probably because they are recent? Probably because they haven’t been spammed since this time last year? I mean, this isn’t a 1:1 comparison like you’re saying it is.

This isn’t “discrimination” but rather just a completely different situation entirely.

Saying this is discrimination is like saying you’re being discriminated against for not getting a job. You might be completely unqualified or have applied and been rejected 50 times. But no, it’s discrimination.

Doesn’t answer any of my questions, asks me to elaborate more. It was humorous to see what you will come up with but it has become a boring game quick. Better luck next time son. :grinning:

Ahahahahaha, thanks for the laughs.

Do you know where you are? It’s a discussion forum. People are here to discuss the meta and balance. Why are you surprised that the most reworked and nerfed hero in the entire game is being posted about multiple times?

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You had two questions, to which I answered with:

How does that not answer your questions?

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Yet your post about Mercy should be seen rather than the ones that actually talk about Mercy as a whole?

You are singling out certain players ie. Mercy players and telling them to be quiet and stop complaining that’s discrimination. Everyone is entitled to speak on the forums. You are targeting them and telling them to stop. So yeah that’s borderline discrimination.

If you don’t want to see them then don’t click on them that’s your choice to click on them.

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Why I Have Yet to Not Despise Mercy's Current State

This is the highest quality post I’ve ever seen written on the Overwatch forum and still no acknowledgement from the devs. People are literally writing essays on why the entire Mercy rework was a mistake and Blizzard are ignoring them. OP has to realise some people have invested so much time into Mercy so of course they’re unhappy when she keeps getting changed so drastically. Like I said, it’s a discussion board and people are allowed to “spam” posts. Except the majority of posts I have seen have not been spam, instead they’ve provided meaningful arguments to support their point.


What does that even mean? That’s the most generic pretentious statement I ever read. Elaborate more mate :grinning: Please explain what is balance and how it works. And please explain how mechanical skill should not be taken into account at all when talking about balance. :grinning:

Again, it’s not a 1:1 comparison here.

I’ve made and seen less than 10 posts within the past month talking about the Mercy spam.

Just yesterday, I’ve seen 30+ threads talking about the balance of Mercy. I went through ~25 or so and found them to all be identical or the exact same as ones previously posted.

So yes, I am singling them out. Why? Because they’re pulling that crap that doesn’t belong here.

Then it seems to be a problem isn’t it? If multiple people are coming to this forum to complain about Mercy doesn’t it mean something?

To me at work if 30+ people came to me and complained about the quality of the food I’m giving them and it’s the same concerns wouldn’t I go in and investigate it? Hell yeah I would that would be a problem! Blizzard on the other hand would continue to ignore it and keep serving the low quality food and lose customers.

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